Chapter 15

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There is nothing like perfection in the realm of love. Every relationship has its obstacles, every couple has problems which they might face and solve them together or keep them away from one another as secrets. No one is perfect to their partners, everyone has flaws and every relationship has its own error. Our ability to prevent this error from repeating itself is what will determine how long our relationships will last.
It’s a beautiful Friday morning; Andrew was standing in his room, staring into the mirror with his heart beating very fast. He has never been so anxious. His facial expression displays how worried he is about the day. He is sure that the prom party is going to be a storm, but he hopes that everything will calm down immediately.
He was still standing in front of the mirror when his mother walked into the room. She was looking tensed as she approached him. He stared at her through the mirror as she walked towards him and hugged him from behind. She hugged him for a while before she talked to him. The look on their faces shows how both of them are dying of grief. “How long will you put up with this grief Andrew?” She asked looking at him in the mirror.
Andrew was shocked from the question she asked. He is totally taken by surprise. Even though he knows that his mother is aware of his sexuality, he never knew that she is aware of his situation also. He never talked about that with her. She giggled again and holds him tightly.
“I might be a bad mother Andrew; I know I never had enough time to take care of you while you are growing up. I was busy trying to save my marriage from public scandal while I left you walk through the valleys of life alone. But still Andrew, I have that quality of a mother that will sense when ever my child is in trouble.” She said still hugging him.
She slowly turned him over as he faced her. “I don’t know exactly what you are going through Andrew, but I know it is a relationship stress. I just want to advice you from my personal experience. It is not worth the stress if it takes away your personal happiness and comfort.” She said as she slowly turned and walked away.
She paused and faced him when she reached the door. “I am considering divorcing your father and moving out of the country. I will let you choose whether to follow me or stay here. But whatever decision you made, I will respect it Andrew.” She added as she walked out.
Andrew was totally surprised at how changed his mother has become. He never expected her to divorce that man so quickly, not after all the verses she has been preaching about love and forgiveness. “So all was vanity and nothing actually lasts? What a life?” Andrew said as he sighed deeply and continued adjusting his tie.
He was sitting on his bed when his phone ranged. He already knew it was Charles coming to pick him up, so he picked his phone and sluggishly walked outside. He met his mom on the couch going through some documents, she smiled at him and he reciprocated as he walked out.
Andrew stood by the gate of his compound staring at Charles who was smiling in his car; he is probably admiring how good Andrew is looking and also happy that he is in a relationship with him. At this point, Andrew is feeling weak and restless already because Charles’s smile feels so real and honest.
He doesn’t want to break the boy’s heart, but as much as he wants to continue pretending just to make him happy, he has to end things for peace to reign. He sighed deeply as he smiled back at Charles. “It is just another one step to freedom Andrew, you can do it.” He said to himself as he slowly entered the car and they took off.
The beautiful scenery of sacred heart academy was more visible and appealing due to the colorful flowers used to decorate every angle of the school.  Students were rushing into the school from different angle in different colorful and beautiful dresses. The boys were all looking handsome in different suits while the girls were all gorgeously dressed in beautiful gowns. The students walked in pairs looking happy and forward to the large party.
Nelson and Cleo walked hands in hands into the large crowded hall dressed in white with an appealing smile on their faces. Cleo slowly released Nelson’s hands as she walked to her friends while he walked to the site appointed to graduating student. Even though she is all smiley and happy, her facial expression still shows how worried she is.
“What is that long face you are having babe?” Omar asked as Cleo approached them. She sighed deeply as she stood beside them and collected a glass of juice from a passing by waitress. “I don’t know guys, I just don’t feel alright with Nelson these days, seems like he is hiding something from me and I can’t seem to find out.” She said with a worried face.
James faced her as he sipped his juice. “Are you sure he is not cheating?” He asked bluntly and they all stared at awkwardly him. He giggled and rolled his eyes. “I mean, no one is to be trusted these days. You know how some people can decide to be snitches. You need to do a thorough check babe.” He added looking tensed.
Andrew giggled with a smile. “You are right James, people can be pretenders. But I think Cleo should wait and reason things with Nelson instead of acting like a dummy.” Andrew said sarcastically. James quickly turned and faced Andrew. “Are you calling me a dummy?” He asked looking at him.
Andrew hissed silently and sipped his drink. James was about pushing Andrew when Omar holds him back. “Come on guys. It’s still early to have a fight. At least let’s enjoy this party. I wonder what is happening with you both these days. You guys are only adding to Cleo’s problem instead of helping her with a solution.” Omar said looking pissed off.
They were still talking when the principal called the attention of everyone and made a speech. After his heart warming speech, he offered the microphone to Stephen to make a speech on behalf of all graduating students. Stephen slowly moved to alter and collected the microphone. He sighed deeply before he started speaking.
“Good day everyone.” He greeted with a soothing voice. “To begin, I want to show my gratitude to the Almighty for allowing us witness this glorious day. It has been a wonderful journey through out these years, a journey filled with obstacles and happiness but with His favor, we have succeeded.”
“We have encountered a lot of things in this journey; we learnt a lot from our daring and loving teachers. We have faced a lot from life as we walked through this journey. Some of us have found love while others found friendship that turned to family ties. I want to appreciate all of you that supported this journey with us. It wasn’t easy, I must confess.” Stephen said looking towards his classmates who were also staring at him with a wonderful smile.
He sighed deeply as he continued speaking. “My last days in this academy were the best days of my life. I found love and life within those days, I found courage to express myself and I found a soul mate that is willing to walk with me till end of time.” Stephen added with a smile on his face.
“I want to use this opportunity to appreciate that special person for keeping up with me, for staying by my side through my hard days and for loving me unconditionally. I will always love and cherish you with my all. Stay with me forever please.” Stephen said staring at Omar as the entire crowd cheered and clapped for him.
He slowly walked down from alter and walked to Omar who was having tears on his face. Stephen holds him tightly as the music begins playing in the hall. Every student grabbed their partner and begins dancing. Omar stared at Stephen with tears in his eyes. “Why are you crying Omar?” Stephen asked looking at him.
Omar sighed deeply and faced him. “This love you are showing me Stephen is making me afraid.” Omar said with a worried voice. Stephen giggled a bit. “What are you afraid of Omar?” He asked looking at him. Omar sighed deeply again. “I am scared that one day you will stop loving me all to yourself, I am scared that you will exhaust this love some days.” Omar said looking scared.
Stephen pulled him closer to his chest as he wrapped his hands around his waist. “Why would I stop loving you Omar, when there is only one you in this world? Why would I ever exhaust my love for you when it is a natural fountain that never dries?” Stephen replied with a smile on his face as he placed a kiss on Omar’s forehead…
The dance ended and everyone got seated while food is being served. The whole friends and their partners were sitting on a large round table enjoying the meal. Andrew was looking terrified as he kept on sweating and his hands were also shaking obviously. He slowly stood up and head to the rest room. James stared at him as he walked away and decided to follow him after a while.
Andrew was standing by the basin washing his hands when James walked in. He stood behind him and folded his hands. “I wonder why you are looking restless Andrew. Do you have anything you are hiding?” James asked staring at him. Andrew giggled a bit and smiled. He tried so hard and stops himself from talking back to James. He knows everything will be over soon so he doesn’t have to pick a fight with James.
Andrew slowly turned and wanted to walk out of the restroom when James stood in front of him. “You don’t ignore me bitch, I know all the dirty secrets you are hiding.” James said as he banged the door of the restroom which caught the attention of their friends. Justin quickly rushed to the rest room but the door was locked from inside, he could only hear their voices arguing.
James and Andrew were still in the restroom arguing, they had no idea that their friends were outside trying to open the door and calling out their names. But they were already in engrossed in the heated argument while shouting on top of their voices.
Andrew smiled bitterly as he moved closer to James who was boosting of pride. “I wonder why you are poking you nose in my business. I knew it from the start that you envy me but you don’t have o make it so obvious that you also hate me. Why do you want to stick your nose in what doesn’t concern you? You want to be the good one in everyone’s eyes?” Andrew asked looking at him.
He hissed as he continued talking. “Instead of interfering in my personal life, why don’t you use that energy and repair the relationship that you built on infidelity? Stop acting like a saint James, we all knows that you deeply hate Justin, all this love you are showing him now is a prank, so cut the crap and stay out of my damn business bitch. You have no right to meddle with my affairs.” Andrew shouted as he turned to open the door.
James quickly pulled Andrews collar and pinned him to the wall. “You of all people should not talk to me about infidelity bitch. Do you think I don’t know that you have been fucking around with Nelson?” James asked with his eyes fixed on Andrew’s who is already looking shocked.
James giggled and moved closer. “Oh, you think no one knows? Or is it how you have been using poor Charles to cover up your slutty relationship? I always knew you are a bitch and that is what you will forever be. Stop acting like some goddess that you are not.” James yelled looking at Andrew.
“And about Justin, I admit I wanted playing with his heart, I know I wanted pulling a prank on him to fall in love with me. But as of now, my feelings for him are real. So you will stay out of my relationship and also Cleo’s. Stay away from our gang because we can’t harbor a cheap whore like you.” James yelled again at Andrew.
Andrew was furious at this point. He angrily slapped and pushed James to the floor. James quickly stood up and get back at Andrew as they started fighting between them, slapping each other and calling themselves names. They kept on fighting until they accidentally opened the door. They were shocked to see everyone staring at them with a lot of questions on their faces.
Justin who was in the front moved closer to James with tears on his face. “Tell me he is lying James? Tell me all I heard was not true. Tell me everything was just a joke.” He said looking at James with tears on his face. James who was shocked couldn’t utter a word as he started stammering. He tried explaining to Justin but he couldn’t say a word.
Justin slowly wiped off his face and sighed deeply. Tears kept on rushing out of his face. James holds his hands but he removed them immediately. “You don’t even have explanation for this. I was such a fool to think that you will ever love James. I should have believed my friends when they told me that an enemy never turns to a friend.” He said as he turned and walked away still crying. James followed him quickly but Justin was very fast as he entered his car and left the party.
Cleo who was totally paralyzed for a moment kept on staring at Andrew who has tears all over his face. She tried bringing up words but her mouth becomes sealed. She turned and looked at Nelson who was looking ashamed. “I can explain Cleo.” That was the only thing he could say.
Cleo exhaled loudly as she started feeling dizzy. He mouth was shaking and also all parts of her body. “And I thought I had a caring best friend and a loving boyfriend.” She said as she slowly closed her eyes and fell on the ground. She fainted instantly. Nelson quickly picked her up and rushed her to the school clinic as Omar and Stephen followed him.
Charles moved slowly to Andrew and faced him. His face was looking fiery, full of rage and anger as he raised his hands and slapped Andrew. “That was nothing compared to what you did to my heart Andrew. I should have known that you were just using me as a sex toy; I should have known that I was a second option to you. I hate you Andrew.” Charles said as he walked away immediately.
The entire students of the school were watching the drama in the scene. Andrew fell on the ground immediately as he burst into other fresh tears. He should have known this will surely end in tears. He shouldn’t have listened to Nelson when he promised him a happy ending. Now, it has lead to a disastrous ending. Indeed his mother was right. “It doesn’t worth the struggle if it costs our happiness at first.”
Stephen waits outside the clinic as Nelson and Omar rushed Cleo inside. She was admitted immediately because she has passed out already. Nelson was still crying while Omar was looking shocked. Everything was happening like a movie. He couldn’t believe what he heard and saw. Everything seems like a joke. Here he was thinking he was the only one with a secret, not knowing that the people he called friends were total strangers.
Omar walked out of the clinic still looking curious and confused as he slowly walked to Stephen who was scrolling through his phone with a furious face. He wondered what Stephen was staring at that made him to look that angry so he rushed to him. He was about speaking when Stephen raised his head and faced him.
“What the hell is this Omar?” Stephen asked showing Omar the phone. Omar was devastated from seeing his naked pictures boldly on Stephen’s screen, he almost fell down but he managed to hold his fist. Stephen moved closer and grabbed his neck. “What are these Omar? Answer me right now.” He yelled holding Omar’s neck.
He couldn’t say a word as he began stammering. Stephen giggled with a weird smile on his face. “So is this why you stopped me from sleeping with you for the past few days? You were so hot that you couldn’t wait for a few days right? You were so horny that you had cheat on me right?” Stephen asked yelling at Omar who was standing lifeless with tears rushing out of his eyes.
Stephen sighed deeply as he cleaned his face. “I thought I know you Omar, but I realized that you are a stranger to me. I should have enquired about your previous life in Kano. I am sure it was nothing out of different escapades of sex. I should have sensed something fishy about Kabir but I trusted a lot Omar.” He said as he walked away.
He turned as he reached his car; he exhaled loudly as he stared at Omar for a while. “I thought I had found love. I thought the feeling was mutual, I thought you could always wait for me as you promised. Little did I know that you are another bitch just are your friends. I don’t want to have anything with you Omar, it is over.” Stephen said as he drove off.
Omar fell on the ground and started crying out his out. He didn’t know how to apologize to Stephen. He is totally ashamed of himself. He couldn’t believe that was happening to him at the moment. He knows that was all Kabir’s doing. Of course he is the one because he is the only that saw him at that state. Omar hated himself and Kabir at the moment.
He regretted knowing Kabir his whole life. He cried out his heart while rolling on the floor and cursing Kabir. He shouldn’t have trusted him. He shouldn’t have hid everything from Stephen and his friends. He should have let them know the situation. He continued crying with regrets and sorrow all over his heart.
What a sorrowful day for Omar and his friends. What a bad day for them. They all received a piece of their cakes as their deeds were brought to the light. What should be their fate at the moment? They are all full of regrets. The LOVE WITH ERROR which they have been trying so hard to reshape has been shattered by just a fling. Indeed, karma is real and will surely bounce back at the right moment…

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