Chapter 23

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Yawning and stretching my legs, I rolled over onto my back. I had been laying on my stomach with my face buried into my pillow. My back hurt as I went to sit up, trying to piece together how I ended up on my bedroom floor. I knew my twin size bed wasn't big enough for both Eddie and I to sleep comfortably on, but we had found a somewhat comfortable position last night before we fell asleep.

I propped myself up on my knees, peering over the edge of my bed to see that Abel had somehow snuck his way into my room last night. Eddie was curled up on my pillow where I had been laying, and Abel was laying at the foot of the bed with half of his body slung over Eddie's legs.

"Great," I muttered, using the bed to help me stand on my feet. "I got kicked out of my bed by my brother and my boyfriend. How is that fair?"

I stretched my arms out and then tried to rub the sleep from my eyes. My bedroom was warm, with the sun peeking through the curtains. I drew the curtains back, earning an instant groan from Eddie, who began stirring.

A warm shower and a clean pair of clothes, followed by a healthy breakfast, and an activity to make the day productive, would keep me occupied.

"Where are you going?" Eddie whispered.

"To shower." I told him.

"Can I join?" A smirk popped up on his tired face.

"Ha-ha. No." I stood in the doorway.

"Guess it was worth a try." He leaned up on his elbow.

"How did my brother end up in my bed?"

"He came in at like four. We were all awkwardly laying together. You woke up muttering something about Abel kicking you and threw a pillow on the floor, stole our blanket, and grumpily went back to bed all in about 30 seconds." Eddie explained.

"I got literally kicked out of my bed! Lovely. I'm going to shower. Then I'll see what about breakfast."

"Your mom already beat you to it. She's making French toast and sausage."

"How do you know that?"

"She came in here like an hour ago looking for your brother."

"So they know you're here?"

"Yeah. Guess it was a good thing you were sleeping on the floor. Fewer questions."

"Ha-ha." I rolled my eyes and finally left the room to shower.

By the time I finished getting ready for the morning, Eddie and my brother had already settled at the kitchen table and mom was serving them breakfast. Dad was sitting in his usual spot, his face hidden behind the newspaper he was reading. There was a fresh cup of coffee in front of him and a half eaten plate of food.

I anxiously waited for him to say something about Eddie being there. Only, he rattled off a good morning and focused on whatever he was reading. I marched over to the counter and made myself a plate of food before sitting across from Abel at the table.

Mom was moving around the kitchen, cleaning up after cooking and eating her own plate of food at the same time. I sat quietly, scarfing down my food while trying to think of something to do for the day. Nothing was coming to mind, so I hoped that Eddie would have some suggestions.

I peered up at him, seeing him whispering something into Abel's ear. Abel started giggling with a big smile on his face before shouting, "Ewe! You want to take sissy to a dance?"

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