Lazy Mornings

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By: keepingupwidnarry on Ao3



Rolling around in the bedsheets Will huffs a cold breathe out. He snuggles back into the sheets and looked with his hand for his personal warmer. Finding nothing but more sheet in between his fingers he peeks his eyes open. Turning face up towards the ceiling his turns right , his sheets neck up to check the time.

10:00 is pretty late considering sleep time but its his day off it is bloody early. He sits up and stretches a throaty yawn leaving his mouth . His eyes blink back the blurry view with more clearer definition . He gets up lazily not wanting to leave the warmth but also to find his boyfriend. His bare feet fall on the cold floor as he steps put.  He pulls his already full sleeves sweater with his fingers up to his knuckles . His wearing purple colored sweater which is two size too big for him. His collar slipping now and then , sleeves long enough to reach knuckles and the hem coming down till his mid thigh . He walked out of the room checking in the washroom for a sign of curly mess. He was feeling rather cold and was heavily sleep laden as he pulled himself quicker. The fact that he had nothing but short grey briefs on beside the gigantic sweater was doing nothing to erase the coldness.

As he rounds the corner and reaches to see a hot specimen standing near the kettle boiling water . He stands there unable to remove his eyes from the grey sweats hanging oh so low on his hips , his body moving left and right in soft motion as he hums a sweet familiar melody. His gaze falls on the muscles on his back flexing every now and then , and Will can't help bit his lip as a shiver rans down his spine .

He is brought out of his dirty thoughts by a deep raspy voice blooming in the room

"Stop eye fucking Byers" the tone is teasing as the owner of the comment turns around raising his one eyebrow. Will blushes down his chest , which is hidden because of the sweater .

" Mikeee " he says bashfully , his finger twiddling the hem of his sweater ,peeking up at those dark eyes he always gets lost in. Mike laughs and opens his arms motioning him for a hug "Come here you ."

Will sprints from the corner he had to launch himself  in Mike's arms. He wraps his legs around his hip as Mike pushes him up in better position. Their height difference prominent. Will snuggles closer to him,  his face pressed tightly in the crook of his neck, his hands around it. He relaxes as Mike brushes his hands up and down his back in a soothing manner.

Will sighs closing his eyes, this was the warmth he was looking for "God !"

Mike shifts and replies with a hint of laughter in his voice "No babe , its Mike .But if you want.." Before he can finish his statement Will lightly punches him in the shoulder making the taller fall into fits of laughter.

" Why you up so early babe, its a holiday"  Mike asks after seemingly settled down placing Will on the counter beside the stove. He already had switched off the stove before turning towards Will .

"Feeling cold need warm" Will worded his answer snuggling some more into him almost on the corner of the counter not wanting to be away from him just yet. Being closer to Mike has always helped him. Mike presses a loving kiss on Will's head .

"Still sleepy ?" Mike asks already knowing the answer, Will usually gets this touchy and unabashedly himself when he is either tired or sleepy. Mike runs a hand through his hair smiling as Will only pulled him closer with his legs wrapped around his waist mimicking his gesture. Mike liked Will like this, not worried, not shy to come closer, showing his love so openly not that Will doesn't in public, in front of their friends. Between the two Mike would say Will is more daring but he knows Will always is focused on others, minding what they would think and timid. He will return as many kisses as Mike would plant on his lips but will equally be shy to kiss his cheek. It was adorable but not more than when they are together, alone, away from prying eyes, away in their own bubble and Will lets go, isn't self-conscious, isn't worried just lets Mike love him the way he deserves.

He pulls away from the counter carrying Will to the living room and plants himself down on the couch.

They both sit their in absolute silence Will on top of Mike, pulling his sweater up to his cheek, eyes closed sighing now and then in peace. Mike's hands roam on both the thighs moving to the waist. He rests it their for a while before brushing past the hem on his buttocks. Finding creamy skin their he remembers the feel as he slightly pushes up the sweater . His hand slips in his sweater covering his waist and buttocks as well . He moves his hands in circular motion on his bum cheeks as a small moan leaves Will's mouth . A smile reaches on Mike's face at the sound. He grabs the flesh and jiggles it before moving his hands .

Will lifts his head slightly placing a small kiss on Mike's jaw. Mike looks smiling down at him as his hands slips in the waistband. His hands slide down removing the small piece as it goes down his bum. Will wiggles still on his boyfriend's  lap now leaving open mouth kisses on the collar bone . Mike tilts his head slightly humming giving Will access that he needs,  all the while kneading his bum sensually. Will moans at the sensation and lightly grazes his teeth on the mark he left on the collarbone making Mike hiss. The cozy weather and the heat from each other makes the rhythm slow and sensual. Mike removes his one hand and brings it in front of Will's lips pressing them softly who is busy placing kisses. His left hand grips his bum tightly , getting his attention .

Will looks at him and then down on the fingers in front of him . He takes Mike's hand in both of his and opens his lips in the shape of 'O' pushing one finger in. Lapping the finger for a minute or two with spit and tongue. Mike spanks his bum lightly making his finger pop out with a sound.

Will kneels with his knees on either side of Mike raising lightly giving enough space for the curly lad to push his finger. The lust filled hazel eyes meets the turned on dark ones as Will sits on his finger keeping eye contact. Both of them groan at the feeling of pleasure as Mike pumps his finger in and out.

His moment slow and sensual, he adds the second and then the third. Will puts his hands on Mike's shoulder raising himself up before slamming down. Mike picks up speed, his one hand trailing up from waist to jaw. He grips it and slams his mouth on Will's begging for more. Inserting his tongue tilting head once in a while not leaving the other. The kiss turns into a hot and eager one as Mike's finger moves fast. Will pulls up on the curls as a gasp leaves him.

"Umm..Grr..M..Mi-Mike" a loud shaky moan leaves him causing Mike to increase his speed .

Will also bounces up and down in rhythm with him kissing feverishly. Teeth all clashing as tongues fight for dominance, Will looses his focus while kissing, his lips trembling slightly and Mike knows he is close.

With four fast pumps and one more finger added Will is mewling like a cat. Mike pulls his sweater off his shoulder biting the skin their as Will tilts his head to give access. He drags his blunt nails down Mike's chest slowly, twisting his nipples in his two fingers gaining a hiss from Mike. After two minutes of continuous pleasure and deep thrust Will is coming calling Mike's name loudly. He slams on his chest heavily tired with all the body activity.

Tilting his head he slightly kisses Mike too tired to move his lips. The taller boy smiles at him removing his hands and pulling his briefs up.

"Tired Baby" he asks even though he knows the answer as Will hums in response before murmuring "very" .

Mike plants a loving kiss on top of his forehead " Go to sleep baby ,will wake you up after some time" , hugging the small boy to him and closing his eyes relaxing himself .

His heart flutters when Niall grips him tightly murmuring "I love You"

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