Home is you

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By: starrysiriusxx on Ao3



A lot has happened since Vecna was defeated. Eddie's name was cleared, all thanks to Hopper of course. It was a shock to everyone when Joyce came back with Hopper, who was apparently alive, but it was a happy shock. And of course Hopper is back as chief of police. The Byers and Eleven moved back to Hawkins and Hopper moved in with them. It was a happy time for everyone.

Mike and Eleven broke up too, but it was mutual for both sides. They understood that they were better off as friends. El needed to focus on herself and Mike... Well, Mike likes someone else.

Which leads us to here...

It was the weekend and Mike, who was pretty much always with Will now, for some reason.. is staying yet another weekend over at the Byers.

Joyce, El, and Jonathan doesn't mind of course. They are always more than happy for Mike to stay here. He's like family. Hopper is still conflicted about Mike though. He is happy that Mike is no longer dating his daughter of course, but he still doesn't understand why he has to be here all the time. Will seems more happy than ever though, which is good.
"Mike? Are you falling asleep on me here?" Will got nothing but a small hum in response. He snickered softly as he looked down at his nearly asleep boyfriend. Yes. You heard that right. They are in fact, boyfriend's, but no one knows about them yet. Not even their closest friends and family.

Will was sketching in his sketch book as Mike laid against his chest. Mike hasn't been sleeping great lately and Will is always happy to help of course, but he can't help to feel a bit worry about him. Will sighed as he ran a hand through Mike's curly hair. "Sleep, okay? I'll wake you when dinner is ready." He smiled slightly as he felt a pair of arms tightening around his waist. "I'm not going anywhere..." He reassured.

About an hour or so later, Will heard a soft knock on the door. He cleared his voice. "Come in."

As Jonathan came in and saw the two boys cuddled up together, he couldn't help but to smile. He had a feeling that something was going on between them.

Will froze as he realized that Jonathan was looking at him and Mike. He couldn't believe he was this stupid.

Jonathan saw the look on Will's face and started to quickly reassure him that it was okay. "Woah, hey. It's okay. I don't care. I kinda knew all along actually."

Will looked from the sleeping Mike to Jonathan. "You're not mad?"

"Mad? Of course not! Will, you're my brother. Your happiness will always be important to me. I mean, you are happy right?"

Will smiled. "Yeah, of course I'm happy."

"Good. Now, wake that boyfriend of yours and come downstairs. Dinner's ready." And with that, he was out the door.

Will let out a breath he didn't know he was holding. He sighed softly as he looked over at Mike. A small smile came onto his face as he watched his boyfriend slept. He really didn't want to wake him, but he knew Mike shouldn't skip on dinner. He leaned down and pressed a soft kiss on the top of Mike's head. "Mikey, it's time to wake up."

All he got in response was a soft mumbled "no."

"Come on. Aren't you hungry? After dinner, I promise we can cuddle some more. I'll even play with your hair this time. I know how much you like it."

Mike slowly looked up at Will, who was staring at him lovingly. "You promise?"

"I promise."

Mike sighed softly. "Fine..."

"Also, just to warn you. Jonathan knows about us. But, don't freak out! He doesn't care. He says he has actually known for a long time now."

Mike slowly nodded. "Wait, are we that obvious? If he guessed about us, does that mean everyone else knows too?"

"Baby. Calm down. Okay? I promise everything will be okay." Will said as he gently pressed his hand against Mike's cheek. Mike closed his eyes and leaned into the touch. "O-okay..."

Will smiled softly. "Let's head to dinner, shall we?" He grabbed Mike's hand and didn't let go until they were downstairs. "Hey, mom. Sorry, we're late. Mike was asleep and this one is impossible to wake up."

"Hey!" Mike yelled in fake defense as he playfully slapped Will's chest. Will laughed as he pulled him to the table and into a chair. Mike stuck his tongue out at him, which Will gladly returned.

Joyce chuckled at their childlessness. It was nice seeing them act like kids again. It's been so long too see them all happy and carefree. "That's okay. Just eat your food before it gets cold."

Will and Mike both quickly ate their food before going back to Will's room. Will had a promise to keep.

They changed into their pajamas before getting into bed. Will opened his arms up, which Mike immediately crawled into. Mike pressed his head right up against Will's heart. It comforts him in a way. To know that Will is still there and breathing. After everything they've been through.

Will smiled as he wrapped his arms tightly around Mike's waist. He left a small kiss on Mike's forehead and buried his hands in Mike's hair. He tugged at Mike's hair gently, which pulled a small noise from Mike's lips. "Good baby?"

"Yeah, good..." Mike sighed softly as he pressed his head deeper into Will's hands. Will nodded as he continued playing with Mike's hair. Soon after, Mike fell asleep. Will kissed his forehead a few times before going to sleep himself.

This was their favorite thing to do. Sleeping in each other's arms was the greatest comfort. It was safe. It was home.

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