Chapter 6: Girls Will Be Girls

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While you five were having fun ruling the town, other four were having not so fun times in the suburbs... ;"...Girls!...Girls please wake up!" The Professor pleaded. The Powerpuff Girls laid motionless on their bed, when finally one of them opened their eyes. ;"P...Professor? Where are we?" Blossom asked groggily. Bubbles was next to wake up. ;"It hurts all over..." she whimpered. Buttercup attempted to immediately get up, only for her body to not response to her commands. ;"Why can't I move at all?? This sucks!" She annoyedly stated. Professor tried to calm thing down, though mainly Buttercup. ;"Girls, you were just in a terrible fight, you're in no condition to get up just yet." He explained. ;"But we gotta save Townsville!" Buttercup whined. ;"We can't if we're all beaten up like this!" Blossom tried to argue. Bubbles was focused on trying to move to her side, but even that seemed impossible. ;"You three need to REST. The Town can wait, until you three can move again." Professor demanded. The girls tried to argue against him, but he was right. They couldn't move a muscle, how could they possibly save the day like this? The three begrudgingly went to sleep. The Professor pondered for a moment, how could his girls win this fight without getting hurt like this again? Of course he could always make a new invention but who knows how long that would take, the town needed help NOW. He soon realized that there was only one possible thing that could help his girls fight..

The skies were dark from the smoke and fire wad raging all over the town. The people had gone into hiding or had fled for their lives, five figures could be seen scaring and hurting those who still remained, and were out in the open. The prison was long since opened up, and the many many inmates were running amok in the town, committing various crimes, and no one to stop them. The police forces didn't stand a chance against all of them, and the super powered villains of Townsville. Even in their dreams the townsfolk couldn't get peace, Him would use his powers to frighten them with nightmares, and illusions of all kinds, and during the day, they'd live in fear of someone finding them and hurting their poor little families. ;"Wow, I Don't think I've seen this many villains in one place since Mojo's party." You said, taking a look around. Truly the sea of villains was vast and full of furious people, ready to hurt whoever came into view. ;"Oh I know! Isn't it wonderful?" Him said holding his claws together. ;"Yeah we can do whatever we want!" Butch said enthusiastically, letting out a powerful war cry of sorts. ;"Yeah! I can beat all the people I want!" Brick continued. ;"And I can eat all the candy I want!" Boomer yelled, getting a few disappointed glances from his brothers. "What?" He asked them. ;'Truly a great day to be a villain.' You thought to yourself as you watched chaos unfold. But most of all what you loved about today, was knowing you could spend it all with Him. True you just went on your first date with him, but you really liked it and hoped there'd be many more to come after this. You still couldn't shake that nagging feeling deep down that something was going to happen sooner or later, you just weren't sure what or when. You thought that it was just your imagination. But you had no idea just how right your gut feeling was. 

Back at the Utonium residence, the Professor was hard at work. Not on an invention, but to make sure hid girls made a speedy recovery, thanks to their supernatural nature, they already healed faster than any other being, but they had still gotten their worst blow yet. They had gotten back some of their powers, but not nearly enough to fight against all of the bad guys in Townsville. ;"Professor. We need to save the town!" Buttercup whined. "We can't be stuck in bed doing nothing!" She continued. ;"I agree, we have to do something" Blossom said. ;"But what can we do?" Bubbles asked. The Professor raised his head, clapping together his hands. ;"I do have a suggestion.. But I'm not sure you girls are going to like it too much. However it is our only option at the moment, taking in count the towns current condition, and the situation." He explained. "We have to use Dynamo." He said. The girls gasped. ;"But the mayor told us to NEVER use it again." Bubbles argued. ;"Yeah he didn't like it too much the first time." Buttercup concured. ;"But girls, if we don't use it, there's going to be no town to save!" Blossom intervened. "Sure it's destructive power is incredible, but it's the only thing powerful and dangerous enough against all of the villains." She continued. ;"Exactly. And you girls will be safe and sound inside the thing, so you won't get hurt any more than you already have." Professor said, showing thumbs up. "So what do you girls say?" He asked them. ;"Get ready villains of Townsville. The Powerpuff Girls are back in the game!" The girls got up from their bed, suited up and readied themselves to once again take control of the Dynamo.

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