Night 0: Prologue

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Y/n was a 17-year boy that was bored during his summer holidays, and his parents were becoming tired of him playing video games or doing nothing all day, so they found him a temporally part time job.

Y/n woke up like usual and went to the kitchen to eat breakfast. His parents were already there.

Y/n: Hi.

Y/n's dad: Hi? You mean good morning, right?

Y/n: Yeah. Do you mind moving so I can open the fridge please?

Y/n's mom: We need to have a little talk first. What are you doing in your room all day?

Y/n: Playing this new hit game which came out a few days ago.

Y/n's dad: Wait a sec, is that the game you wanted for your birthday?

Y/n: Yeah.

Silence filled the room.

Y/n's mom: What about your friends? You should go outside with them sometime.

Y/n: No need, they're playing the game with me.

Y/n's mom: Seriously? Well then, it's a good thing we got you a summer job.

Y/n: What do you mean summer job?

Y/n's mom: A part time job for summer. Or what's left of it anyway.

Y/n: I don't need one. What is this part time job anyway?

Y/n's mom: You'll have to guard a place at night. It's super easy, almost a little too good, but it's real! How shocking is that?

Y/n: What, am I going to guard a bank or something? Why would you pick something like that for a 17-year-old boy. Is this a prank?

Y/n's dad: No, it's not. You're going to guard a house complex. And why do you seem upset, were I your age...

Y/n: All right, I get it. It's not like I have a choice, right?

Y/n's dad: Hey, you should be excited. You'll finally earn some money by your own work, won't you? By the way, the shift starts from midnight to 6:00 AM.

Y/n: T-That late?! What do I look like, a night owl?

Y/n's mom: Apparently you do, y/n. It's hard to sleep when you game all night.

Y/n: ...Fair point. Fine, I'll go-- Wait, when do I go anyway?

Y/n's dad: Tonight. You can take a bus there, simple, and easy.

Y/n: Great...

Y/n's parents had no idea what they signed him up for, but it was too late for him to back out. When the night came, he went to the designated place. A person was waiting in front of the building.

Woman: Hmm? Looking for something?

Y/n: Not really, but my "job" is supposed to be in this complex or whatever.

Woman: So, you're the person. Excuse me, I bid you a good day, or night. I'm here to give you a quick guide through your first night. My name is Murasame Reine, analyser officer for Ratatoskr.

Y/n: Um, what? You're an officer for who?

Reine: Please come with me, I'll tell you more inside.

Y/n followed Reine inside the building, which was simply put just a big house.

Reine: First, I need you to sign some papers. You cannot tell anyone what you see or do while you're here. Formalities, naturally. Here.

DATE A LIVE: Five Nights at Shido's (DAL x FNAF)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora