Chapter 14

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Eddie's room was the last place I wanted to be. I wanted to go home and sleep it off. Hopefully, even forget that tonight had even happened. The room felt like it was spinning. I sat down on the edge of Eddie's bed, shivering from the icy chill that trailed up my spine.

I heard voices outside of Eddie's trailer, so I leaned over on his bed and peeked through the blinds. I could see Eddie and Steve standing on the porch. Steve looked like he was trying to talk to Eddie, who was smoking. I couldn't make out their muffled words.

I quickly darted away from the window when they both turned towards the trailer, Eddie throwing his cigarette out into the yard and Steve grabbing the screen door. Another shiver trailed up my body and I stood up, reaching down to the bottom drawer of Eddie's dresser to grab some dry clothes. I sat down on the ground and pulled the drawer out after bending over.

All the clothing items were unfolded and completely messy. I sighed, thinking about taking it all out and folding it all for him. I didn't care that Eddie was a messy person. I grabbed all the clothes and tossed them next to me. There was a good mix of t-shirts and shorts thrown together, so I carefully separated them into two piles and then started folding them.

Eddie's room had a faint smell of marijuana lingering in it, but the scent of pine was stronger. His floor desperately needed a good vacuuming and his bed needed to be made. There were cups and random items sat on all the surfaces. His walls were the only neat thing in his room. All of his posters hung on the walls and his guitar hung over his mirror. The more I looked, the more I observed.

A pair of handcuffs were hanging near the door on a nail. What could those possibly be for? I picked up a shirt and started folding it, designating it to a spot on the left side of the empty drawer.

"What are you doing?" Eddie's door slowly crept open. He peeked around the corner, seeing me sitting on the floor and folding his clothing.

"Just fixing your clothes." I muttered, trying to avoid looking up at him.

"You don't have to do that." He opened the door wider to let himself in and then closed it quietly behind him.

"I don't mind." I sighed.

"Can I help?" He offered.

"It's cold." I muttered.

Eddie chuckled softly, "I thought you were going to change? Maybe you wouldn't be cold then."

I folded another shirt, placing it in the drawer. He started picking up the shorts and folding them, placing them on the right side of his drawer.

"Let me finish this and you go change, okay?"

"I don't want to get up. I'm already down here." I shrugged.

"You should really change. Here, I'll help you up."

Eddie stood back to his feet, gently grabbing the clothing from my hands and tossing it back into the pile next to us. I reached my hands out to him, accepting his offer. He made sure I was steady on my feet before letting go. He opened the top drawer of his dresser and pulled out a long-sleeved shirt. Then he grabbed a pair of the shorts he had just folded and handed them over to me.

"Can I sit down for a minute? The room is spinning."

"Sit on the bed." Eddie directed me.

I plopped back down on it, reaching down to untie my shoes. Eddie beat me to it, bringing my foot up to rest on his thigh as he untied the knot. He slid the shoe off and then did the same for my other foot.

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