"I'm sorry I can't just be happy about this," Maya sighed, guilt filling her in that moment.

"Bambina, I am scared too," Carina said, "It's normal to feel like this, especially after everything we have been through. And you are probably feeling everything a lot more because of all the hormones. However you feel about this is normal and ok and I don't want you to ever feel like you can't tell me ok?"

Maya nodded, taking another shaky breath.

"Va bene," Carina said, brushing another tear off Maya' cheek, "Now, should we go curl up on the couch with some tea?"

Maya nodded, going to grab the mugs while Carina started the kettle for the water. They made tea before settling on the couch, Carina stretching out and insisting Maya sit between her legs which the blonde did not argue with. Almost immediately, Carina slipped her hands under Maya's shirt, resting it on her stomach.

"Is this what the next nine months are going to be like?" Maya asked as she leaned on her wife, "You with your hand on my stomach all the time?"

"Does it bother you?" Carina asked, going to move her hand only to have Maya grab it and put it right back where it was, leaving her own hand on top of it.

"No," Maya said, shaking her head, "I love it."

"Good," Carina said, pressing a kiss to Maya's cheek, "Because I love it too. I always loved it when you did this when I was pregnant with the bambine."

"I did too," Maya said, "Especially when they started moving. When does that happen again?"

"You will probably be able to feel them around 16-22 weeks," Carina said, "And I will be able to feel them a few weeks later."

"That's so long from now," Maya sighed.

"You are technically almost 5 weeks already," Carina said.

"That's still so weird to me," Maya said, shaking her head, "It's barely been two weeks since the transfer."

"Si, but it has been over 4 weeks since the first day of your last period and the embryo was a day 5 embryo," Carina said.

"So weird," Maya said, shaking her head, "When is my due date?"

"October 15th," Carina said immediately, earning her a look from her wife.

"How do you just know that?" Maya asked, "I mean, I know you are an amazing OB, but is calculating due dates your superpower?"

"I mean, I am very good at it," Carina nodded, "But I also did the calculation the day you had the transfer just to see. I mean, Dr. Howard will have to confirm obviously."

"No she doesn't," Maya said, "I know you are right. October 15th. That's a good day. They will be here before all the holidays. Maybe we should let the twins pick out a Halloween costume for the baby. They would probably love that."

"We can do that," Carina laughed, "But that is a long time from now."

"When are we going to tell the twins?" Maya asked suddenly, "I mean, we can't tell them now because they will tell everyone and if we do, it will be like Babbo Natale all over again and they will ask every single day for the next 35 weeks when the baby will be here but they should know right?"

"Bambina, they are three," Carina laughed, "They will not really understand what is going on. I think you are right though. Once we tell them, they will ask us every day, especially Rowan. Let's wait at least until we are ready to tell everyone else. Maybe we could have them help us tell everyone."

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