Chapter 9

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The hardest form of love is the one that comes with obsession, that exhausting situation where you can’t leave because you are totally obsessed and afraid of losing. Even if one keeps on hurting themselves on daily basis, they just can’t let go because they feel their life solely depend on that person in particular.
Andrew’s situation is not getting any better, the more he tries to find a solution, the more deep he falls into another mess. He was lying on his bed shedding tears and thinking how unfair life has been to him when he heard noises down stairs. He hissed and closed his eyes knowing that the daily routine is about taking place.
He is sure that his drunkard of a father has come home already. This always happens when the man is home; he shouts all over and devours his drunkard behavior on whoever is around him. Andrew always wonders why his mother is still married to that loser of a man. He sincerely hates him even though he is his father.
His mother’s excuse for staying in the marriage is only love. She will always use that word as an opportunity to hang on in the useless marriage that seems to be taking back her success. His mother is a successful gynecologist that has a lot of good works recorded in the country, she has received offers from different prestigious hospitals and other countries but she keeps on declining because of that useless word called love.
This is making Andrew hate the word love slowly. At this point, he wished he could back off from all the drama and have a peace of mind. He wished he could let go of Nelson and find happiness elsewhere. But the more he tried, the more he sees himself as a loser, he can’t imagine letting go of what he has cherished for years just because some people are not happy with it.
He was still dwelling in his thoughts with tears all over his face when Nelson called him. He hesitated before answering at first but he has to answer due to how persistent Nelson was with the call. “I am outside your compound.” Nelson said as he ended the call. Andrew sighed as he entered the bathroom and freshen up a bit. His face was swollen that you could easily tell he has been crying.
He walked sluggishly outside his house to where Nelson was parking his car. He sighed as he observed how furious Nelson was looking. “You should have talked to me on phone Nelson; it is already late and dangerous.” He said looking at him. Nelson exhaled loudly while staring at him. “Who was that boy I saw you together with around the old building?” He asked with a fiery face.
Andrew giggled and smiled a little. “Are you spying on me?” He asked also looking furious. Nelson who was still having a scary look stared at Andrew. “You know we are still dating right? I am in the best position to know who you hang out with, and to mention I saw you with a boy around the old building is a different issue. Who knows what happened?” He said looking at Andrew.
Andrew nodded his head as a drop of tears dropped on his face. He slowly cleaned it and moved closer. “Well, that boy is what I have to put myself into just to protect our relationship. That boy is what I used as a cover so your dear Cleo wont suspect us. That boy is what I encounter daily just to have this relationship working.” Andrew said with tears on his face.
He nodded his head again and cleaned his face. “And yes, we had sex earlier. But all I was imagining were your touches and kisses. I couldn’t stop thinking of you even when he was banging me so hard. I couldn’t stop feeling you in me even when he was holding me so tight.” Andrew was still talking when Nelson hold his mouth.
He hugged him tightly for a while. “You don’t have to say that Andrew, I can’t bear it.” He said. Andrew sighed deeply and pushed him away. “You know what Nelson. To think that you never trusted me through this is really disheartening. Isn’t it punishable enough that I have to listen to Cleo everyday as she rants about how you treated her? Was this our promise? I thought you promised to make me your priority over her? I thought you promised to come out to your family soon? When will that promise be fulfilled?” Andrew asked looking at him.
“As long as you are still hiding under this shade of bisexuality and playing with our hearts, you have no right to caution what I do. I know it is not easy for you to make a decision, but you should also realize that it is not easy for me to watch Cleo brags about you every day. I also want to flaunt my love life Nelson.” Andrew added with tears in his eyes. Nelson quickly holds his hands but Andrew pushed them away.
“Let’s stop this nonsense Nelson. Until you are able to make a suitable decision, I will not be your toy anymore.” He said as he turned and walk away. Nelson tried calling him but he never turned back. He walked straight home as tears keeps rolling on his face. He knows the decision is harsh for both of them but he can only do what is in his right to do and this is the perfect decision he could ever make. He lay on his bed crying as he forwarded the location of Omar’s party to Charles…
The following day, Omar got ready around 4pm just as Stephan asked him to the previous day. He is still surprised why he will ask him out on a Saturday and was still emphasizing on it. He was in his room when he heard Stephan’s car outside. He quickly walked downstairs and informed his aunt before leaving. He already informed her about sleeping at a school’s trip just as Stephen instructed him.
