Chapter 20.

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Envy's POV

~I can't believe it. I can't believe what just happened. I was so sure that she was decieving me but she proved me wrong in matter of few minutes.

I started to think about everything that happened from moment (Y/N) locked me in this cell. I was so furious and sure that she decieved me i was planning to kill her as soon as she would lower her guard if she would somehow survive The Day. I was in darkness sitting and waiting for The Day to start. I was bored out of my mind i couldn't get away from here because that disgusting Mustang was guarding. If he heard some movement from inside he would start yelling at me to stop or he would come there and kill me. Later he changed with another guard that was scared of me but still didn't move from his spot. I was trying to get away but it was useless. In the end only thing left for me was to sit there unable to move except walking. I was swearing that i would kill her as soon as i could. Painfully slowly The Day finally started and i loved to hear all of human's screams while their soul was being ripped out of their bodies. It was so beautifull sound. When everyone dropped ,,dead,, all i heard was silence. I though i'm gonna enjoy it but it was somehow uncomfortable. The deadly silence was everywere, i could hear all souls in my philosopher's stone i heard every single movement i made. I was thinking about being locked here alone without chance of getting away. I wished that at least someone was alive but i knew that it was impossible. I closed my eyes in hope to fall asleep but sudden movement and voices of people disrupted me and i knew that father failed. I didn't really care if he was alive or not. What was important for me was that i was alive. For next two days i was ignoring everything around me. I was sure that (Y/N) would show up so i just thought about revenge and how to kill her. Few guards changed and two days passed. Early in morning i heard woman's voice call to guard that was standing before my cell and told him some rules. Then for some time i didn't hear her. After 30 minutes i heard sound of keys unlocking my cell. I was sure it was (Y/N). When she came inside she had somehow nervous expression so i waited what is she gonna do but I was so unpatient that i asked her first what she wanted. Conversation quickly morphed into little fight. I snapped at her but she didn't move. I decided that i'm gonna ignore her since she wanted to talk but she got ahold of my hand which made me stop and snap at her but at moment i turned to her she quickly pulled me into hug. I flinched from that sudden interaction but i didn't move away from her. I don't know why i didn't move. It was like i was in trans. I didn't expect this to happen, not even in my wildest dreams. I was tied but even though she knew i was mad, she untied me. From surprise my hands just fell down and i was somehow unable to move. She started to tell me that she is sorry. At first i didn't want to believe it but she told me it was all just to save my life and missing pieces of puzzle suddenly appeared and connected everything together. I raised my hands and she probably thought i'm gonna hit her or push her away but instead i decided to hug her back. She really did save me. She told me whole story of what happened and i was thinking why would she go so far for me. I shook that thought away and i heard how her stomach growled so i sent her for some food. Before she left she asked me if i want some too and if i'm gonna try to escape. At first i didn't know how to answear but in the end i told that i'm not gonna escape. After all what would i do if i escaped? She would have problems and i could end up dead. If i'm here i can at least talk with her. She brought food and we ate it all. She then fell asleep on my shoulder so i laid her on my new bed she made with her alchemy and let her sleep.

Your POV

I woke up about noon. I looked around my surroundings and saw Envy sit next to me. I realized i slept in his bed.

~S-sorry Envy. I didn't mean to sleep in your bed instead of you.

~It's okey. If not i would already take you away.

~Uhm thanks.

Conversations were short i didn't know what to tell him after everything that happened. Few days passed and we had little bit of conversations but most of time i was doing paperworks and he was thinking. His crazy side like never existed. He was so unusually calm. While i was doing work i was thinking that he is bored for sure so i thought about how to entertain him. My thoughts went back to time when i was kidnapped and how was i spending my free time and i remembered. I quickly went into Envy's cell to which he responded with deep look into my eyes.

~What's wrong (Y/N)?

~Come here.

~Huh?! Why? I'm not supposed to be out of here, am i? I'm a prisoner now.

~You're not supposed to but i don't care about it right now so come here.

Envy sighted and stood up from bed and walked closer to doors. I saw as bright light blinded him for a second and then he stepped out. I closed fullmetal doors behind him and sat down in gap between 2 doors of Envy's cell. He sat opposite me and i told with smile.

~Here, we are going to have some fun.

I showed him cards and smile spread across his lips.

~Huuh? Are you challenging me?

~Of course i am. After all i'm the best.

I said jokingly to which Envy energeticly replied.

~No way. I am the best!

~Let's see. Do you remember our score?

~No way i would remember after so long!

~Yeah you are right. Well don't mind it. We are going from 0-0

~Okey, bring it on.

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