Chapter 16

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The house grew quiet as the arguing stalled out. I wasn't sure at what point Eddie had left. I couldn't imagine that he'd still be here. I knew I didn't want to be listening to it all. So why would he?

I sat up after a while, feeling terrible that I didn't stick up for Eddie. Instead, I did the complete opposite. I let my dad sit there and berate the both of us while I did absolutely nothing. I should have stuck up for Eddie. Instead, I ran—like a coward.

Sitting in this house was only going to allow me to stew in my thoughts, and I owed Eddie an apology. That is... if he'd accept it from me. I heavily doubted that mom and dad were going to let me leave the house, so I did the one thing I probably shouldn't have done. I walked over to my bedroom window, slid it open as quietly as I could. I slung my leg over the ledge and steadied myself before dropping to the ground.

The last time I climbed out of my window, I was sneaking off to Eddie's gig at the Hideout. Now, here I was... sneaking out to see him again. I just hoped he wanted to see me. Because if I were him, I would be mad. I had one job, and I completely failed at it.

A chilly breeze blew through the air as I started down the sidewalk. It was bound to rain any second. The clouds were thick and grey. Once I rounded the corner of my block, I started walking slower. Maybe I was going to end up making things worse. I guess I wouldn't know that until I tried, right?

Eddie's trailer wasn't too far from my house. There was a porch light on outside when I began walking up the steps. My heart was racing as I leaned forward and knocked on the door. I took a step back.

I put my hands behind my back, swallowing hard as I waited for someone to answer. Eddie's van was in front of the trailer. That didn't mean he was here. Nobody came to the door. The second knock was harder this time.

Maybe coming here was a bad idea.

Dear Heavenly Father,

Please, at least let me apologize to Eddie before he writes me off completely. I know things are far too broken before they've even really started, but I at least deserve to apologize to him.


"Can I help you?"

An older gentleman opened the door and looked out at me on the sidewalk. He must have been Eddie's uncle. This was the first time I've ever met him. I hoped Eddie was going to answer the door. He probably didn't want to talk to me.

"Hi, Mr. Munson. Is Eddie home?" I asked.

"He's actually out with his friend Steve right now." Mr. Munson answered.

"Oh, okay. Can you let him know Eden stopped by?"

"So you're the girl my boy can't seem to shut up about?" Mr. Munson looked me over.

He talks about me to his uncle?

"I'm sorry to bother you. Have a good night, sir."

"Wait—" Mr. Munson called out, "Eddie isn't with Steve. He just asked me to tell that to anyone who might have stopped by for him. Come in, he's in his room."

"I don't want to bother him if he doesn't want any company."

I walked away, but when I glanced back, I saw Eddie pop his head out from behind his uncle. He stared at me for a second before muttering something to him.

"It was nice finally meeting you," Mr. Munson nodded. "Come back for dinner soon, okay?"

Eddie stepped out onto the porch. "Wanna go for a ride?"

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