15. Movie Nights.

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"Jo," Jaquan knocked on her half-open bedroom door the next morning.

"Yeah?" She looked up from the book she was reading. She had woken up a little while ago but hadn't gotten out of bed yet.

"I'm heading out to work now. And I'm working a double so I won't be back until later tonight."

"Did you call or talk to JJ like you said you would?"

"I left him a voicemail... we'll see if he calls me back."

Jaquan was visibly upset as he said those words. He loves his son more than anything in the world, so it breaks his heart that he doesn't want anything to do with him.

"Just... keep trying," Joanna offered because she wasn't sure what else to say. She had no advice to give him this time. "But we can talk later. I don't want you to be late."

"Yeah, especially since it's gonna take me longer to get there from here. So I'll see you later, sis."

"See you later, Quan."

He closed her room door when he left, even though it wasn't closed when he came knocking on it. Joanna knew he was gone when she heard the front door open and close, and that's when she finally decided it was time to get out of bed.

She immediately got dressed in a pair of tights and a cropped workout top so she could go to the gym first thing. Because if she doesn't go when she immediately gets up, she won't feel like going at all. She doesn't workout because she needs to, she'd stay slim whether she does or not, but Joanna is huge on taking care of her body.

'It's the only one I've got. I gotta treat it right so I can live a long healthy life,' is what she always tells people whenever they ask her where she finds the energy to go to the gym almost every morning.

After being in the gym for over an hour, Joanna started her morning off by taking a shower and washing her hair. She then cooked herself breakfast while she listened to Neo-Soul music and walked around her apartment in her silk robe. After she ate and cleaned up, she called her mom (without mentioning Jaquan because bringing up his name only seems to make her angry), she called her friend, Lisa, and she ended her morning by calling her sister, Jamie.

She talked on the phone for almost two hours with Jamie. They caught up on everything they'd missed in each other's lives the last couple of weeks and Joanna even promised to make the drive to Connecticut soon to visit her, her husband, and their three kids since it had been a while since she last saw them.

"Jojo, you know I could probably talk your ear off for days, but I don't want to keep you on the phone any longer," Jamie said when she noticed how long they had been talking. So long that her phone was now hot to the touch. 

Jamie doesn't have a day job because she's a stay at home mother, so they could have really stayed on the phone all day if they wanted to. She did, however, have a lot of things she needed to get done off of her to-do list, which is why she didn't want to be on the phone too long.

"I actually have some things I wanted to get done today too," Joanna said when she looked down at the time on her phone screen. "So I'll talk to you later Jamie. Cause I know you have stuff to get done too."

"There's never not stuff to get done when you have three kids," she laughed. "I'll call you later, okay? We won't wait two weeks to talk this time."

Jamie says that, but sometimes life gets so in the way that they don't have a chance to talk as much as they would like to.

After getting off the phone, Joanna had a very productive day. She got done everything she said she would, including a few tasks she's been putting off for weeks simply because she didn't want to do them. When Joanna checked her phone later that day, she realized that she had a missed call from Summer. It was only from a few minutes ago, so she immediately called her back.

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