Chapter 8

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I woke up just a little earlier than normal. Despite how tired I was from tossing and turning all night. The warm water dripping onto my skin from the shower head was the only calming agent helping me right now. I knew Dad would be downstairs waiting for me to go to school. My plan was to act like nothing happened. Like I had been asleep.

I needed to get ready after the shower. After I dressed, I stuffed all of Eddie's items into my backpack. The Corroded Coffin shirt, the chains, the ring... All of it. I wanted to forget the night before. I tossed my backpack by the front door and then slipped into the kitchen. Mom didn't make breakfast this morning, so I popped two pieces of toast into the toaster and then gave Abel a kiss on his forehead. He was sitting at the table with Mom and Dad, eating a muffin.

The moment Dad cleared his throat, I knew I was in for it. I waited for my toast, facing away from the table as I waited for it.

"I saw that Munson boy last night." Dad said.

"Where at?" Mom asked.

"I stopped by the Hideout last night because I couldn't sleep. I thought I'd go there for a burger. I was kind of hungry." Dad explained.

He definitely saw me.

"He was at the bar?" Mom asked.

"Yeah," Dad nodded. "He and his band were playing there. He saw me sitting up at the bar and when he finished with his band, he came over and talked to me."

My toast popped out of the toaster. I put them on a plate with butter and jam. Then I turned to sit at the table, pretending like I was hardly listening to my parents' conversation.

"What did you guys talk about?" Mom asked.

"He asked me if he could start picking Eden up for school in the morning. Apparently, this punk seems to like our daughter." The tone behind Dad's words didn't sound very good.

"He wants to drive me to school?" I finally spoke up.

"Those were his words." Dad said.

"I wonder why he wants to do that." I raised a brow.

"He mentioned something about how helpful you were in tutoring him. He thought he'd return the favor by driving you to school."

"He doesn't have to do that. I don't mind tutoring him once a week."

"I don't like the idea of him doing it either," Dad sighed, "But I'm going to allow it since someone is a terrible driver... and it will at least let me get to the church a little earlier than normal."

"Well... Dad, I hate to break it to you... but you taught me how to drive." I laughed.

"Don't remind me." Dad finally smiled.

"So, when is he supposed to start that?" Mom asked.


"I guess I better watch for him then." I suggested.

"Don't forget I'm picking Abel up today." Mom said, "And that we have church tonight. So make sure you come straight home and get washed up."

"I will!" I smiled, finishing up my breakfast.

Just then, we all heard a car horn outside. It must have been Eddie, so I cleaned up my dishes and then scooped my backpack up, heading out the door. Eddie was sitting patiently in his car and I could see him slamming his hands against the steering wheel like he was tapping out a rhythm. When I neared his van, I could hear the heavy metal music blaring from the stereo inside.

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