He picked up his small bag and went out where he met Stephan who was standing by his car. “You got me thinking Steph, where are we going?” He asked looking at him. Stephan smiled as he opened the door for Omar. “I am selling you off.” He said and they all laughed. “Then, are you ready to die of heart attack? Because I am sure you won’t make it back home.” Omar said and they laughed again.
Stephan was only smiling throughout the ride while Omar insisted on knowing where he is taking him to. He didn’t tell him a thing because he wants to see an honest expression on his face. He has already made arrangements for the party and everyone was already waiting for them. They drove for almost an hour before they finally reached the beach.
Omar stepped out of the car looking very surprised and happy at the same time. He quickly rushed to Stephen and hugged him tightly. He was about talking when Stephen kissed his lips passionately. “Happy birthday Omar!” He said with a smile on his face. Omar who was totally shocked stared at Stephen for a while. He was about talking when he was interrupted again by voices from behind them.
He slowly turned and saw his friends with a huge cake as they were singing a birthday song. Tears started flowing on his eyes because this was never part of his wildest imagination. He has never expected this from anyone. Birthdays are actually not his thing because he grew up in a strict home where birthdays were never celebrated but this surprise hits him differently.
He was overwhelmed as he slowly blew off the candle and cut the cake while they were sitting on the large table which was reserved by Stephen. It is getting dark already and all his friends where there with their partners. They had a wonderful dinner together with good food, drinks and a nice music too.
Stephan slowly brought out a parcel from his pocket as he faced Omar. He sighed deeply and closed his eyes for a while. He slowly opened them and grabbed Omar’s hands. “Hey Omar. I don’t know how to put this; rather do I know how beautiful I can make it look. All I know is that you make me happy every single day and I want to keep this happiness to myself. I want to reserve this happiness for the rest of my life. Stay with me forever more Omar.” Stephan said as he slowly brought out a nice diamond ring and places it on Omar’s finger.
Tears started rolling on Omar’s face. He is not afraid of staying with Stephan; in fact that is what he always wanted. He is just afraid that his religion and people will never allow him have a forever with Stephan. But with how things are moving between them, he guesses he just has to enjoy the moment while it still lasts. He was still shedding tears when Cleo shouted. “Oh Omar, just kiss him and stop killing the mood.”
Omar smiled and kissed Stephen. “I love you Steph.” He said and everyone on the table was clapping. Cleo who was holding Nelson’s hands tightly slowly raised her glass of wine. “Let’s raise a toast to forever more.” She said and everyone picked up their glasses and cheered.
The whole round table was filled with love and jealousy at the same time. Nelson is clearly jealous seeing Andrew with Charles together. He couldn’t control his self as he kept on throwing shades and tantrums at Charles at any given opportunity. Andrew realizes Nelson was jealous so he kept on doing wield things to provoke him.
They were still drinking when Cleo proposed they play a game, a truth or dare using cards. They started playing and it was going well, everyone were to pick anonymous cards at every round of the game and they will be dared to do a minor thing or say tell a little truth depending on the person playing and the number being called.
The game was going well until Nelson dared Justin to kiss James. It’s not just a kiss, a French kiss. The four friends were surprised with their eyes wide opened because they knew this wasn’t part of James’s plan. Justin who couldn’t hide how happy he was and willing to kiss James slowly stood up from his seat and place a kiss on James. Their lips met and Justin inserted his tongue in James mouth, he kissed him for a full minute just as the dare ordered.
James was totally confused at this point, he couldn’t deny the fact that he likes the kiss but still, this isn’t part of the plan. He is not supposed to deviate from his motive. It is already confusing enough that he has to continue faking this because of Justin’s depression, but he don’t think he can continue again with how romantic Justin is being.
The game continued with James totally stressed out. Not long after, Andrew was asked to reveal his deepest secret. Andrew opened his eyes widely looking surprised because he knew his deepest secret will shatter the gathering. He closed his eyes for a while before he opened them and landed them on Nelson as he starts talking.
