Chapter 12

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The heart is the most sensitive and fragile organ of the human body. It is very sensitive to the extent that it gets addicted to little things and people that take care of it on a daily basis. It doesn’t need a long relationship to fall in love, just a little care and the heart will be totally obsessed.
It has just been few days into Stephen’s examinations and Omar has become totally worried. He couldn’t get to spend much time with him as usual. He doesn’t drive him to school and drives him back as he used to. Stephen is dedicated to his exams because he wants to make his parents proud as the only child and also makes the school pride as the head boy.
Omar understand Stephen’s situation that is why he tries his possible best to give him much space. He knows it is not going easy for him as well. But then, deep down inside Omar’s heart, he is worried and disturbed. He missed Stephen so much that he hallucinates. He just doesn’t want to speak it out so he won’t make him worried.
It’s a Sunday evening; Omar slowly picked his phone while lying on his bed as he was going through his pictures with Stephen. He was smiling all through because of the beautiful memories he had on those pictures. He stared at a particular picture he snapped Stephen. Stephen is not a fan of pictures, so he only snaps if Omar is in the frame.
This particular day, they were out to get some stuff for Stephen’s mom from the shopping mall, they were both looking handsome as usual. Omar insisted on snapping Stephen a picture but he was adamant. He had to beg him before he agreed to a shoot. “You see, I will keep this to myself in case I have to miss you.” Omar told Stephen then.
He only said that as a joke, he never knew that he would actually missed Stephen this much. He sighed deeply as he continued viewing the pictures and smiling alone. He decided to call Stephen at least to listen to his voice but Stephen wasn’t picking the call. He called him severally without a respond so he decided to visit his house.
Stephen was sitting on his study table going through his books when he heard the door slowly opened. He didn’t turn back because he knows it is his mother dropping him some snacks. He continued concentrating on his study. Omar slowly walked behind him and hugged him tightly. “Aren’t you tired of studying babe? You are exhausting yourself.” He said as he hugged him.
Stephen giggled a little as he grabbed Omar’s hands and dragged him to his legs. He stared at him a little and places a kiss on his head. “I have to do this babe. You know that right?” He replied looking worried. Omar sighed a deeply and holds Stephen’s hands. “But you don’t have to suffer yourself this much. You are already good to go Steph, you don’t need all these.” Omar complained.
He holds his hands tightly again. “You need to take a rest babe. You are looking very rough and tired.” He said as he dragged Stephen to the bed. Stephen was resistant but Omar struggled and removed his shirt. “I will give you a premium massage.” He said as he started massaging him. He was massaging him slowly and kissing every part of his body.
Stephen was getting into the romance slowly but he honestly doesn’t want to lose focus on reading. He promised himself not to go intimate with Omar till after his exams. Omar was kissing his neck slowly and massaging his shoulder when Stephen quickly jumped off almost pushing Omar off the bed. “What happened Steph? Are you alright?” Omar asked curiously.
He sighed deeply as he holds Omar’s hands. “You see, I have promised myself not to have any intimacy with you again till after our exams. I don’t want to be distracted Omar. I seriously want to focus.” He said stammering. Omar who was still holding Stephen’s hands quickly released the hands and moved back a little.
“Are you calling me a distraction Stephen?” Omar asked with his eyes looking teary already. Stephen quickly moved closer and holds his hands again. “No Omar, I am just trying to let you know how serious I am with this exams. I really want to make my parents and the school proud.” He said holding Omar’s hands.
“I am really sorry if you feel bad Omar. I am sorry about that.” He added looking remorseful. Omar slowly wiped off the tears that dropped on his face. “It is fine Stephen. You should concentrate as much as you want.” He said as he quickly walked out of the room. Stephen was calling his name but he never turned back.
He called him severally and sent him series of text messages trying to apologize but Omar ignored all. He realizes that he has been a jerk by saying that to Omar. He really regretted it because it should have been better if he had the sex with Omar, but this current situation has weakened him and made him loosed focus totally.
Stephen was lying on his bed while thinking what next to do when his mother slowly pushed the door. He opened his eyes and sit up as he leaned on the bed. He struggled and smiled at her because he is obviously tired. She smiled back as she walked slowly and sat beside him. “How are you son?” She asked as he grabbed his legs and placed them oh her tight while massaging them slowly.
He sighed deeply and closed his eyes. “This whole exams stuff is stressing mom. I am totally freaked out.” He said as he slowly opened his eyes. Mrs. Sylvester continued massaging his legs for a while before she sighed deeply and faced him. “I know how stressing exams can be, and I am glad you are trying your best to make us proud. I really appreciate your effort son.” She said smiling at him.
