Chapter 10

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The saying that love doesn’t cost a dime becomes more clear to us when we realize that we are effortlessly happy with some certain people even if they does nothing at all, just having them around us is enough to make our lives a garden full of roses. Happiness doesn’t have to entails luxuries, it is a choice. When we choose to be happy, then we will surely be.
It has only been few months and Stephen’s and Omar’s love journey has grown beyond expectation. They love and care for each other with their best of ability. At this stage, Omar has freed his mind and decided to allow nature takes its turn as he dwells in the pool of love with Stephen. Stephen on the other hand has promised himself to take full responsibilities of Omar’s feelings.
The two boys becomes adorable daily. Even though Omar’s family are yet to find out what is currently going on between the them, Stephen has never pressured him because he understands the situation. In fact, he is satisfied that his mother understood and is willing to support them till the end.
It is a beautiful Sunday morning; the atmosphere is still chilly and one could hear the amazing sound of birds chirping on nearby trees in the beach. Stephen wake up earlier as he slowly slide up and leaned his face on his palm while staring at Omar. He kept smiling as he was staring at Omar’s beautiful face.
Omar slowly opened his eyes and saw Stephen looking at him. He smiled as he revealed his white teeth and also blinks his eyes slowly. “Why are you looking at me that way Stephen?” He asked with a clingy voice. Stephen smiled as he placed a kiss on Omar’s lips. “Good morning babe.” He said while smiling at him.
Omar giggled a bit and adjusted himself. “What time is it? Why didn’t you wake me up? Others will be waiting for us.” Omar complained looking worried. Stephen stretched his hands and grabbed Omar’s waist, dragging him closer to his body. “Let them do their business outside. I am not tired of having you here.” He said as he started sniffing Omar’s body. “Ahhg. What a refreshing scent. Can I have more?” He added as he kissed Omar.
Omar sluggishly used his hands and pushed Stephan’s face away. “Are you not tired already? You almost broke my waist last night and you are asking for more.” Omar said giving him a glary look. Stephen laughed loudly as he pinned his body on Omar’s again. “We are still young Omar, we can go as many rounds as we could. So stop complaining as if you don’t like it.” He said winking an eye at Omar.
“You will never change Stephen. If you continue being this flirty, I will have to draft a timetable for it, you shouldn’t have much of it because it is bad for the health.” Omar said pointing a finger at him. Stephen laughed again. “We only do it three to four times a week and you are complaining. Wait till we move in together, I will make it a three square meal.” Stephen said with a serious look.
Omar opened his eyes widely and covered his mouth. “Wait, who told you I am moving in with you?” He asked sarcastically. Stephen smiled and gave him a peck. “You accepted my proposal already then you have to move in with me.” He said as he gave him another peck. Omar quickly picked a pillow and hits his face while Stephen climbed on him trying to reach his lips for a kiss.
They were still playing romantically when someone quickly pushed the door. “Oh God! You might as well eat each other. You guys are here flirting while you kept us waiting for you. Have you forgotten we have a party to plan?” Cleo asked looking furious.
Omar who was startled by how Cleo barged into the room quickly pushed Stephen away from his body and covered himself with a blanket because he was naked. “We are sorry Cleo. We will be out in a bit.” He said stammering. Cleo hissed and turned away. “Better do that right now. I am fed up with your love.” She shouted as she walked away.
“You see, you made them wasted time waiting for us.” Omar complained as he turned to Stephen who was still laughing. He slowly moved closer to him and grabbed his waist. “Let’s continue what she interrupted.” He said as he picked Omar to the bathroom while kissing him.
He slowly dropped him in the bathtub and quickly removed his briefs and joined him in the tub. They started kissing slowly as Stephen inserted his tongue in Omar’s mouth while also liking his. They kept on kissing for a while before Stephen parted Omar’s legs and slowly goes under him. He rimmed his ass hole while Omar was moaning softly.
He slowly started riding on him and kissing him at the same time. The session lasted for some minutes before they both climaxed and took a beautiful shower. Stephan is very good at romance and Omar loves that part of him.
Omar was sitting on the bed while Stephen was drying his head using a towel when he turned to him. “What party was Cleo talking about by the way?” Omar asked curiously. Stephen smiled as he walked to the wardrobe and brought a matching pair of outfit in blue color. “Stop being curious Omar, just wear this and let’s head out. Others are waiting.” He said with a smile.
Omar sighed as he collected the clothes. “You are being gentle again Stephen. I am sure you are planning something again. This time I will get back at Cleo for hiding things from me.” Omar said pointing a finger at Stephen. He just smiled without saying a word as he gets dressed also. He holds Omar’s hands and they walked out together looking so elegant in matching outfits.
Omar was astonished to see how colorful the party was set up; every couple wearing a matching color outfit. Nelson and Cleo were wearing red. Charles and Andrew were wearing green while Justin and James were wearing white.  Omar looked around the large table and all the snacks and foods were in the same colors as their outfits. “What is this Stephen?” He asked looking so surprised.
