6 - Catching Up With The Past

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Laying in bed coughing repeatedly, Priest Paul would sigh. Finding himself unable to move, his face would be ashen-like. Pains would be shooting through his body as an unknown illness took over. Hearing the door to his room open, his eyes would peer over.

"R... Rosie?" He sputtered as he saw his daughter. "Have you found him?"

Shaking her head, she'd arrive by his side. Taking his hand in hers, she'd smile. Leaning down and kissing her father on the forehead, he'd smile too. Standing straight, Rosie would sigh.

"No, I don't believe we will..." She'd shake her head. "I'm sorry..."

Quickly he would shake his head too. With a smile on his face, he would nod over toward two knights by the door. Catching their attention, they'd march over. Stopping by the father and daughter, they would peer at their ill leader.

"You, Rosie, have stood by my side through thick and thin. Jeremy's been non-existent and Samuel... Well, you know the story." He'd cough. "Well, with these knights as witnesses... I've decided, I want you to become The Golden Edge...  Rosie!"

She'd gasp, stumbling backwards. Covering her mouth with shock, her cheeks would quickly begin to turn red. Not expecting her father to say this, she'd carefully pull him in for a hug. Thanking him repeatedly, she'd quickly pull away.

"Thank you, I won't let you down!" She smirked.

As he smiled back, his eyes would slowly close. His body would lose weight as Priest Paul succumbed to his disease. As his body laid there, Rosie would gasp. As she realised what she had just witnessed, she began to cry. Hugging him, she'd squeeze him tightly.

"I'll make you proud, and make things right..." She whispered to him. 

The two knights would turn to Rosie, tilting their heads as they did. As she spotted them, she would straighten up. Wiping away her tears, she realised that she was now the leader. The soldiers would kneel on one knee as they bowed their heads to her.

"What would you like us to do, Ma'am?" One asked.

Sniffling as she looked to the knights, she'd peer back over to her father. Nodding her head, her face would change to one of determination.

"Gather some knights, take my father's body and get him ready for burial." She'd sigh. "Meanwhile, we will prepare for my coronation..."


"My grandfather?" Ivy gasped, recognising his face before tilting her head. "Demetrius? Okay then, if you're my grandad then who are my parents?"

The man on his knees would chuckle.

"Your father is Samuel Gascoigne..." He would pause. "And your mother... My daughter... Is V, Veronica Chalant..."

Smiling, The Golden Edge would quickly then shake her head. Anyone could know that, what could she ask that only he would know? Scratching her chin, she'd stare at the man as thoughts would flow through her mind. Remembering something from her childhood, she'd nod towards him.

"What was my mother's favourite musical?" She smirked.

The knights would peer at each other, confused. Thinking the question was random, they'd quickly look back to their leader.

"Easy..." Demetrius nodded. "V's favourite genre was musicals after all, and I know that the movie she was obsessed with was Mary Poppins!"

Stumbling backwards, Ivy's mouth would drop open. Surprised he got the correct answer, she would shake her head. He was really her grandfather. She knew she recognised his face, from photos her mother had shown her when she was younger. Surpised knowing that she still had family that was alive, Ivy half felt like it was a lie. Jumping toward the man, she'd fall to her knees before hugging him. Tears would quickly run down her face as she squeezed him tightly. 

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