ch 2

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     It's been a week since I arrived. Other than addition of magic, everything was normal. My mom was a basic level wind mage. Gramps probably didn't wanna involve her into this shit and so didn't train her much. I also figured out mom doesn't know he's a forbidden curse mage.

   Then next information was that no information of Mo Fan Or anything relevant in China. That means either the story doesn't happen in this world or it didn't start yet. If it's the latter, I'm guessing the time difference between us is not too big. But The Black Vertican is real. But they haven't been doing much to our country. I'm guessing it's because we won't attract much attention for them or they don't want their hunt for the Shastras(weapons) be noticed by everyone. And I still have two years left for me to start my high school and have my awakening. I tried working on this eye grandpa gave, but no use. I have no idea how to do it.

   But till date, I got no Intel on that friend. Grandpa said he would meet me when I arrive and yet I got no clue. And I have no idea how to carry Asi around. Seriously, how was a 14 year old supposed to carry a one handed long sword. I actually never drawn it out though. More like, it wouldn't budge. Grandpa said only Guardians could draw it out. Does that mean I'm not a guardian. Where the heck is the frigging plot armour when you need it.

    I tried drawing every single day, even did research on Asi but couldn't find anything that could give me an answer. How the heck did they wield this sword back in those days?

     I walk up to the sword and try again. No use, the sword seem to be stuck to the sheath.

      I tried everything on the sword but no use. Lets rewind a bit. The sword can be considered a treasure, the Gaurdians are the safe keepers of this treasure, then what is missing. The vault! and the vault here should be...

     My eyes fell in the sword again. I am thinking of every single idea for this and you are just lying there. Don't you pity me, oh great sword Asi? Why do you love that sheath so.. much....

   That's it, sheath! Eureka, I found the vault! Lets hope this works. I started examining the sheath now. Not surprisingly I couldn't find a 'keyhole'. What could it be, think, think. I ran my finger on the smooth sheath but result was the same. What am I missing here?

   I am gradually running out of patients here. Asi, the sword is said to be a creature that destroys evil back in my world. In that case, does that mean Asi has intelligence? If this sword is meant to restore dharma, doesn't that mean Gaurdian is someone who upholds dharma. I'm taking things too literally here.....

   "Uugh, what the-?", all of a sudden, my blood fell on the sheath from a wound on the thumb, and I got no idea how that happened or why. The few drops blood stretched thin and formed  a sanskrit sentence. I'm not well versed in sanskrit but I could make it out as:

  'Asi, the being that will restore dharma

   *click*, I heard as if a lock was opened  and the sword came out of the sheath, just a bit. I noticed this. This sword, actually drew out on its own after I dropped few drops of my blood?

  I proceeded to draw it out. But half way, my vision changed and I was in, what seemed like, a throne room. With a throne above about ten steps. There, on that throne, sat a creature, a  dreadful creature. It was as though a moon had arisen in the midst of the stars. He was coloured like a deep-blue lotus. His teeth were sharp and terrible, stomach lean and skinny and stature very tall and slim. He was of exceeding energy and power. A being that symbolizes destruction. To think I'd actually meet that being!

   "Who are you, you are not a Guardian, then why did you dare me pick up", that being, the monstrous form of Asi, asked. Its voice was high pitched and eerie. All of a sudden, I was filled with a feeling of dread, as if my very being was about to crumble right there the next instant. I guess this is called bloodlust? " My grandfather was a gaurdian, and during his last moment in this world, he passed the sword to me?", I struggled as I spoke. "Oh, are you telling me, a gaurdian was stupid enough to pass me on, without bothering to make him a Gaurdian?", he questioned me, intensifying the feeling of destruction. That geezer forgot such an important detail?!

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