“I wish I could tell you all what my deepest secret is, but I am sure that will be the end of my happiness. I just wish I could take that burden off my chest, I just wish. I wish I can take this feeling of distress and obsession in my heart. I just wish I could turn the hands of time, I wouldn’t have chose to meet some people that I am currently entangled with.” He said as he slowly stood up and head to the rest room crying.
Charles quickly stood up to follow him but Cleo holds him. “Let him be Charles. I think you should allow him have his personal moment.” She said looking at him. He sat back still staring at Andrew as he walked to rest room, he felt that Andrew was referring to him, he felt like he is forcing himself to Andrew. He slowly stood up and walked back to their room.
At this point, Nelson felt extremely worried about Andrew. He realized that he isn’t the only one facing a difficult situation but also Andrew. The boy is clearly suffering from the burden of betrayal. He is entangled in the midst of friendship and relationship and it is clearly open that he can’t save any of them. This is when Nelson realizes that the situation will only call for an end of all of them rather than siding with one person.
He quickly stood up as he excused himself to the restroom. He walked quickly and met Andrew crying seriously in the restroom. He quickly hugged him tightly and begins cleaning his face. He doesn’t have any words to use to calm Andrew down. “I am exhausted Nelson. I tired of doing this.” Andrew said still crying.
Nelson hugged him tightly again. “I know it is exhausting Andrew, I know it is tiring. I also wish I could end all these without hurting anyone. But please Andrew, don’t make me choose between you and Cleo. I can’t make that decision Andrew.” He said as he started kissing Andrew’s neck.
They were engrossed in the kissing while Andrew was moaning softly when the door was pushed. It was James. They were startled as Nelson pretended to be comforting Andrew. James stood numb as he saw them walked out of the rest room together. He wasn’t sure of what he saw but he was sure of the sounds he heard. He stared curiously at the two as he nodded his head and head back to the beach.
It is getting late already and everyone has gone into their rooms. James who was still frightened slowly entered their room as he met Justin lying on the bed. His heart was racing very fast as he slowly crawled on the bed. He is totally looking scared as you could hear the sound of his heart beat.
Justin moved closer to him and called out his name. “I am forcing myself on you or taking things too fast James?” Justin asked with a worried voice. James was sweating profusely as he started stammering. “No Justin. Things are moving just the way I liked them. Everything is okay.” He said looking startled.
Justin sighed deeply and faced him. “You can be honest if you are not ready for intimacy James, I can wait for you. I just want to have a happy relationship with you.” Justin said looking at him. James sighed deeply as he adjusted himself. “What do you mean by a happy relationship Justin?” He asked curiously.
Justin giggled a little and smiled as he moved closer to James. “I am not asking for much James, I just want a peaceful zone where I can have you stand by me all the time, where I can always rely on you and where we will be happy with each other. That is what I want James.” Justin said with a smile.
James sighed as he faced Justin. “I cannot guarantee you a full happiness Justin, but I will try my best to be here for you. I will always stand by you and take away your depression.” He said. He sighed again and continued. “And about the other stuff, can we wait a bit longer? I don’t think I am ready for that Justin.” He added looking honest.
Justin smiled and hugged James tightly. “If that will make you happy then, I am willing to wait. I am already satisfied with you being here for me anytime.” He said while hugging James. James sighed slowly knowing fully sure that this won’t end well but he just had to play along. Luckily things will get resolved on time because he is honestly tired of playing with Justin’s feelings and with all indications, he is also getting affected and that isn’t part of his plans…
Andrew walked back to their room and met Charles keeping a long face. He is sure that Charles is having a series of questions about his confession earlier and the last thing he would do right now is to have the discussion with Charles. So to avoid that, he has to take away Charles attention and only sex could do that.
He slowly crawled on the bed and climbed on Charles’s chest as he started kissing his lips. He is aware that he is tired of doing this with Charles, but what else can he do? He has already gotten himself into this mess then he has to work it out. He just hopes that things will get resolved in no time because he is also tired of everything…

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