Chapter 3: Expect The Unexpected

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In Townsville suburbs, the three sisters continued bickering, while licking their wounds . ;"Oh so it was MY fault we lost??" Buttercup said angrily. ;"Well if you had just gone with the plan-" Blossom said. ;"You both did your own thing and it blew up in our faces!" Bubbles interjected. ;"Well you didn't follow the plan either!" Blossom spat out. ;"Because it was such a great plan to begin with!" Buttercup mocked. ;"Why can't we ever do it my way??" Bubbles angrily asked. ;"Shut up Bubbles!" Both of them yelled. Which made The blue Puff lose it and start crying. Both of the Puffs immediately stopped arguing to console their little sister. ;"Buttercup look at us. We shouldn't be fighting each other. Just look at what it does to Bubbles!" Blossom remarked. ;"Yeah we should be fighting crime not each other." Buttercup concured. They made an exchange of knowing glances. They knew what they had to do, after helping Bubbles stop crying. 

Meanwhile you and Him were enjoying your little crime spree, terrorising the populous, robbing banks, blowing stuff up.. Just having the perfect day a villain could have. Him was all smile, not that he usually wasn't but this was a different sort. You could tell the difference. ;"I can't remember when I last had this much fun!" He said. Pondering for a moment. "Possibly when our band was still together.." He said silently. ;"Band? What band?" You asked him. He turned to look at you ;"The Beat-Alls. Me, Mojo, Fuzzy and Princess. We created such lovely chaos. Much like now." He explained to you. Your eyes lit up. So many big names together in a group must have been a sight to see. ;"What happened then?" You curiously asked. Him sighed. ;"We had let's say... 'Artistic differences.'" So we were disbanded." Him said crossing his arms. ;"Oh. I'm sorry. I bet you were amazing though." You said in a consoling tone. He gave you a little smile which gave you a nice warm feeling inside. You wondered whether Him actually needed you anymore since your goal had been met. ;"Hey uh..So I know we beat the Powerpuffs and all but.. You want to do this again some time? Like just crimes together?" You asked. Him looked at you dumbfounded. ;"Of course I would! We're partners no? And you seem like an interesting villain to hang out with." He told you. Oh boy, you? Interesting? In HIS opinion. You tried not to let your blushing show, but thankfully it was late in the evening, and the sun was setting, so maybe he didn't see it? Yeah, probably not. You two soon called it a day, leaving the town in absolute horror and chaos, you both returned to your homes. Later that night, your mind started to wonder, whether this partnership would last for a long time, or only until Him got bored of you. The idea terrified you for some reason. You REALLY wanted this to work. He seemed like a fun loving, fun kind of chaos making villain. You were totally sold. You thought about whether or not you could possibly plan a future heist or so together. That'd be awesome. 

Next morning you were currently looking at the news, about how the town was turned upside down by two criminals, and Powerpuff Girls were no where to be seen. You giggled to yourself. ;"Yeah, and chances are they probably won't be seen any time soon either." You said, polishing your blaster. That's when you got a phone call. ;"Hello?" You greeted the caller. A familiar echoing voice answered back. ;"Y/N, my friend how are you? Watching the news maybe?" You were thinking about contacting Him but he already contacted you? ;"Yeah actually. Seems we did a pretty good job yesterday." You said. "Heeeey, how did you get my number? I don't think I ever gave it to you?" You asked nervously. ;"Oh please, Don't worry about the details." He said playfully. You decided not to ask anymore questions about it. After all it was HIM, you were pretty sure he knew everything going on in Townsville anyway, so getting information on you was probably one of the more easier things. "Listen Y/N, there was actually something I wanted to ask you.. Since we wrecked havoc yesterday, and beating those brats was oh so satisfying.. You wouldn't happen to want to do the same today? To finish what we started." He proposed. You felt all giddy inside. HE actually asked YOU. ;'Okay calm down Y/N. This is a PARTNERSHIP, nothing more but...I'm still so happy about this!' You thought to yourself. ;"Sure that sounds great!" You answered enthusiastically. You heard a gentle laugh at the other end. ;"Wonderful, see you soon." Him said ending the phone call. You did a little happy dance, grabbing your trusty blaster before heading out. This day would be awesome.

You could already hear the sounds of panicking citizens when you came to the scene. Him had already shapeshifted into his giant form to cause more damage. You took out your blaster, and started by shooting two times to the crowd. The people were running around like headless chickens, crying for help. You let out a laugh. The two of you were doing a good job in making chaos. Most of the city was a flaming mess when the two of you heard the girls arrive to the scene. You turned to face them. ;"Well well, if it isn't the PowerLESS girls." You mocked. ;"Not today!" Bubbles yelled. ;"We're better than yesterday!" Buttercup continued. ;"And much more coordinated." Blossom finished. ;"Oh we're so scared." You said smiling. "What are you going to do-" you attempted to say but a sharp pain from a well timed uppercut stopped you. Flying to the ground, you saw stars for a moment. "Big. Mistake." You held your head loading your blaster. Taking aim at the Blue Puff, but the Green and Pink one started their sonic sound attack. You had to cover your ears. Him striked Blossom to the ground, but Bubbles quickly used her eyebeams to shoot at him. He hissed in pain from the attack. You managed to shot at the Green Puff but simply created a ball of energy to throw at your bullet which caused a big explosion. Everything went white for a second. You couldn't even see your own hands. And that's when she hit you, sending you rolling backwards right into a wall. Your vision was blurry and wobbly. You attempted to get your blaster but it was kicked away from you. ;"Don't even think about it buster!" Blossom said. "You and Him are both going to jail!" She declared. ;"Yeah after we pummel you to the ground!" Buttercup cracked her knuckles. Oh boy this was starting to look really bad. Him was spitting acid at Bubbles who was doing a pretty good job at dodging them, and you couldn't even offer backup. And the two other Puffs were closing in on you. ;"Don't think you've won just yet Powerbrats!" You spat. "I'm not afraid of you!" You said slowly getting up, from where you laid. "And neither is he!" You pointed at Him. He saw this scene, and created a puff of red mist, which covered both you and Him. When you opened your eyes again you could see that you had been transported to the lair of Him. ;"How could they win this one?? They were completely beaten yesterday and NOW they've gotten their act together?!" Him said in anger pacing around. ;"I'm surprised too, they were completely helpless, and now they kicked our butts?" You said holding your arm in pain. ;"Just WHAT does it take for them to just DISAPPEAR?!" He yelled. "WHO could possibly-" He stopped. You stared at him for a moment. ;"Him?" You asked nervously. ;"Y/N." He said calmly. Smiling at you. ;"Y-yeah?" You answered. ;"How would you like to meet my boys?" He asked holding his hands behind his back. You were taken aback by this ;"Your... Boys?" You questioned. His smile widened. 

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