Father Chrismast

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By: Siriusluthatbitch on Ao3



"Padfoot, I told you we needed to be ready to leave by half-past." The smooth baritone of his boyfriend's voice called from the living room. "I swear to Merlin if you're still not ready." Remus' statement trailed off as his steps got closer. Still, the long haired man stayed absolutely silent, waiting for the other to enter the room. "Godric's sake, Sirius." His words were cut short by something between a gasp and a growl as he took in the grey eyed man standing at the foot of the bed.

The sandy haired man had been out doing a bit of last-minute shopping for the last hour, so Sirius decided to make good use of the time alone. He had gotten the man an actual present, but this one they could both enjoy. From the look on the other man's face and the hunger in his green eyes, it had been a good decision.

"What exactly do you think you're doing?" While he was likely trying for exasperated, the words came out husky. The way his lips and tongue rolled through the vowels in his faint Welsh accent had Sirius shivering involuntarily.

"Just doing a bit of wrapping." The grey eyed man replied, a smirk on his face. He'd had to be strategic on his choice of outfit for that afternoon. Not enough skin and Remus would just force him to get dressed, telling him there was "time later". Too much skin, however, meant he'd have no chance to do what he loved best, misbehave. So he'd decided on a pair of fishnets, over a pair of black satin underwear. Across his chest was a big red ribbon, covering his nipples with an obnoxiously large bow meeting in the middle.

"I think you've misunderstood the idea of wrapping presents," Remus replied, taking slow steps toward him that made the blood rush toward Sirius' cock. His gaze roamed the other man's body, eyes narrowing as if in thought. "You're meant to cover the gift, not put it on display." He raised one eyebrow at the other man.

"Plenty of things are covered." Biting his lip he looked up at the other man and tugged on one end of the bow. The red ribbon slid slowly against his pale skin tightening for a moment before it fell free and onto the floor. Remus' eyes followed the movement. Gold had slowly begun bleeding into the green of his iris'.

"Now I know you've misunderstood." He shook his head. "You're not meant to open other people's presents, Sirius." Cocking his head to the side he brought one hand slowly up Sirius' body. His golden fingers started just above his navel. Achingly slowly they ghosted over his abdomen. Remus made a point of staying dead centre, ignoring both of his quickly hardening nipples. It took physically biting his tongue to keep from whimpering when the man got to his throat, tipping his chin up, with his thumb. Once Sirius met his gaze he continued. "Didn't anyone ever tell you that?"

"I was never one for listening to rules." The long haired man scoffed. Merlin, he loved this part. "Much prefer doing exactly what I want." Keeping his silver eyes locked on his boyfriend, he began to trace his left hand over his stomach in teasing circles, before dipping it down in an effort to palm at his rapidly growing erection. The tips of his fingers scarcely touched the satin before a larger hand locked like a shackle around his wrist.

"Mmm, and I much prefer when you behave," Remus growled, eyes narrowed. The two men faced off against one another, eyes narrowed in challenge. He still had a tight hold on one wrist, but both men knew it would take much more than that to keep Sirius in line. With a speed only gained from years of quidditch, Sirius' right hand shot forward reaching between the sandy haired man's legs. The palm of his hand ground teasingly over the hard length, drawing a hiss from between the man's teeth. In a flash of movement, he found his wrist joining the other in Remus' tight hold. "That" The other man began, voice stern. "was decidedly not fucking behaving." His breathing was slowly rising as his thumbs traced over Sirius' pressure points in circles that made the long haired man want to melt into the floor.

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