6. Not Date.

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Because it was still the middle of the afternoon, it was the perfect time to explore the hotel and its amenities. The sun was out, but it wasn't too hot, and there was a slight breeze in the air that made it feel that much cooler outside.

Summer enjoyed her short walk to the restaurant. She passed a jewelry store, a clothing store, and a cute little market that reminded her of the corner stores back home. She saw the pool too, which she might have gotten in if she were there longer, and the beach where kids were out playing in the water as the parents kept a close watch while also sunbathing.

She wanted to stop by the beach and lay in the sand while the sun tanned her already deep caramel complexion, but that would have to wait. As much as she loves being by the water, she loves food just a bit more, and the grumbling in her stomach reminded her of that.

"Aloha," a young Polynesian man greeted her when she finally made it to the restaurant.

"Hello. Aloha," Summer matched his very friendly auto with a nice smile.

"Are you meeting somebody?" And he only asked because it's not often that a beautiful woman ends up dining alone at a nice hotel restaurant like that one.

"No, it's just me."

"Would you like a seat at a table at the bar?"

"Uhmm," she quickly scanned the restaurant. It was full, but not too packed. She was hoping to see the group of flight attendants who said they were meeting up for drinks, but they were nowhere to be found. They said they would be meeting at the hotel bar but probably chose to go to a different one as an excuse to leave the hotel grounds.

"Bar," she quickly answered.

She decided on sitting at the bar, not wanting to take up an entire table when it's just her.

"You look like you wanted to say table," the man let out a slight laugh as he grabbed a menu for her. "It's okay. Your comfort is more important than anything else," he said as he guided her outside to the large patio space.

"Thank you," Summer said as she sat down. She did prefer a table, and the one he sat her at was perfect. It even had an umbrella over the table to shield her from the direct rays of the sun.

She enjoyed being out on the patio much more than she would have been sitting at the quite busy bar. It was quieter out there, less crowded, and she had a perfect view of the ocean from where she was sitting.

Of all the places her job has allowed her to see these last few years, nothing compares to any place that's close to the ocean. She has this sort of connection to the water. It brings her peace and calms her in a way nothing else has ever been able to.

"Can I get you started with a drink?" A server came to her table a couple of minutes after the host seated her.

"Just water with lemon, thank you."

"And do you know what you would like to order, or do you need some time to look over the menu?"

"Yes, I know what I want to order," Summer sat her menu down on the table. Before showing up, she looked at the menu so she knew exactly what she wanted.

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