Chapter 52.

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In matter of time we arrived to prison and we parked our motorcycles to our usuall place. I stepped down and took boy and put him on ground.

~Now, we are going to meet someone okey? He will take care of things.

I told to boy while Envy took down still unconsious Drachman and we went into tunnels where we met with Mustang already waiting for us.

~I hope you aren't waiting for too long. There are some things we have to talk about.

I told and Mustang's gaze went from me to Envy to Drachman and to little boy.

~What's with that boy?

~Let's go aside for a second.

I told to Mustang's question.

He sighed, nodded and moved little bit farther.

~Wait a second Alex, Envy will be with you for a moment.

Envy gave me disgusted look and i smiled to tell him that it's gonna be just a second. And with that i went to Mustang.

~Well, tell me what's going on.

~We were going through files and visited some houses to confirm existence of families of new soldiers. At 27th place this little boy attacked us but soon we found out that he was just trying to protect himslef because he was living alone in that building since his father's death and some soldiers were trying to hurt him before. He knows little bit of alchemy and with his help we got our spy. The one that Envy holds is our spy no.1 . He was going by name Brook Brians or BB but from boy we learned his true identity as Lucas Francis. He doesn't have any family and files were false. Or more he lied with fake ID. So i have 2 things i need from you. First i want to ask you to take care of boy, let him live his child life while he can without worring about his safety and if it's possible help him learn alchemy. He wants to get better at alchemy and all of that stuff. You can ask him about it and other details later.  He will tell you.

~*Sigh* well nothing else i can do but take care of him somehow. What is the other question?

~Well what to do with that spy. We want to torture him to get answears and names out of him. He is weak and doesn't have strong will. He doesn't want to die, he is not ready to die, so i think that we will break him quickly. But if we wanna do it we need to have place and time to do so. Sooo, any ideas?

Mustang stared at me for a moment and then told.

~Do what you want with him. I don't care how, just get answears out of him. And i'll give you adress where you can do it. Well now let's head back to those two.

I nodded and we walked back to see Envy hold Alex by his leg while being upside down. I didn't say a word while Mustang started-

~What a-

But quickly stopped himself as boy started to laugh.

~More! More!

Envy just made grimmace and moved with him up and down while boy who still was upside down laughed more and more. I looked at Mustang and told.

~He is not as bad as you think. Even though he would never admit it.

I told and then we showed ourselves to Envy.

~Hey, took you long enough, i don't wanna babysit this brat.

Envy told with disgusted face as he put Alex down while i told.

~Well we are here. Alex come here, you will go with uncle Roy and tell him what you told us, he will find you home and maybe you will learn some alchemy, he is really strong, okey? He will protect you. And answear everything he asks you, or i really may be pissed off, alright?

~Y-yes, i will.

Alex told and then he told to Mustang.

~Hey, hey, i wanna be alchemist and i want to be just like these two!

Alex pointed at me and Envy while Mustang, Envy and I told simultaneously while sweatdropping.

~No, you don't.

After that Mustang looked at us and told.

~Now your report is done, i'm taking kid and Drachman away so do what you want until-

He stopped talking for a second and looked at Alex. Then he told again.

~Do what you want for now, i'll see you back up-

He shook his head to direction of prison and i nodded.

~Yeah, we will be back by 10PM.

With that Mustang left and i looked at Envy finally having time to have proper conversation with him.

~Soo, you like the boy?

I asked with smirk on my face.

~Huh? That bart? No. Why are you asking such things.

~Don't be so cold i saw you play with him.

~T-that was just because he was bothering me.

~Come on

~Okey, he ain't that bad but still he is weak human. But boy got the spirit. Maybe sometime he will be stronger then you.

~You know what? Maybe yes, maybe he will. But he still have long way to go. I was thinking about Ed or Al mentoring him. Maybe i should ask them.

~Uf, do what you want, but since we have our sweet freedom-

~Untill 10PM

I stepped in his sentence and he continued.

~While we have our partial freedom, what do you want to do? Wanna go somewhere?

~Hmm, well we have 7 hours from now on so we definitely should go somehwere. What about just walk, we can stop by ice cream shop and then we can go lay somewhere and chill. Maybe some small hill or something like that.

~Ain't that bad idea.

~Okey but before that i wanna stop by Elrics.

~Huh? You really wanna go inside? While we can do whatever we want?

~It's just a moment. Come on.

I pleaded a little and Envy stepped closer, put his hand on my shoulder, took deep stare into my eyes and told.

~You wanna ask them about that brat, right?

~Haha, you know me too well.

I said kinda nervous.

~Okey, okey, we will stop by them.

I looked at him and smiled.

~Thank you E-

But suddenly i stopped because Envy put his lips onto mine and kissed me.

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