Chapter 4: The Boys

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As you waited for Him to arrive with his boys, you felt your excitement and worry increasing. Wasn't this like meeting his FAMILY? Was this something a partner should be part of? Not that you minded meeting the boys after all you WERE curious about Him and his background, so this was actually good right? You were learning more about him, and he was actually fine with letting you do so. This was definitely a green flag. You couldn't believe your ears when you heard a familiar flying sound. ;'Wait is that-?? The Powerpuff Girls?!' You worried, until someone a little different came into view. Sure his hair color matched, but his demeanor and eyes didn't. You were currently looking at a small boy in the eye, about the same age as the Powerpuff Brats. He wore a long sleeved red shirt and a dark red cap, his hair was orange just like Blossom's. He was glaring daggers at you. ;"Hey pops, who's the lame-o over here?" He said pointing at you. 'Huh, cute kid.' You sarcastically thought. ;"Yeah who's the weenie?" A black haired boy asked, flying into the room. He was soon followed by a blone one. ;"Y-yeah! Who is this?" He asked "Your date or something?" He continued making kissy noises, getting a hit from the red head. ;"Eww. Boomer why'd you say that??" He spat. ;"That's gross man." The black haired one agreed. ;"Now now boys BEHAVE. This is Y/N and they're my partner in crime. Y/N they are my sons Brick, Boomer and Butch." Him introduced you. The boys looked at you up and down, before whispering something between themselves and laughing. You gave a long sigh on the inside but decided to remaining calm and give the little squirts a chance. ;"Very nice to meet you three." You said giving them a smile, and holding out your hand for a handshake. They answered by giving short slaps on it. Enough for you to feel light pain but nothing too drastic. You rubbed your poor hand. ;"So um, not to sound rude but how are these lovely little guys going to help us defeat those Over powered little freaks?" You asked Him. He smiled putting his hand behind the boys' back. ;"My boys here have had a close call in nearly beating those little pests before, and since we too had a near win situation with them I thought: Why not join forces with them?" He explained. "Our odds of winning would increase significantly." He continued. ;"Wait why would WE need help from THEM? C'mon pops we're more than enough to beat those ninnies!" Brick argued. ;"Yeah we can take em'!" Butch backed Brick up. Boomer looked down on the ground, ;"But they did beat us before..?" He said. The two other boys gave him the stink eye. "WHAT? They DID!" He tried to argue. ;"And there's nothing wrong with it, I mean they defeated US too." You backed him up. ;"See? THEY get it." Boomer victoriously declared. Him looked at the scene clearing his throat. ;"You will team up, because I say so." He said with a smile on his face. ;"Aw man!" Brick said throwing his cap on the ground. ;"And I will hear no more complaints about it." Him said with a lower tone. ;"But hey you can totally be the ones to make the final attack on them!" You quickly intervened. That seemed to light up their expressions a little, not that they'd ever actually let you know of course. "So you guys in or what?" You asked them. The three gave each other the knowing look. ;"Yeah!" They all said together. "Let's kick some ninny butt!" 

Elsewhere in Townsville: ;"Did you see them run away?? They were so scared of us!" Buttercup proudly stated. ;"Maybe, but they DID get away from us." Blossom said. ;"But we won right?" Bubbles asked meekly. ;"Well we saved the day! So what if they retreated. They left, we won!" Butteecup argued. Blossom didn't agree with her sister however. ;"And yet their evil deeds went unpunished. I bet this isn't even the last time we'll see the two of them." She explained. She couldn't quite understand why, but she had a bad feeling about all of this. Like the calm before the storm. The Green Puff however decided not to worry about it. Bubbles just wanted everyone to get along, and be happy. ;"Now let's go home and leave this all behind us okay?" Buttercup asked Blossom, who begrudgingly agreed. The three were ready to fly away back to their sweet home, until the ground started to shake. Red smoke appearing from the cracks that appeared on the ground, with it, five figures emerged. You, Him, and the Rowdyruff Boys. ;"Oh girls. Time for round two!" Him called out. The three watched in horror as the boys flew towards them. ;"Time to start the BEATING!" Brick yelled, throwing punches at Blossom, Boomer tackled Bubbles, as Butch headbutted Buttercup. While the girls were busy fighting the boys, the two of you went back to what you did best, create some chaos. Burning buildings, shooting right into the crowd.. the good stuff. Too bad that the girls weren't making it any easier for you. Once Bubbles managed to run away from Boomer, she came flying your way, luckily for you, Him easily smacked her away from you with his claw, sending her towards a burning building, which she flew right through of and into the ground. You decided to take out your blaster and shoot her way just in case she was thinking of getting up, it hit the mark, creating a small after blast, but the Blue Puff managed to get away the last second. Only for her to get beaten up by Boomer again. The Green and Pink Puff tried to get away from the Red and Green Ruff, but any time they DID get away, Him or you would be there to hit them HARD. It was like a bizarre game of volleyball, and the girls were the balls. Back and forth, until they fell to the ground. Your blaster was near empty, but the little boys were ready to hurt them for you. All five of you stood above the girls, who were having trouble just moving their arms. You looked down on them menacingly. ;"Boys? Would you like to do the honors?" Him asked the three, who in turn cracked their necks and knuckles. ;"Sure pops." Brick said. ;"This is it." Boomer continued. ;"He he! Buh-bye girlies!" Butch said. They closed in on them, each grabbing their respective targets. When suddenly there was a sound in the distance. ;"Is that a car horn?" You asked. "But who would-?" You attempted to say, when a white car nearly drove over you, had Him not quickly grabbed you by your collar, making you fall towards him. Your back pressed to his chest. The car's speed created a smokescreen, for long enough for someone to grab the girls, and drive away at a high-speed. The five of you were completely dumbfounded. ;"WHO WAS THAT?!" You yelled. When the smoke cleared you realised just how close to Him you were. You quickly made some space between the two of you. ;"So- uh- d-does this mean we won...?" You hurriedly asked, blushing madly. The boys snickered, but you weren't sure what for. ;"I- I think this counts as a win yes." Him said. "They WERE defeated after all." He continued. ;"So..." you started. "Should we trash the rest of the town now?" You asked Him, he gave you a bright smile in response which gave you butterflies in your stomach. 

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