Times run out...

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Lloyd pov

I run to my room broken that I hurt nya again as my body burns and eyes glow.

"grr rah!" I yell tears streaming down my face as I go into my room.

I sigh looking at my self in the mirror.

"I'm not the green ninja anymore my journey ended when I helped the ninja use the Tornado of Creation to defeat the Oni, and now all I'm doing is hurting the ones I love...

As I change back into normal clothes I then go into my uncle's room finding what I was lookin for.

"travelers tea..."

I sigh hating my self for what I'm about to do, but I just can't risk hurting nya or any more of the people I love...

So I'll banish my self and leave ninjago for good, desiding to go to the one realm they won't find me.

"The never-realm..."

Jay pov

I smile as everything is set up perfectly for our outdoor wedding as Cole walks over to me.

"Nervous?" He ask smiling.

"Haha a little bit..."

"Im excited for the party after there's gona be so much cake!" He says excited.

I roll my eyes and chuckle today is gonna be interesting...

However my mind then turns to Zane and Pixel if they don't get here on time there gonna miss it...

Zane pov

I smile getting into my tuxedo as pixel comes in wearing a silver dress.

"How do I look?" She ask making me smile.

"Beautiful." I tell her.

She smiles wrapping her arm around mine as we head for cyrus's lab to let him know we are off.

"My, I must say you both look ready to go." He says smiling.

"Yes we are leaving now, the others are waiting for us." I tell him.

"Remember both of you to bring Lloyd back here after the party we must..."

The suddenly an alarm goses off as the computer turns red.


"Father What's happening!?" Pixel ask.

As we look at Lloyd's charts to see he only has 5% lift!

"Lloyd's powers are about to blow!, we have to get him recharged now!" cyrus yells panicking.

With that I immediately summon my ice dragon only for nothing to happen as I am now beginning to panick.

"My powers there not working!" I yell.

"It's Lloyd his power is contacted to the rest of you, if Lloyd dies your powers will be lost completely!" Borg says.

Pixel then hits a button on her arm as her Samurai X sute bracks throw the glass of borg tower, as she gets inside and pick up the fusion chamber.

"Get on... we have a friend to save." She says.

I smile getting on while holding borg as he holds on to his wheel chair.

"Lloyd is more then likely already at the wedding, pixel maximum power!" I shout as we raise to the wedding to find Lloyd before it's to late!

Maya pov

"He did what!?" My husband yells as we stare at nya shocked as we are driven to the wedding.

"Yes Lloyd... he tried to have sex with me." She says looking away.

"And you were just going to let him to do it to you, how could Lloyd do that to you!?" Kai yells

"It wasn't like that Kai, I was confused Lloyd wasn't him self his eyes were glowing and he was acting like that he was having a brack down mom you saw it." Nya says turning to me.

I look down having mixed views on Lloyd, he really isn't the kind of person to just snap like that, there has to be something going on...

"So what are you going to do?..." Rey ask her knowing that she needs to make a decision now before it's to late.

Nya pov

"So what are you going to do?"

I sigh knowing no matter what everything is about to change...

As we arrive at the wedding, dad opens the door helping me out as I look to see dareth along side a film crew!?

I turn sharply looking at cole in anger he was suppose to prevent this from going live now everyone in ninjago is waiching...

I turn to see Zane and pixels sets still empty as I turn to Lloyd's growing concerned.

"He should be here, something's wrong..." my mind keeps telling me.

As the music plays my father walks me down the aisle with my father as I look to see Jay smiling.

As my father sets down with my mother and everyone else the priest begens to talk.

"We are here today to witness Jay walker marrying Nya Smith, will you jay take care and protect her?"

"I do." He says smiling.

I move my eyes back to Lloyd's empty set not really paying attention to the priest.

"Nya?... nya!"

I snapped out of my thoughts to see Jay holding my hands.

"Nya are you okay?, your crying?" He ask concerned.

"Um... mrs. Smith? Do you take Jay to be your husband?..." he ask.

"Nya?... what's wrong?"

I look up at Jay feeling so guilty for betraying him a second time but my heart is telling me I need to find Lloyd and fast.

I then grab Jay and kiss for what will be the last time...

As I let go he looks at me stunned and confused

"Jay I- I'm so sorry but..."

"Lloyd!?" We all turn as pixel inside my old Samurai X sute lands putting down a giant glass machine along with Zane and cyrus borg.

"Zane?, Pixel? Where have you been!? Sensei wu ask furious.

"Lloyd!?, Lloyd are here?" Pixel yells.

"Zane whats going on?" Kai ask clearly irritated that they interrupted the wedding.

"Lloyd, he- he's malfunctioning and if we don't find him soon..."

We all gasp, as I feel my whole world begen to shatter knowing exactly what zane is trying to tell us.

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