Chapter 5: Rulers of Townsville

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It was like out of the wildest dreams of yours, car sirens going off, burning buildings, absolute chaos happening all around you, and what's most important: NO ONE to stop you. You were having the time of your life scaring the poor people of the town, blasting away with your blaster, and most importantly, you were there with HIM. Eversince you met, you had felt different, a good kind of different. You wanted to know more about Him, be close to him, maybe even go on a date or two..? Obviously that would require you actually asking Him. Which you were currently having problems with, not the asking part itself, but the devastatingly awful idea of rejection. Sure you were both villains, but you were both very different from each other, and let's face it, you had absolutely no idea how to act or what to say to someone you like. ;'Hey wanna go on a date with me?', 'Hey we should totally date!', 'Hi handsome, I'm free, you're free, wanna date?' You felt silly even trying to figure this out. You had always been more focused on helping other villains but you hadn't exactly had any experiences with romance. You just wished He wouldn't notice you being more silent each passing minute. ;"Y/N, is something the matter? You've become quiet." He said. 'Crap.' ;"Just having a hard time understanding what just happened I mean, we REALLY won! The girls were totally beaten." You explained quickly. "I feel like I could do anything!" You said. Him smiled, ;"Feels good no? Finally the bad guys won." He said closing his eyes. God he was so close yet, so far away at the same time. You REALLY wanted to ask him out. But how? When? Where? You HAD pretty much trashed the entire town. With some exceptions, of course. You'd need to have some buildings standing, and the boys still needed their arcade and movies... Of course! A classic dating place. The movies! Maybe your luck hadn't fully left you after all. You watched as Him made the scared people of Townsville run right where he wanted them, before making a building nearly collapse on them, something about that just seemed nearly magical to you. How he moved, how he thinked, Just pretty much everything about him seemed interesting to you in some way or another. 

The boys were having the time of their lives bullying people and smashing stuff. ;"Yeah! Break! Break! Break!" Brick said punching a wall making it collapse. Butch used his head for something similar while Boomer threw big rocks at anything vulnerable looking. ;"Alright! That's the way guys!" Brick actually complimented his brothers. Boomer felt quite good about it, considering he was usually the walking joke of the group. Butch was too busy bashing hid head against the walls to care. You slowly approached Him while the boys were all busy doing their own individual thing. ;"Um, hey Him?" You started meekly. ;"Hm? Yes Y/N?" He asked you, as he used his eyebeams to a nearby building making holes through it. ;"I was wondering, if you want that is, after this.. maybe you would like to.. I don't know, go to the movies with me?" You nearly choked on your words at the end of the sentence. You braced yourself for the worst, taking a deep breath, your entire body stiff as a board. ;"Sure I'd love to." He said. ;"Oh okay, understandable I just-" then it hit you, what he just said. "Wait really?" You asked. ;"Sure, why not?" Him said smiling at you. 'He said YES! okay calm down Y/N, it's just going to the movies, with Him.' Your little evil heart leaped with joy. And because of the mass hysteria, you'd have the theater all to yourselves, making it feel even more intimate. The two of you walked in the midst of chaos, listening to the sounds of the panicked citizens, both of you with a smile on your faces. You couldn't help but gaze at Him while you did so. The movie you went to see was a classic horro flick. While you were good with some old fashioned blood and gore stuff, for some reason this particular movie seemed way too creepy. Him was having the time of his life watching the youngsters in the movie flail around, and scream. You noticed he had moved his hand behind your back, while watching the movie, whether conscious or unconscious decision you weren't sure, your body stiffened as you weren't sure whether it was alright to lean back or not. You were watching for any signs, but you were having troubles trying to read Him's body language. When you saw no notable signs, you made the decision to lean back towards his arm, you glanced at Him. He was looking at you. But he didn't move his arm away. Instead, he made a new kind of smile you had never seen before, this one somehow felt like it was meant only for you. You couldn't help but blush a little. You'd definitely remember this moment for a long time, despite it being short. The movie while probably good, wasn't the thing you were focused on after that. 

Afterwards, you and Him could be seen walking hand in hand, through the town. It was lightly raining, and the skies were dark from the smoke of the burning buildings, but somehow even that seemed beautiful at the moment. Some bystander was blaming you, from all of the destruction, but you quickly took out your blaster and solved that problem. Him gave you a greatful look. The two of you marched down to the city hall, and into the mayor's office, demanding they'd officially give up. Seeing as you had over powered the Powerpuff Girls, and no officer could stop you, they had no choice but to give in to your demands. The Rowdyruff Boys trashed the entire office, as you and Him laughed at the scene.  

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