Chapter 7: The Recovery

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When the world finally stopped spinning around you, you were aware of just how bad the situation really was. You had lost again, big time. The boys were in no shape to fight, even Him had gotten hurt. And you weren't doing so good either. You were holding your poor head, while checking on the Rowdyruff Boys, who were currently busy bickering about whose fault it was, that they had lost. Him sat in his chair, thinking about something. You wanted to help him, cheer him up, anything. You just weren't sure how. All you knew was that your tries to take over Townsville weren't over. Not by a long shot. You made your way to Him with a first-aid kit to help clean his wounds and patch him up. He was definitely mad, he hadn't said a word once you all arrived to his lair. Not even a mumble. You definitely understood why, but you just wanted Him back to normal honestly. You cleared your throat a bit to announce your presence. He didn't even turn to look at you. ;"Would it be okay if I cleaned your wounds?" You asked. When you heard no words of protest, you got to work. Carefully you cleaned and patched him up to the best of your abilities. While he said nothing he was watching you the whole time. At times you thought he might just burn a hole with his intense gaze. While you were cleaning his arm, you held onto his claw for a moment. ;"Hey, I'm... Sorry I couldn't do much... In the fight I mean. I have no powers, I only have my blaster.." you explained. You couldn't look him in the eye, and you definitely felt a little guilty about not helping. While you knew there was nothing you could've done differently. You quickly glanced at Him for any signs. He didn't SEEM angry with you. He WAS looking at you, one arm on the armrest, under his chin, other on his lap. He finally gave sigh. ;"It wasn't your fault. Y/N." He said. You felt a little better after hearing that, but you were still wondering how he was faring. ;"and... It wasn't your fault either. I hope you know that." You told him. He looked surprised after hearing this. You tried not to use the words 'Powerpuff' and 'girls' at the moment, so as to not start anything. "I mean, they only won AFTER using a super robot to fight. That must count for something." You said. "Besides you fought well. You looked very cool in my opinion." You continued, a little blush appearing on your face. This made Him smile a little. He became visibly relaxed, which you thought of as a win. "So.. How are you doing..? Besides the obvious that is." You asked him, finishing your work. He looked at you. ;"Frustrated. But otherwise considering everything I'm okay." He said. Which made you feel more relaxed as well. ;"The boys are doing good too. They're already back to bickering like usual." You laughed. ;"We heard that!" Brick yelled from another room. ;"What about you Y/N? You took quite the hit yourself." Him asked with a concerned tone. You puffed your chest hitting it lightly. ;"I'm alright. I'm actually pretty tough." You explained. The two of you shared a laugh. While the Rowdyruff Boys and Him could heal faster than normal people could, you on the other hand had the 'privilege' to heal the good old fashioned way. Taking weeks. Though lucky for you, Him was considerate enough to not let you overwork yourself while you focused on getting better. While you didn't have any serious injuries your arm had definitely gotten the worst of it. Not to mention your sides. Flying into a full on brick wall was no small thing after all. Getting teased by the boys also didn't help much. 

You were currently busying yourself by trying to figure out any sort of plans to take over Townsville. But so far you had no luck. It had to be something different from before, something new, since you knew Him doesn't do repeats of former plans. ;"Bet'cha can't figure it out lame-o." Brick said demeaningly. ;"Hehe yeah, bet'cha got nothing." Butch continued. ;"Yeah NOTHING." Boomer echoed in. ;"Bet you kids have better things to do than bug me all the time." You mumbled. The three children circled around you, tossing lame insults at you. "HAVEN'T YOU HEARD OF PRIVACY??" You spat. "...Or do you kids just like me that much you're willing to spend your time with me?" You asked them. They immediately made disgusted faces. ;"Ewww, Nooo!" Butch said showing you tongue. ;"NEVER." Brick continued. ;"But then why're we here?" Boomer asked innocently. The two other brothers giving him the stare. "What?" He asked. You became even more determined to find a way to get back at the girls for the humiliating defeat. Maybe not at similar level as before, but still good enough. Him was trying to find out whether the fighting robot had any weaknesses, while he watched the fight from days ago. You just hoped it wouldn't frustrate him more than help. ;"Find anything?" You asked him. He let put a frustrated sigh. ;"Nothing I'm afraid. That thing really might be invincible, unless of course one can destroy it from the INSIDE of it.." He explained to you. ;"Yeah. Seems likely. I haven't really had any luck coming up with plans either." You confessed. "AND THE BOYS AREN'T MAKING IT ANY EASIER." You yelled so that the Rowdyruff Boys could hear you. This was followed up by laughter in the other room. ;"Well you're doing your best Y/N. Remember not to overwork yourself though. You're still not at one hundred percent." Him said worriedly. ;"Sometimes I WISH I could similar powers like you guys. Would make it a lot easier for me." You said. Something immediately came to Him's mind. ;"Oh? But you COULD." He said, putting his claws together, smile on his face. "Y/N. You are a genius!" He continued enthusiastically. ;"I am?" You asked unsure about that. ;"Yes. You are." Him said placing his claws on your shoulders, grinning like the Chesire Cat. "You know how the girls got their super powers do you not?" He asked you. ;"Chemical X..?" You hesitantly said. ;"Precisely. Now, what would happen if you were to have some?" He continued. You pondered for a moment. ;"Are you saying I should drink Chemical X??" You asked surprisedly. ;"Bingo. Once you'd drink that, who knows what kind of powers you might get." Him said happily. "That is, if you still want them?" He told you. You gave it a thought. It WOULD help in battle, you could be more of use, and help against those super powered brats. Who knows it could be fun to be more powered up villain even. A smile spread across your face. ;"So how do we do this?" You asked Him, grabbing his claws in your hands. Him looked happy that you decided to be on board. ;"Oh it's very simple." He said. "All you have to do, is to be good."

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