Chapter 8: Good Deeds

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You'd have to become good? But how? You WERE a full blooded criminal through and through, so turning yourself into a law abiding citizen would be hard. You were just like every other criminal, if you saw a chance to commit crimes you'd gladly take it. While you were on the more polite side, you were still dangerous and armed. And what? You were supposed to help old Ladies get across the road now? Save poor kittens stuck to a tree? Mow the lawn of some random citizens? Lame, sappy, no way. But if this was the only way to get your hands on some Chemical X, then maybe just maybe... This would all be worth it in the end. But where to start? You thought about it for a moment, and came to the conclusion that there was only one place where you could possibly start. 

You made your way to the suburbs of Townsville. Nice and peaceful place. Very neat neighbourhood. You stopped in front of a nice kind of retro looking white house, with a small garage. You inhaled slowly, and exhaled before knocking on the door. ;"I'll get it!" A squeaky little girl voice said inside. You felt a bit worried for sure, but decided to put on a strong fearless expression anyway. The door opened revealing a small little girl with pigtails, big round blue eyes looking right into yours. It took her a moment to realize just who you were before she took a fighting stance. "GIRLS!" She yelled. The two immediately came into view. ;"Huh?! What're YOU doing here?!" Buttercup spat. ;"Here to finish the job??" Blossom chimed in. You raised both of your hands in the air. ;"No no, I'm not here to fight. I'm actually here to.. uh.." you nervously said. "To ask for your help." You finally said. The girls looked at each other and then at you suspiciously. ;"Our help in what?" Blossom asked. ;"I want to know how to be good!" You cried out, this took the girls by surprise. You fell to the ground on your knees, managing a few tears even. "Criminal life is the only thing I've ever known! No one was there for me when I needed guidance and help the most. That's why I learned to never trust anyone else in the first place! I swear I only want to change! Please help me!" You told them. 'Man, if this sob story doesn't work...' You thought to yourself, trying hard not to smile, while crocodile tears fell down your cheeks. The girls huddled together, whispering things amongst themselves. Suddenly Bubbles yelled: ;"Professor!" You thought they had found out your little lie. Only for the man to join the huddle for a moment. They sometimes looked at your direction, that's when you forced some more tears out. Once they were done, all four stood up straight. Well the girls hovered but...anyway, they all looked fairly serious. ;"So, you want to become good?" Buttercup asked you. ;"More than anything else." You innocently said. ;"And... you have left your erhm, 'comrades' then?" Blossom asked. ;"Yes. I no longer associate myself with them. I've gone solo." You nodded. Bubbles still didn't look convinced. ;"Do you still have your weapon?" You went silent for a moment ;"Um.. My blaster? Yes. I do have it." You showed it to her. ;"Can you throw it away?" She asked you. You hesitated. ;"I- uh- I suppose so, it's just that it has been with me for so long  I-" you stuttered. ;"Good guys can't go around carrying guns!" She argued. ;"But the police carry guns all the time?" You said. She stopped to think. ;"Well it's just, yours is evil!" She finally said. ;"Fine, fine. If it gives you peace, I'll.. get rid of it." You sadly said, walking towards the nearest trash can, you opened the lid. 'Goodbye old friend. I love you.' You thought, as you let go of your blaster and you placed the lid back on. "There. Happy?" You asked her. She nodded bouncing up and down. "So... what's next on the good guy list?" You asked the girls. ;"Hmmm..." they all said at once. And boy were you going to regret asking.

First they made you assist some townfolks in repairing the city, then they made you help some old lady across the street! AND to top it all you had to clean some garbage of the ground, which wasn't even yours. 'Me and my big mouth..' You thought. 'At least the park looks better now..' You admired your work. The girls did too, they thought you really were trying your hardest to be good, and that was just fine with you. But you needed to get closer to the enemy. You turned to face the girls. ;"Hey uh.. Thanks for helping someone like me out. This really helps me in the long run." You said. ;"It's what Super Heroines do! Everyone needs a second chance." They told you. You smiled at them. ;"I was wondering.. I've been helping others but is there anything I could help YOU guys with? After all what I did to you was pretty bad.." you explained. They looked at each other. ;"Well usually we do a lot at home after and before fighting... maybe you could help out with some chores?" They asked. Your smile widened. ;"Anything to help you guys out!" You cheerily answered. 'And anything to get my hands on that Chemical X.' You thought to yourself giggling on the inside. 

Later that evening you went to report to Him. "They're practically eating out of my hand already. I'll get that chemical sooner than planned I bet." You said. ;"Careful now. Better take it slow and steady. You'll never know with those brats.." Him told you. ;"Don't worry sweetie I've got this under control." You reassured. 'Wait did I just call Him "sweetie".. I'm so dead.' You thought. You heard nothing on the other side for a while until...;"Just checking honey, we need to be careful after all, since our previous attempts to beat them didn't go so well." He explained. Your poor little heart nearly died. 'He called me "honey" gah!' You placed a hand on your chest. This WAS  the first time either of you had called each other pet names. After you hanged up, you stayed up a bit too late thinking about it. You were too excited to sleep. Not only that, but soon you'd get your own Super Powers. If you'd manage to fool those heroes long enough that was.

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