She sighed as her facial expression changes to a very serious one. “But even then Stephen, you need to slow this stressful reading down a little. I don’t want you to harm yourself all in trying to be the best. We are not asking you to be the best, just try your best and we will appreciate your effort.” She said looking at him as he stared back at her.
She patted his shoulder and smiled at him. “You need to have more time for yourself Stephen. This is consuming a large part of you. And you also need to take care of your relationship. You know how fragile the heart can be right? I am not saying that Omar will do something bad in your absence, I just don’t want you to be the reason for something bad to happen.” She said as she slowly dropped his legs on the bed and walked out.
Stephen stared at his mom as she walked out of the room while he pounders on what she just told him. He is sure that his mother is saying the truth. He trusted Omar and he is sure that Omar will never betray his love, but then, the heart is fragile just as she said. And the distance he has been giving their relationship is terribly bad. He will need to adjust before things falls apart.
He quickly jumped off his bed as he followed Omar home. He met him sitting alone in the garden and crying so hard. Tears were rushing out of his face because he felt like he was being a burden to Stephen. He quickly rushed to him and hugged him tightly. “I am sorry about that Omar. I promise never to make such a mistake again.” He pleaded looking worried.
He brought out a handkerchief from his pocket and wiped off Omar’s face. He was still sniffing because it really hurts him badly. He never expected that from Stephen so it came as shock to him. Stephen hugged him tightly for a while. “Forgive me Omar, such will never happen again, I promise you babe.” He said while hugging him.
Omar sighed deeply as he wiped his face again. “I am not asking you for much Steph, I was just being considerate. I just wanted you to take care of yourself and spend more time on yourself. But you are already terming me as a distraction. Am I being a burden to you Steph?” Omar asked looking worried.
Stephen sighed as he holds Omar tightly on his arms. “That was totally a mistake from me Omar. I understand you now and I will take care of myself. I promise never to hurt you anymore. You were never a burden to me and you will never be. I will never get bored of you Omar. I promised.” He said as he kissed him slowly on his cheek.
He slowly stood up and grabbed his hands. “Let’s go and get your favorite ice cream, it has been a while we had it together.” He said as he holds his hands and they walked to a nearby store. They got the ice cream and found a sport within the store and took a seat. They were enjoying themselves as they took pictures and makes videos while having the ice cream.
“I really missed this babe.” Omar said looking so happy. Stephen wrapped his hands around his shoulder and whispered in his ears. “Do you want to do something more interesting after this?” He asked as he winked an eye on him. Omar pushed him a little. “You are always acting like a pervert with me.” He said looking shy. Stephen laughed loudly. “What are you thinking Omar? I am just talking about taking a ride together.” He said still laughing.
Omar pushed him again. “We all know you are talking about sex.” He whispered in his ears. Stephen smiled and moved closer to him again. “So are you in for it or not?” He asked looking at him. Omar giggled and winked an eye also. “No, I am not interested.” He said looking at him. Stephen frown his face a little and folded his arms. “You are only good at making me your driver.” He said looking angry while Omar laughed.
“That’s reminds me. Justin is inviting my squad over for a lunch at his place. I don’t know if you would be free then?” Omar asked looking at him. Stephen smiled at him. “I will have to be available of course. I won’t take chances of someone taking out my babe.” He said smiling.
They were still talking and enjoying their selves when someone shouted Omar’s name from behind. They quickly turned from where they were sitting to see the person calling him. It was Kabir. He walked slowly towards them with a smile. Omar was shocked as he saw him approaching them. He began sweating profusely.
He walked to their table and took a seat opposite them. “Hey Omar!” Kabir said with a smile. Omar faked a smile as he was still sweating. “Hey Kabir. What are you doing around here?” He asked looking at him. Kabir smiled and dropped his phone on the table. “I am just strolling around the estate; my house is not far from here.” He said smiling.
Omar stared at him with his eyes wide opened. “Do you also live around here Omar?” Kabir asked. Stephen quickly nodded his head. “Yes, we live just down there.” He said. Omar who was already looking shocked sighed slowly. “Babe, this is Kabir; a new student in my class and also Cleo’s friend.” He said pointing at Kabir.
Kabir was angry at how Omar is trying so hard to deny him but he has to keep it low. “Kabir, this is Stephen; my boyfriend.” Omar said as he holds Stephen’s hands. The expression on Kabir’s face shows how jealous and angry he was. He just had to fake a smile and he watched them walked away.
