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I spent the night cuddled in my bed not wanting to get up. I ran out of supplements at home and my pheromones were flowing all through my room and probably all through the house. I was already waiting for my mom to come yell at me for it. Just as I thought that she burst into the room .

"Donghyuck can you please keep your pheromones under control!" she yelled, startling me a bit.

I let out a shaky breath and came out from under the covers. "I ran out of supplements, I can't help it." I said sadly. I get really emotional when I'm in heat and I just wanted to cry.

She let out an exaggerated sigh and said, "Can't you get your friend to buy you some? Why didn't you get some on the way home from school?! It's not that hard!"

"Fine, I'll ask..."

She slammed the door shut.

I let a soft tear fall from my eye and pulled out my phone.

You (8:56 PM): Hey can you get me more supplements? My mom said my scent is too much.

Renjun (8:58 PM): Yeah I can get you some but I'm busy working on my project rn so I'll have to send someone else alright?

You (8:58 PM) : That's fine :) Thx

Renjun (8:59 PM) : Np <33

I waited around 20 minutes before I heard the doorbell ring. I made my way downstairs on weak legs before answering the door. A boy my age stood at the door. He was around 5'9 and had smooth black hair. He had sharp cheekbones and jawline. He was incredibly dreamy. He scrunched his nose before talking.

"Hey, I was sent by Renjun to give you these." the boy said, handing me a brown paper bag.

"Thanks. Sorry for the trouble." I say taking the bag from him.

"Oh it's no problem. I'm Mark by the way."

Mark? That name sounded familiar. Oh!

"Wait, you're one of the guys who's coming to the mall with us tomorrow!" I exclaimed remembering what Rejun said.

He chuckled before answering, "Yep, that's me. Are you still planning on coming?" he said, his hands curling into fists.

"Yeah, I will now that I have these." I said with a soft smile. He stared at me for a few seconds before talking again.

"Well um I better get going. Nice meeting you."

"Yeah you too! Have a nice night." I said before shutting the door. I saw him walk away through the window and I slowly made my way back up the stairs.

I put some water in my mouth and swallowed the pills. I curled back up into the soft blankets of my bed and fell asleep for the night.


When I woke up the next morning I felt really tired but got up anyway. I picked out an oversized sweatshirt and some shorts to wear, something simple. I brushed my teeth getting rid of the gross taste in my mouth and took two more supplements. I also put on scent blockers just to be safe before I leave to go shopping.

I toasted a bagel for breakfast, which was more like lunch considering it was already 11:30, and waited for Renjun to pick me up. When I heard a car pull up in the driveway I went outside and got in the passenger side of the car.

"We have to pick up Jisung and the others will meet us there, okay?"

"Sounds good." I replied, connecting my phone to the bluetooth so we could listen to music on the way there.

My playlist was a mix of a bunch of different genres. There was k-pop, because we're from Korea, regular western pop, and some soft indie music on there as well. I love listening to music at full blast, it makes a nice vibe.

We pull up to Jisung's driveway and Renjun texts him that we're here. He comes out his front door wearing some wide leg, baggy jeans with big hearts on them and a white t-shirt with a logo on it. He hops in the back seat and greets us.

We pull up to the mall and I call Jaemin to see if they're here yet. He said they just went inside and are waiting at the entrance. I disconnect my phone and get out of the car. Jisung and Renjun both follow as we head to the entrance of the mall. I don't have very much money so I'm not sure if I'll actually get anything today. I have around a hundred dollars from baby-sitting, but I only do that when I have the time and I feel like I should use my money wisely instead of spending it on things I don't really need.

We met up with Jaemin, Jeno, the guy who dropped off my supplements yesterday, Mark, and a tall guy with light brown hair which I don't remember the name of. We walk over to them and say hi.

"Sorry, what's your name?" I said to the tall guy.

"Oh! Chenle." He replied energetically and gave me a nice eye smile. "You're Donghyuck right?"

"Mhm! That's me." I replied, giving him the same smile.

We all talked for a bit before heading to some stores. While I was looking at a clothing rack inside American Eagle I found myself standing next to Mark.

"Do you think this would look good?" He asks me, holding up a shirt to his chest.

I look at it for a couple seconds and then answer, "I think so, the color looks nice on you."

"Well I think I'll get it then," he says.

He stands next to me for a while as I continue looking at the shirts on the rack.

"Thanks for yesterday." I say looking at him.

"What?" He asks confused but then suddenly remembers, "Oh! It's really no problem, I had nothing to do anyways."

I smile again, "But really thank you, I don't know what I would've done if Renjun hadn't sent you."

He looked confused but took the compliment anyway, "Well it really wasn't a big deal for me to bring them. Don't worry about it."

I started to get a little hot so I decided to take off my sweatshirt and go try on the few items I picked out from the store.

"Hey can you hold my things while I go and try these on?" I asked Mark who was still near me.

"Uh yeah sure." He said before taking my bag and sweatshirt.

I tried on the pair of pants I picked out and I absolutely loved them, but they were really expensive so I probably couldn't get them. I tried on the rest of the clothes and decided to only get one shirt that was around $20.

I grabbed my bag back from Mark after I paid and we all headed out of the store. We decided to all get pretzels from Auntie Annes before we left the mall. While we were In the car I felt my supplements wear off a little and popped another one into my mouth.

I got dropped off at my house and I went inside, heading straight to my bedroom. Then I realized...

I left my sweatshirt with Mark.

That was my favorite one and I don't even have his number. I'll just see if I can get it from him at school on Monday. If I can even find him.


Sry if these chapters are bad, I feel like they have no detail. Pls let me know. :)) Also do you prefer short or long chapters??

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