Chapter 10: Chemical X

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Helping the Professor with his work got you pretty excited. Not only did you now have a proper plan on how to get the Chemical X, but you also felt pretty good on how smoothly things were going so far. The girls didn't suspect a thing, you basically had access to everywhere in THEIR own home and you had the entire town fooled on your little goody two-shoes act. It was going to be the perfect crime. And the boys would help you with it. Finally you'd get cool super powers. And just like a charm. It all happened. First the girls went to patrol the city, leaving just you and the Professor alone for the time being. Then the boys arrived. ;"Hey there's lame-o's! Ready for your beat down?!" Brick taunted. Blossom was quick to answer: "Remind me again, who was it that got beat last time? Oh right! It was YOU guys." She said proudly. ;"Pfft. You only won cause you cheated with your robot!" Butch said. Boomer voiced in: ;"Yeah! We would've whooped your butts without it!" Buttercup started a "ya-ha, nu-uh", competition with the blue Ruff. ;"You're all just mad cause you lost!" Bubbles said showing her tongue at them. ;"Time to finish this!" Brick yelled "BOYS! Let's show these ninnies how it's done!" He said attacking Blossom immediately. Each Ruff took on their respective Puff. When you heard the sounds of explosions from the distance, you knew the plan had started. ;"Oh my that sounded bad, I sure hope the girls can handle it.." you said innocently. ;"Oh, Don't worry Y/N. My girls can handle anything." The Professor said confidently. 'Yeah but can YOU?' You thought to yourself, smirking.
The boys sent out a giant ball of energy right at the girls who mimicked their attack. The explosion was huge. Both sides were sent flying towards the nearest now fully restored building. They were all equally matched. Brick and Blossom exchanged punches while Buttercup and Butch were currently playing sonic boom with each other. Boomer and Bubbles were LITERALLY in each others hair. Pulling and twisting. They did special move after special move, but there was seemingly no end to this crazy super powered fight. Both parties were exhausted, and frankly just wanted this to end. Meanwhile, Him was watching the show quite amused. Things were going smoothly on the boys end, and as for you well, you were just about to tie up some loose ends.
You were just handing the Professor a beaker full of unknown liquid when you 'accidentally' dropped it on the ground. ;"Oh no I'm so sorry Professor Utonium!" You acted. He gave you a reassuring smile: ;"Don't worry about it Y/N accidents happen. Especially to a scientist like myself, ha!" He laughed, as he turned to pick up the beaker. You on the other hand, took a stool from where you stood, and raised it high above you. When the Professor's back was turned you brought it down on his poor little head. He fell unconscious to the floor.  ;"Now I can work without interruptions." You said, getting some rope and some cloth to cover his mouth with. You then took the keys from his pocket and turned towards the safe. ;"Chemical X, here. We. Go." You said triumphantly. You tied the Professor to a chair, and walked towards the safe, and with a click it opened. You immediately took the bottle of Chemical X out of it. You thought about how much you should drink, after all it had only took a few drops of it to make The Powerbrats. You twirled the bottle in your hand and contacted Him. ;"I got it." You said in a singy songy voice. ;"Excellent" He said. "I'll be right there." He continued. You couldn't wait. You went outside with the Chemical to wait, as you watched from afar the fight of the century happen in town. It didn't take long for Him to arrive. Some dark red flames appeared from the ground, and suddenly there he was, with his usual grin on his face. ;"And? Did you drink it yet?" You shook your head. "Kinda wanted to show the Powerpuff Girls as it happens." You said with a sly smirk on your face. Him's smile widened. ;"What a great idea love." He said, transporting the two of you to town, where the Heroines currently laid on the ground, nearly motionless. The boys were the same of course.
;"Had enough yet??" Brick asked, nearly too tired to even wave his hand. ;"You wish!" Blossom said, trying to get up from the ground. You and Him walked next to the Boys to help them up. ;"upsy daisy" You said lifting Brick up from the ground. "Guess what I got?" You said showing them the bottle of the Chemical. The girls had yet to notice your presence. ;"Heya girls. Tough time?" You asked them sarcastically. Blossom looked up. ;"Y/N? Why are you here aren't you supposed to be with the Professor?" She tiredly asked. You rolled your eyes. ;"Yeah, turns out he's a little tied up at the moment." You said smiling. Blossom didn't understand until she saw the Chemical in your hand. ;"W-What are you doing with Chemical X?" She asked panic rising. ;"Oh this? Thought I'd have a keepsake of these wonderful times I've spent with you guys." You told her. Buttercup and Bubbles both looked shocked. ;"But we thought you were a good guy now...?" Bubbles said her voice shaking. ;"Oh sweetie." You said. "You thought wrong." You smirked. You opened up the bottle of Chemical X, and raised it to your mouth. "As they say, bottoms up." You told them, taking a sip of the black cold Chemical. It had a funky taste, like soda mixed with some ink. You felt sick. You felt like your entire body was burning for a moment. "Ugh..." you whined. There was a dim light coming from within you and then, you lost consciousness. The bottle nade a sound when it hit the ground. Him caught you before you could hit the ground, holding you up. For a moment there was nothing, but when you came to there was something. You held your head in pain, looking at the girls. "Man I don't feel so good." You said. ;"Ha! See? It was a dud!" Buttercup said victoriously. You pointed at her. ;"Now you should just shut up-" you tried to say, when suddenly a bright light came from the tip of your finger, hitting Buttercup, she yelled in pain. You looked at your hand wide eyed. Did you just do that? And... how would you do it again?

H.I.M His Irreplaceable MateOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora