Chapter 59.

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So, now that we've eaten we should decide what to do next.

I told while Mustang and Envy looked at me with interest.

~So you've got names of all spies in country. I guess that you should go capture them and place them into the exact same place where we placed the first one.

~That can do but how are we going to get them all without them noticing?

~That's probably impossible.

~Then what are we supposed to do? It's not like we can go and arrest ,,our own soldiers,,. People will not understand what's happening if we'll keep taking them down. So what do you think we should do? Are we supposed to bring them one by one into that building or what?

~This is something i have to think about. It's harder than i thought.

Mustang and I were discussing until Envy stepped in and told us the simpliest solution that he just thought of.

~Why won't we just take that big ass car and throw them in one by one? I mean we can go hunt someone down, put them inside without anybody noticing and then escorting all of them to that abandoned building. Not that hard.

Mustang and I were looking at him with opened mouths without believing how stupid we could be for not thinking about this easy solution.

~Okey, so here's your plan. Do it just like that.

I nodded but Envy had still one question in mind.

~What are we going to do when we will have all of them together? Just kill them or leaving them locked up?

I looked at Mustang with interested expression as well as Envy.

~I thought that you would know what to do.

Envy's smile grew as he looked at me and told.

~So, seems like we are gonna have some power up sooner than i expected.

He told while his eyes continued looking at me.

~Yeah, i feel like it's gonna be fun.

I replied and Mustang told shortly after me.

~But before that you have to catch them. Tommorow at 10 PM you have to be back in your cell but come to my office to report how it went and then i'll take you back. I'll let know Ed and Al that you will be late.

~Oh, okey.

I answeared when realization hit me that we have to go back to that small cell. But at least we were free for now so i didn't complain.

~So, i'm gonna take my leave now, thank you for food. It really was delicious. And that big ass car you were talking about will be here today about 9PM so rest and we will see each other tommorow. Bye

Mustang told and left. Envy and i looked at each other and gave each other sly grin because we knew exactly what does that mean. We can start hunting those soldiers as soon as car arrives here and at night it's gonna be easier to abduct Drachmans than during daylight where everybody can see us.

~Soo, we have about 3 hours untill that big ass car arrives so i was thinking that we should stop by that place where we where eaten by Gluttony's attack.

~Hm? Why is that?

~Well i just realized that my car is still there since Gluttony ate us. It isn't that far so we should be able to get there, right?

~You have car? Those are some news for me. But i don't mind going there, might be fun and i'll see you drive.

~Okey, i wonder how you're gonna like my driving. I'm really smooth.

~Well then, let's get going.

We took few things with us including car keys and the rest of cake. As soon as we left we started to talk while Envy led the way through shortcuts. In matrer of hour we managed to arrive at place where i found my car. Somehow i was lucky enough to find my car whole unnoticed and without single scratch.

~You know Envy, i'm lucky that i didn't park closer. Otherwise my car would be destroyed.

~That's possible, i don't know where is that luck coming from.

~Neither do I, so, what are we gonna do now? We have a lot of time to spent.

~Why don't we stay here little bit and look around?

~Okey, why not. Maybe some nostalgic feeling will overcome our senses. And i packed cake with me so we won't starve.

Envy nodded and we sat on some big stone parts that where transmutated by Elrics during fight that happrned here not that long time ago. Sun was shining brightly and both of us ate the cake i brought.

~That fight that happened here was quite intense. I remember how you were pissed off when Ling asked you one question during your fight.

~Which one do you mean?

~He asked you about souls in your body. As far as i know he noticed your heavy footprint and then he asked you this.

~Oh, this. I told you about philosopher's stone and it's power. It's based on souls inside my core. More i have in my philosopher's stone, bigger and heavier form i can take. When i had no power or souls i couldn't maintain my gigantic form nor i could shape shift into anything. And i became small lizard that is weak, soulless version of my big monstrous form. Sometimes during fights i can't really concentrate to keep myself as light as possible, especially when i'm losing balance like that time. I somehow managed to keep myself standing but since i didn't really control myself i left footprint almost as deep and heavy as my monstrous form.

~Oooh, i understand now. It has to be hard controlling yourself all the time. It takes almost nonstop concentration. You are really strong.

~Well yes, i am strong but you are too.

~I'm not. What leads me to one question i've been wanting to ask you for some time now.

~What is it?

~I would like you to train me. I want to be stronger and stronger and stronger. I don't want to fall behind.

~You are not as weak as you think you are. But i don't mind helping you. You know that i would do anything for you, right?

~Uhm, yeah, thank you. Well we should get going.

~Yeah, i've just finished cake and i'm looking forward to see your driving skills.

~I apperciate it.

We stood up, moved to car and i drove us back to my place.

??? POV

In dark underground tunnel only dark voice was heard.

~So, they finally noticed our activities. I think that it's about time we go all out.
Hahahahahaaa. Guys, let's move to our standpoints.

~Yes, sir!

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