Chapter 15

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When mom and dad arrived home early Sunday morning, I had breakfast waiting for them on the table. It was the least I could do for them since they've been gone all weekend long helping another family. I was setting the table when they came strolling through the door.

"Sissy!" Abel shouted as he came running right for me.

I scooped him up into my arms, giving him a big hug. Being alone for the weekend was nice. I missed my family very much. I gave him a kiss on the cheek before setting him down, telling him to sit at the table so I could serve him some breakfast before we headed to church.

"You didn't have to cook us breakfast." Mom smiled.

"I wanted to." I smiled back at her.

"How was your weekend with Robin?"

Dad was bringing their bags in from the weekend and after he finished doing that, he joined us at the table.

"It was really nice." I told them.

They didn't need to know everything we did this weekend. They'd disown me if they knew the truth. Though, I wanted to tell mom. I didn't know what to say. It was not possible to tell her without getting into trouble.

"I'm glad to hear that." Mom said.

I decided not to tell them about Eddie coming to church this morning. I didn't want to say anything after he stood me up two times. Just in case he didn't show again. I was hoping I was wrong.

That didn't stop me from feeling nervous the entire drive to church. My stomach was doing flips and got even worse when I spotted Robin waiting just outside the doors for me. When I climbed out of the car and waited for my family, I scanned the parking lot for Eddie's van.

There was no sign of it.

Please don't let me down again...

I met Robin on the steps, telling my family I would be in to join them in just a few minutes.

"Have you talked to him?" I asked Robin.

"I talked to him last night," Robin said. "Don't worry. He said he was going to come."

"What if he stands me up again?" I asked.

"Then Steve and I are going to beat him up."

"I didn't tell my parents that he was supposed to come. I don't need their annoying lectures about him anymore than I already have to deal with."

"Yeah, that was probably a good idea."

I fumbled with my fingers, my eyes continuously scanning the parking lot. Robin stood silently with me, hoping for the same thing I was. I was feeling more and more hopeless by the second. Robin could tell me the way I started slouching and sighing that he would not show.

I turned on my heels, prepared to go inside and deal with the shame of being stood up again, when Robin grabbed my arm and stopped me.

"Wait, look!" Robin pointed to the parking lot.

I looked to the main road that led into the parking lot, seeing that familiar beat-up van of Eddie's turning into the lot. A warm smile spread across my face as I watched him slowly park in the first available spot he could find. Robin had to stop me from running all the way over to him when he got out.

I couldn't help but admire the way he looked as he casually strolled over to us. He wore a plain black t-shirt that was faded with a pair of black jeans that didn't have a single rip in them like I had been used to seeing on him. His hair was in soft curls around his face and all of his hand, wrist, and neck jewelry was missing.

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