"No way! Your comedy is on fire, Lava King!"



The echoes rippled across the open land.

Small flocks of birds took to the air.

Not even a breeze dared to stir the colorful foliage.

Seconds creeped by.

The man's knees shook. A moment later he turned heel.

He gasped for breath as a small village of oak houses grew closer.

Suddenly, a bright light appeared in both of his peripherals. As he looked over his shoulder, something swept out his feet!

"AHH!" he screamed.

He shut his eyes and braced for impact...Except...there was nothing...

The man cracked open one eye. A gloved hand was holding him by the collar of his shirt. He followed the long glove until it met a long, slender arm. At the end of it was a young man. He wore a beaming smile with slicked back, blond hair and sunny, green eyes.

"Hey! How are you today, sir?" the blond inquired.

"Uhhh, dahhp. Um–"

The farmer was pulled to his feet. Immediately he brushed off his shirt and adjusted his cap.

After briefly looking up at the tower of sun and smiles, he averted his gaze to his feet.

Suddenly, the young man extended his gloved hand again.

"My name's Eli! Yours?"

The older man's eyes widened.

His Adam's apple bobbed.

"Erm, uhh...," he muttered.

"Alright, well it's nice to meet you!"

No response.

Eli cocked a brow. He glanced over his shoulder and nodded.

"Sir, if you don't mind, we're a little lost and I was hoping you could help us out," Eli tried again.

The man's shoulders relaxed a little.

"S-sure thing," he mumbled.

He slowly raised his eyes before stopping. His pupils dilated.

Eli cocked a brow and looked over his shoulder to see five more people.

At the front was a teen woman with large curves, spiky salmon hair, and glaring brown eyes. She had her arms crossed over her chest, popping her boobs from her white, crop tank top. The dark vest and loose, cream pants shook as she impatiently stomped the ground with her brown sandals.

Next to her was a young man her height with spiked back purple hair, a white coat over dark pants, and an ominous green glare. One hand sat in his coat pocket while the other calmly stroked the giant, olive-green snake coiled around him.

Behind the duo was a towering figure cloaked in a black, hooded cloak. Only a pale chin and a few dark, wavy locks could be seen under the hood. A faint, dark aura constantly emanated.

Standing next to the cloaked figure was a young man with deep bags under his half-closed dark green eyes. The greasy, red locks matched the dirty blue coat and wrinkled, dark, skin-tight clothes underneath. One hand was in his pocket. The other held a mysterious device.

Behind the redhead and off to the side was a young man with dark blue hair and an unbuttoned pink shirt with white and red polka dots. Complementary white pants were draped over his shoulder while the red speedo outlined his smooth legs.

Fairy Tail Adventures Await Volume 2: Undercover InvestigationWhere stories live. Discover now