Chapter 8: The last bastion unit

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They look at the offline Bastion units as Y/n walks up to the one that is lend against a tree and open a panel on theie chest and mess around it.

Kennedy: What are you doing Y/n?

Y/n: Seeing if I can get this thing online? Maybe we can-

Suddenly the Bastions eyes light up and shoot out a beam that cost Y/n to slide back while Kennedy aim her sniper rifle at it as the Bastion unit shows a hologram of the battles it head during the omnic crisis and how many deaths it has killed.

Y/n: I must have access it's memories.

Kennedy: Looks like it. Maybe some aren't offline and must be on stand by mode.

Y/n: Stand by mode?

Kennedy: After the war the Bastion units were all offline but I believe some are in stand by mode so they can ready to go to battle when the time comes.

Y/n: Guess these ones didn't get a chance?

Kennedy: Looks like it.

Soon the hologram flickers out and soon cuts off as the Bastion unit gose on stand by mode once again. Then Y/n had a idea so he dig his hands inside the Bastion unit and pulls out a chip which Kennedy ask him.

Kennedy: What are you doing?

Y/n: These Bastion unit can track each other when ever they are trouble right? I can use their tracking chip to locate the Bastion unit and then we can also locate Torbjon with no problems.

Kennedy: (smirk) Clever idea. I'm glad to be partner up with a smart and handsome guy like you.

Y/n blushes as he inserts the chip into his helmet and a map opens up on his huge along with a red dot that seemed to be moving.

Y/n: Looks lioe it's on the move. Let's go.

Kennedy nodes and they continue their walk with Y/n leafing Kennedy as they walk through the forest as Y/n follow the red dot and after a while of walking they see they're getting close to it.

Y/n: Looks like we're close. Shouldn't be long for us to get there. Just through these bushes and we be there.

Kennedy nodes as they make their way through the bushes. Unfortunately they can't see anything in front of them because of the bushes but they continue on.

Y/n: Okay looks like we are close. Seems like things are doing well so fa-

Suddenly his foot land on nothing and he fell as Kennedy race over but immediately stop when she nearly fell off a cliff while Y/n fell off the cliff as he pulls out his knife and stabs the wall to break his fall.

But the wall was too rough so he try to grab hold to something. He did grab on a large branch but it slowly crack and soon snap and continues to fall and soon crash through the trees and finally land hard onto thr ground with his leg crack as Y/n groan in pain.

Y/n slowly tries to get up but his left leg was badly hurt and lay on the ground and feel his leg in pain and he needed to find somewhere ti get patch up.

Y/n: Fuck this is just great.

Kennedy: (coms) Y/n are you okay?! What's your situation?!

Y/n: I'm fine although my leg is broken.

Kennedy: (coms) Right. I'll find another way down there just stay here.

Y/n: Copy that.

Once that he lay onto thr ground and looks up at the leafs as he stare at them a but when suddenly a bird fly over and land on his chest as the two stare at each other and then the bird start tapping his visor with its beak.

Overwatch X male reader: A fugitive solder but a hero in heartWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu