Chapter 9: A Chestnut takes a day to relax.

Start from the beginning

Next up is the Lettuce, Just take a leaf, clean it a bit and place it on the bread without the cucumber slices, No need to cut here.
And Finally the tomatoes, Cut them up into circular slices before cutting them again into half circles, Place two half circles above each slice of bread with the cucumbers.
And Now, We close the sandwich, Taking the slices with the lettuce, I pick them up and lower them over the slices with Cucumbers, Placing the Tomatoes in between.

Now I have two sandwiches ready to ear, Grabbing the plate and moving it to a table, I return to the kitchen to clean up after myself.
By that I mean is that I returned the lettuce to the fridge, Threw the tomato into the organic trashcan and ate the entire rest of the cucumber before placing the cutting board inside the sink and doing a once-over of the counter with a wet rag on the counter.

Perfect, If someone comes in before I finish My Sandwich they'll think I cleaned the place to be nice, And if they don't see me eating the sandwich, they have no proof I was ever in the kitchen at all.

Truly, I am the worlds greatest criminal mind, First the Apple Cart, And now the kitchen.
What's next? Will I steal a large sum of money from a corrupt government official?

Spike was tired, He helped Twilight and Applejack collect apples in the morning because Applebuck Season is starting soon, And she roped Twilight and him into helping her.

But that's not all, After they finished, Twilight received two tickets to the Grand Galloping Gala, And now all of their friends are hounding her in order to get the tickets.
He just managed to escape Rarity playing dress-up on him. He would have loved to stay and get to know her better, sure, But playing dress-up with frilly, fancy clothes just so Twilight will give her the second ticket?

No Thank you.

And so Spike returned to the Golden Oak Library, His new house, In order to get away from all the talk about that stupid Gala.

Entering the Library, Spike is surprised to find the floor which should be covered in books that Twilight forgot to clean has been cleared, all the books have been placed in stacks on the tables.

And more surprising is all the small creatures picking up books and cleaning the place. Seeing Fluttershy flying with a sponge, scrubbing the walls clean, Spike decides that the best course of action is to let Twilight deal with it.

Walking around the creatures towards the back, He notices something peculiar.

The Stepladder in the Kitchen has been moved.
Now, Spike might not have the worlds best memory, But he knows the kitchen like the back of his hand.
He has to seeing as Twilight can't cook to save her life.

But just when he goes to investigate who touched the Kitchen, He hears chattering from the dining room.
The room itself is just a table with four chairs around it next to a window, But It's where Spike and Twilight eat their food when they're at the library.

Walking towards the dining room, He peeks in to check who it could be before sighing as he sees It's just Samuel talking with Fluttershy's rabbit.

"So The Satellite uses extremely high tech camera technology to film the ground from thousands of meters in the air, And then send that footage back to us." Sam is heard explaining to Angel, "It is then my job, or the group I am with at the time, To locate any suspicious activity in the footage, Was that building always there? Did that car pass by more than four times? Why are those people so close to the border? Stuff like that, We send those findings out to the field to have someone out there take a look. Sometimes it's nothing, The car for example was just a Kid getting taught how to drive Stick-gear by his dad, he did a few laps and the satellite picked it up as suspicious, or sometimes, It's people smuggling weapons or drugs, and we arrest them before they can do any harm."

Samuel did say that He was a Human before he got to Equestria, Spike thought to himself, I guess it's normal that he had a job as-well.
But looking at pictures from far up? That sounds similar to how Ponies drew maps a long time ago, A Pegasus would fly up high with a pencil and a piece of paper and sketch out what they could see.

So Samuel had a job similar to that, interesting I guess.

Turning back towards the Kitchen in order to begin his investigation, Spike begins to walk to the sink before he hears the door to Library slam open.

Putting his Investigation on hold, He turn to see that Twilight is back.

"Fluttershy, Not you too." She says as she spots Fluttershy cleaning the library, singing a soft tune as she does.

"Oh, Hello Twilight, I hope you don't mind but we're all doing a little spring cleaning." Fluttershy tells her in her usual soft spoken tone.

Seeing that it's about the Gala Tickets again spike turns back to the kitchen.
Only to hear Twilight yelp as she's dragged outside by Pinkie Pie.

Seeing that he might need to help his big sister our, Spike follows her outside.

Once more, Putting the investigation on hold

After having a nice discussion about what I did back on earth, I bid Angel and Fluttershy farewell as I grab another Cucumber from the kitchen and start walking home.

I didn't have the time to read any books, Sadly, But I did have something good to eat and talked about Human stuff with Angel.

Seeing as I didn't get a chance to speak with Twilight about visiting Antonio with me tomorrow, I guess I'll go alone once more.

I didn't do much today other borrow the ingredients to make a sandwich and have a chat. I didn't go to my homemade gym, which is basically a bunch of stones and logs in a forest clearing. I didn't ask Clarisse or Hank to help me over the Lake, I didn't even use a single Pokemon move today.

It was a quiet and relaxing day.

Hopefully my time here stays that way Until I can go through the Mirror back home.

I wonder what Antonio likes to eat? I should get him something.

After A long day of talks about the Grand Galloping Gala and running away from all the townsponies, Spike and Twilight tiredly enter their beds and go to sleep.

Although Spike feels as if he's forgetting something.
Something about a Kitchen appliance that moved?

Welp, Whatever it is, It can wait.
Now it's time for bed.

A Walking Chestnut (Pokemon x MLP) (Cross post from Fimfiction)Where stories live. Discover now