volume 1: Epilogue 3

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After revealing about our breakthrough that day, me and Raghav were showered with praises. Uncle and aunty said that they're extremely grateful towards me. They completely forgot about my tattoo.

After leaving Raghav's house by the evening, I returned back home.

I told my mom I was on a camping trip with Raghav, so she didn't find anything unusual about me. But my stupid sister did annoy me to tell her all about the trip.

"Are you telling the truth?", Principal Gupta asked.

I nodded in response.

Currently, I was at the principal's office, discussing about my early graduation.

Since I am already a mid-tier, I didn't need to stay at school and can apply for an early graduation. Raghav would also do the same but he didn't come today, saying he was too tired.

"Impressive. So, you took a leave from school last four day for this breakthrough, Huh?", principal Gupta analysed.

I didn't tell him about dhwarka or any of that stuff. This was Asi's advice

While I am extremely grateful to the principa, I decided to put my faith in Asi.

"I will handle your graduation. I would even recommend you to IIMR, Mumbai, as well", Principal Gupta said and I couldn't help but feel extremely grateful towards him.

IIMR, short for Indian institute for Magic and Research, is one of the three sister universities funded by the government, located in Mumbai.

The other two universities are at Delhi, and kolkata.

As for IIMR, Mumbai, since it's close to The border, students are known to hunt in the wild area quite often. Meaning, while in terms of resources, iimr,  Delhi comes on top, in top of combat proficient students, Mumbai takes the win. And interestingly, despite of the same position,  the institute acts completely independent of government influence.

Thanking the principal, I walked out of the office and was on my way back home. It was already past noon

Since I had no attachment to my classroom, other than my two friends, who are both not at school, I didn't plan on staying.

As I reChed the main gate, I saw someone standing there.

Her long white hair was tied in ponytail, she wore a black crop top and a knee length jean skirt which suited her looks perfectly.

Is it because this world is connected to a novel that the most girls that come by are extremely beautiful?

"Were you waiting for me?", I asked her.

Akansha walked up-to me with her usual expressionless face. But after she reached me, a sharp pain jolted up from my shin.

"Aouuuuuu! WHAT WAS THAT FOR?!", I yelled at her, feeling wronged.

"Oh, I am sorry. My leg slipped", she said with a not so sorry face.

"At least try to come up with a better lie"

"Why should I?"

"Did I make you mad?", I asked.

"Did you?", she returned my question with another question.

God, why are girls so confusing.

"Look I'm sorry I didn't tell you about the trip?"

"Oh, what trip do you mean?", she asked me with a hollow voice.

This is gonna be tiresome.


In the end, I had to accompany the princess the whole day as an apology. She made me take her for shopping and a few dessert shops. I feel like we entered every shop in Ahemdabad

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