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Guess what! Mark's mom said he could move in. We were both so excited. Living together was like the next big step in our relationship. I told Mark that I was gonna help him move in his things even though he insisted he'd do it himself. We were going to his house today so we could pick up the boxes he had packed.

We filled the truck of his car with boxes and drove back to my, now our apartment. We haven't fully decided on who will pay the rent but I think we're going to switch who pays every other month. It just seems easier than splitting it.

We carried the boxes up to the apartment and set them down in the living room/entryway. He went to unpack his toiletries while I worked on hanging up his clothes and putting them away in the dresser. I would've helped him more but I had to go to work.

I put on my usual black pants and shirt and put on a jacket before walking out the door saying goodbye to Mark before heading to the main entrance of the complex. I needed to ask the lady for another key before I left.

"Hey, do you have another key for room 1125?" I asked, walking up towards the desk.

"Yes we do! How many do you need?"

"Just one." I said and she handed me another key which was green colored.

"Thank you." I said with a smile and added a key next to mine so I wouldn't forget it later.

I started walking to the cafe, the January coldness reddening my cheeks. I made it inside my workplace and was delighted by the smell of coffee and the warmth of the cafe. I saw Renjun making a cup of tea behind the counter and I greeted him before making my way to the break room and putting my things down.

I put on my nametag and went behind the counter with Renjun. We talked for a few minutes before some customers came in and I had to attend to them.

When my shift was over I put my fluffy coat back on and headed out the door, making sure to lock up. I saw Mark waiting for me outside and I said hello to him putting his hand in mine. We walked down the sidewalk when flurries started to fall out of the sky. I put my hand out.

"Mark it's snowing!" I said happily.

"I know, baby." he said, looking down at me.

I leaned my head on his shoulder as we kept walking, finally reaching our apartment. I was worn out from today and I honestly had a rough day at work.

I handed Mark his key and he opened the door letting me walk in first. I hung up my coat and took off my shoes. Mark did the same. What I wanted right now was a nice hot shower so I adventured to the bathroom.

I stripped off my clothes, turning the water on. I waited for it to heat up before hopping in and pulling the shower curtain back over the whole tub. The warm water hit my back and warmed my cold body. I washed my hair giving myself a little massage in the process and finished up with the rest of my shower.

Once I was finished I stepped out of the shower and dried off my hair a little as well as my body. Before I left the bathroom I put on some moisturizer and some acne cream for the pimple I was getting on my cheek.

I wrapped the towel around my body and walked into the bedroom grabbing a fresh pair of underwear, a sweatshirt, and a pair of shorts that went to my mid thighs. I put on the clothes and then put on a pair of fuzzy socks.

I went back out of the bedroom and stood next to Mark who was in the kitchen making ramen. I back hugged him and he pulled one of his arms up to put it over mine. I sighed into his back and pulled away. The smell of the ramen was really making me hungry and I pulled out a package of my own to make.

After eating the ramen it was around 10:30 PM, me and Mark weren't tired but we weren't exactly in the mood to do anything energetic either. We decided to just cuddle in bed until we fell asleep enjoying the first night of us living together.

No, it couldn't be. I looked into the mirror and down at my stomach. I was showing. The baby was showing. I had a small little baby bump from being 16 weeks pregnant. It was so cute.

I ran out of the bathroom into the bedroom where Mark was getting ready for school.

"Babe babe babe!" I say running towards him.

"What baby?" he says in a tired voice.

"I'm showing!" I said excitedly.

"Huh?" he replied, still tired from sleep.

"The baby's showing!" I said again.

His eyes widened finally getting what I meant and I pulled up my shirt to let him see. He smiled and just kept staring until he gave me a hug.

"It's cute." he said and I giggled.

"I'm so happy..." I said getting lost in his warmth. "I'm so fucking happy."

A tear slips from my eye. Mark rubs it away with his thumb leaving a kiss on my forehead. I smile at that and tilt my head up as he places one on my lips as well.

We continued to get ready for school and grabbed a quick breakfast before heading out the door. I didn't want to go to school anymore. My feet hurt from PE and walking around the halls. I tried to introduce online school to my principal for me but he never responded to any of my emails and when I went to his office he was always busy.

I was gonna try and do it again today since it's Friday and we basically do nothing. Also maybe trying to do it first thing in the morning would help so he's not occupied.

We walked into school and I wished Mark a goodbye before walking into the front office. I walked up to the desk and asked the secretary to see the principal. She said yes and I made my way to the back corner where his office was. I knocked on the door and I heard a 'come in' from inside.

I turned the knob and walked into his office, sitting down in one of the chairs. He looked up at me and seemed annoyed that I was trying to reach him again.

"Yes Donghyuck?" he said.

"Good morning Mr. Kim. I would just like to reintroduce the online school idea for me." I say being very polite.

"And why is that? We can't just take you out of the school system."

"I'm pregnant and I'm gonna need the time at home to prepare and I won't be able to make it here. I think taking online classes will be more beneficial to me."

"I understand that but just because you're pregnant doesn't mean you can't come to school." he says and I almost roll my eyes.

"Well later in my pregnancy I won't be able to move around muc-"

He cuts me off, "Pregnant people can still walk!"

Finally I snapped, "Do you even have a wife or kids? Have you ever met a pregnant person in your life?! Because it doesn't seem like it if you're being this ridiculous!"

I got up and left the office and headed to my class. I was fed up, all I was asking for was digital education. I wasn't trying to give it up all together. I sat down next to the window and looked out, not listening to anything the teacher said. I wanted to cry. I was never going to be able to do anything with my life if I didn't finish high school.

I made it through the day and met up with Mark after school so we could go home. I wanted to sleep. I was pissed because I was feeling great this morning. I should've never talked to him.

We made it home and I immediately collapsed onto the bed putting in my earphones and listening to so much music. This always helped me clear my head especially soft music like Novo Amor. I closed my eyes and just listened to the sound of peace.


I hate this chapter but it is what it is. I honestly have no ideas for this book until he gets further into his pregnancy so if you have any suggestions for chapters that'd be nice it can be fluff or angst. I'm not doing any more smut until he gives birth so take that into consideration.


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