Kabir sighed deeply as he stamped on the table with his palms. “I won’t take this from you Omar. I must claim back what is obviously mine.” He said looking at them walked out of the mall as tears flow down on his face…
James was lying on his bed while going through his phone when he stumbled on Justin’s post. He posted a picture of their hands together with the caption ‘JJ forever more.’ James sighed deeply at the same time smiled at the picture. He couldn’t pick an exact reason why he is smiling at the moment.
At this situation, he is confused also about his feelings for Justin. Justin is over caring for James to neglect. He did everything to make him happy. Even though they never made out, James is seriously happy with him and couldn’t stop the fact that he was falling in love with Justin. He is just worried about how their relationship will work out. He is afraid that he will have to tell Justin about his initial plan.
He was still lying on his bed and contemplating on what to do when the door slowly opened. He slowly raised his head and saw Justin walking in. He was shocked to see Justin at his place as he quickly sits up. Justin walked slowly and sat by the edge of the bed. James was still surprised when his mother walked in with a tray of juice and snacks. “You guys can dig on this; I will let you know when lunch is ready.” She said as she walked out.
James quickly crawled to the edge where Justin was seating. “How did you know my house Justin?” He asked looking surprised. Justin giggled a bit. He smiled at James who is still looking at him curiously. “It has been a long weekend James, I missed you seriously and I don’t think only a video call will make me feel better.” He said holding James’s hands.
James blushes a little and took his face away. “You don’t have to stress yourself coming over here.” He said looking shy. Justin grabbed him by his waist and holds him tightly. “It is not a stress if I walk miles to come to you James because I know that any moment I spent with you is not a waste James.” Justin said looking into James’s eyes.
The tension and heat between the two of them becomes much as their hearts were beating so fast while they stared into each other’s eyes. Justin moved slowly and placed a kiss on James’s lips. The kiss felt so magical. James tried his best to ignore it and withdraw himself but he felt over weak to do that.
All his nerves were vibrating as they were sending some sensational signals to his brain. He felt an exciting feeling all over his body. He couldn’t help it but hold Justin’s face as they continued kissing passionately.
Justin slowly pushed him on the bed as he climbed on him and continued kissing him romantically. He was kissing him and also smooching his boy as he also moved slowly down to his neck and continued kissing him. James was also caressing Justin as they continued taking turn in sucking each other’s nipples.
They were moaning hard and softly as Justin turned around in a 69 position while they continued sucking each other. After a while, he turned James over and climbed on him as he started fucking him slowly. The fuck was slow and tender as he was also biting his ears softly and moaning his name. They both released after a while and James lies on Justin’s arms.
He closed his eyes as he couldn’t stop smiling. That was just the best sex he ever had in his life. At this point, he already had his answers about Justin’s feelings. He is sure and believed that he has fallen in love with Justin.
Even though he is afraid that his initial intentions weren’t pure and Justin might be angry when he later found out, he intended to find a time a let Justin know about everything and he is sure it won’t cause an issue.
But for the main time, he will open his heart and enjoy the beautiful scenery of love with Justin. This is what he has been low key praying for; to find a romantic guy to date and God has finally answered his prayers by swinging Justin to his path. He will just do anything possible to protect this love life of his…
The following day during lunch at school, Andrew was looking obviously happy. He is just acting strange and unusual. He ordered food for everyone and decided to treat them. That is just not the usual him. And he has been on his phone the whole day. James was just giving him a weird look and suspecting something fishy but Andrew was over happy to witness that.
They were still having lunch when Charles walked to their table. The happy mood on Andrew’s face suddenly disappeared as he dropped his phone and faced Charles. James was curious who Andrew has been talking to on phone if it wasn’t Charles. He stared curiously at Andrew who was obviously giving Charles some weird attitudes.
James giggled and adjusted himself. “So guys, about the lunch Justin invited us to, I hope you have talked to your partners?” He asked looking at them. “Charles, I am already inviting you, you need to go there with Andrew over the weekend. No excuses.” He added. Charles nodded his head looking so happy.
“You should also come with us Kabir, you can come over with your partner.” James said looking at Kabir. Kabir smiled and faced Omar. “I can come alone James, my partner is currently avoiding me.” He said looking sorrowful.
Omar ignored Kabir’s statement. He never felt guilty because he is sure that he has nothing against Kabir. He is just protecting his relationship and he won’t let anyone ruin it for him. He is set to have a peaceful life with Stephen and he won’t let Kabir be a barrier to that…

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