“I need all my best trackers on his trail. I want results within an hour. Find Josh. Help the East pack with whatever they want.”

He nodded, “Already on it, Alpha.”

“Update me on Princess Leia.”

“She still keeps mentioning the phone call to someone. She’s becoming more and more persistent. I don’t think we can hold her any longer.”

I got up, fed up with her childish behavior. I was ready to get some answers out of her. “We’ll need to utilize other methods to get the information out of her.”

“We can’t force it out of her. Neither can we torture her. She is a Lycan after all. And I’m sure her guards won’t take it pretty lightly either.”

A growl escaped me, “I don’t give a shit about who she is. This is Josh and I’ll fight the Moon Goddess herself to get him back.”

I’m not losing him too.


It had been fifteen minutes and Leia still refused to answer us. Jonathan held me off when I almost summoned our pack enforcer whose job was to torture enemies to get information out.

“I can’t help you. Only he can.” She sat on the bed, a picture of sophistication and grace.

Her ominous warnings in her cryptic language were pissing me off. She wasn’t budging and refused to tell us anything else.

“LEIA!” I yelled, my wolf clawing her way out. We both had had enough, “Who are you talking about? Because I swear if something happens to Josh because of you I will destroy you.”

Her icy, blue eyes went soft, “Then give me a phone. I promise I’m with you, Vivian.”

I still didn’t know if I could trust her. For all I know, she could be calling her uncle to inform him about Ethan and I.

But there were no more choices.

With every second that passed by, Josh was in danger.

And maybe she could help us bring him back.

“Take her to the pack phone,” I finally decided. It was a safe bet because that phone was being traced day and night, “Ashlee, keep your ears and eyes on her.”

They both left, leaving Jonathan and I alone in the room.

“I can’t sit here and do nothing. It is agonizing to wait. It is too much,” The fear of unknown was taking over me and it was getting worse and worse by every second, “I’ll help the trackers.”

Jonathan stopped me, “Alpha, it is not safe.”

“Josh went missing from his own pack which means it is not safe anywhere anymore.” I answered, “Please, Uncle Jonathan. This has gone too far. I can’t stand to watch another person who is close to me being taken away from me. I won’t survive this. Not this time.”

“Vivian, my darling… you have-.”

I knew he wouldn’t relent in fear of my safety but there was no way he could stop me from going. I had made up my mind.
So I did something I didn’t ever want to do, “Beta Jonathan, it’s my command.”

He could do nothing but bow in obedience to an Alpha command.

As I was about the leave the door, he called me. “Let me send some guards with you, at least.”

“Send them to East pack. I won’t go far, I promise.”

As I shifted and ran for the woods, I felt Beta Jonathan mind-link me.

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