Chapter 19

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Through the night, I rolled over in my sleep. Only to realize there was no warm body next to me anymore. My eyes fluttered open, adjusting to the dim light of Eddie's room only to realize he was sitting quietly across the room at his desk underneath his mirror. I sat up slightly so that I could see what he was doing.

He was staring down at something on the desk, fully concentrating on it. His tongue was slightly poking out of his mouth and his eyes scanned over whatever was in front of him several times before he would move his hand in front of him. He must have been writing something down. Next to him, I could see a light flow of smoke coming from an ashtray.

Squinting my eyes, I leaned over to look at the little alarm clock on his bedside table. It was just after two. What the heck was he doing up? I wanted to ask him what he was doing, but he seemed so concentrated that I didn't want to bother him. He was so warm, and I was sleeping so soundly, all curled up next to him.

Eddie continued scribbling something down. I sat up more, stretching and kicking the blanket off me. Instead of calling out to Eddie, I slid off the bed and walked over to him. I put my hand on his shoulder. He looked up at me almost instantly. He looked so tired sitting there. I saw he was sketching out something for Dungeons & Dragons. I guess inspiration strikes when it strikes.

I grabbed his arm and lifted it up, deciding that I was going to straddle his lap and nestle my face into his shoulder as he worked. Eddie didn't seem to object, as when I wrapped my arms around his neck and let my eyes fall back shut. The warmth of his body quickly comforted me and nearly made me fall back asleep.

"What's wrong?" Eddie whispered. His free arm snaked around my lower back and held me closer to him.

"Nothing," I whispered back. "You're warmer than that blanket."

"Sorry I got up. I was dreaming about this really cool monster with wings and talons... I had to sketch him out while he was fresh in my brain."

"It's okay."

"You're cute, you know that, right?"


"We'll go back to bed in just a minute."



"You're so warm..." I trailed off.

"You're still half asleep, aren't you?" Eddie's chest raised with his soft chuckle.

I heard the pencil he was using drop and then his other hand claimed its spot in the middle of my back.

"Can we go back to bed?"

"I was thinking about a late-night snack. What would you say to that?"

"I would say no." I muttered. "That means I have to get up."

"You would say no to popcorn?"

"Yeah." I nodded against his neck.

"What about ice cream?" Eddie started rubbing my back, slowly trailing his fingers up and down my spine.

"You're going to put me back to sleep if you keep doing that."

"Fine," Eddie said, "We can go back to bed. C'mon, get up."

"You're too warm." I repeated.

"You just want me to carry you." Eddie laughed, suddenly standing up and holding me. My legs instinctively wrapped around his waist as I remained snuggled up against him.

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