Andrew giggled with a smile and stood up. “This is a rainbow themed party Omar. We make it as colorful as it is to signify the rainbow color of the LGBTQIA+ community.” Andrew said looking at him. James also chipped in with a smile. “We feel we should welcome you officially to the queer family because we are not sure if you have experienced something like this in your life before.” He added with a smile.
Omar was already looking teary at this point as Cleo smiled at him. “We decided to arrange this for you as a birthday present from us and your boyfriend. Happy birthday Omar.” She said and everyone repeated after her.
Tears started rolling down on his face but Stephen slowly turned his face and wiped his tears. “Welcome to the queer family Omar. I hope you stay under this shade together with me forever.” He said with a smile. Omar couldn’t do anything but to hug Stephen tightly. “I love you Steph.” He whispered in his ears.
They all raised a toast and cheered to long life, success, everlasting friendship and forever love. The whole party was amazing as everyone enjoyed themselves. You can see the rays of love in everyone’s faces and eyes as they all played together in the beach. They all look so adorable. They are just bunch of kids that are still growing but their love lives were so captivating at the moment.
Even though they have some hidden challenges, they all tried and enjoyed that moment at its peak. Just like James said when he raised a toast. “I know some of us have some hidden sorrows and regrets, I just hope we will forget everything for a while and enjoy this beautiful moment of love. At least, if anything happens later, we will not regret having such a memorable gathering.”
The look of guilt on Nelson’s and Andrew’s faces revealed how threatened they were by James’s speech. At this point, they become scared and begin to contemplate whether James has seen them last night or not.
James has been giving Andrew a fiery look with a smile but he never said something about it. Andrew is sure that James won’t let the issue slide, the James he knew will surely dig the matter but he will try his possible best to get him before he spilled their secrets.
James on the other hand decided to lay low about what he is suspecting. He can’t seem to believe what he saw the previous night. He was sure that he heard moans in the toilet before he pushed the door and saw them. He sighed deeply as different thoughts keeps running through his mind.
It is already stressing for him that he has to act up the whole relationship thing with Justin. He is already confused about his feelings which are obviously turning true, he don’t want to accept the fact that he is falling for the guy that has been bullying him for a while. This is totally not part of his plans, but then, Justin’s depression and unannounced closeness is making him fall for his own trap.
James sighed as he lies on the bed beside Justin while they cuddled. “This is surely going to be a disaster, but I will have to go with the flow till I can make a final decision.” He said to himself as he falls asleep…
Time flies faster than we imagine when we are in love. We don’t even care how fast the time is as long as we walk hands in hands with those special people. We won’t even bother knowing how fast the days count because every day becomes worth living for us.
It is a new term already and also a final term for the SS3 students. It is not just a final term; it is the busiest and hardest stage of the high school. They need to focus more on studies and also prepare earnestly for their senior school certificate examination. Every student is working hard to have a colorful result as they engage themselves in extensive lessons and tutorials.
Stephen and Nelson were not an exemption from this extensive preparation for the exams. They spend most of their times in school studying and engaging in group readings. They hardly have time for their selves talk less of their relationships which is making them worried about their partners especially Stephen.
He would leave home earlier than usual and also stays behind in school late which makes it hard for him to meet Omar. The only time they meet were during lunch. Although they talk on phone a few times and also video called each other, Stephen still feels that is not enough. He wished he could cancel some lessons and make more time for Omar but everything seems difficult.
Stephen was lying tiredly on his bed after a long day when he heard the door to his room slowly pushed. He was very tired and lazy to sit up. “I am tired mommy; I can’t go to the mall now.” He said while still lying on the bed. Omar laughed and slowly crawled on the bed. “Do you need a massage then?” He said as he sat beside Stephen and started massaging his shoulders.
Stephen smiled happily as he stared at Omar. He adjusted himself as he placed his head on Omar’s laps while he continued massaging his shoulder. “I would really need that babe. I am over exhausted.” He said with a clingy voice. Omar smiled as he slowly hits his head. “You lazy head; the exams haven’t started yet but you are already complaining.” He said and they both laughed.
Stephen stared at Omar for a while as he giggled and smiled. He exhaled loudly as he grabbed Omar’s hands and kissed them. “I am sorry Omar. I know I have not been giving you enough attention. I just want you to bear with me for a little while till this exam is over. I promise to make it up to you. I miss you Omar, I miss you so much.” He said as he kissed his hands again.
Omar slowly bent down and place a kiss on his forehead. “You don’t have to worry dear, I am already happy that you are giving your future a priority. Just make sure you do your best in the upcoming exams and I promise you a feast you will never forget.” Omar said with a smile on his face. “Now get up and have a shower. You stink a lot.” He added as he pushed him a little.
Stephen smiled and stared at him for a while. “Do you know what I am thinking?” He asked looking at Omar who nodded his head. He quickly jumped on Omar and grabbed him. “I think we should shower together so I can have enough energy to prepare for the exams.” He said as he grabbed Omar to the bathroom with him…
The following day, Omar and his friends were having lunch in the cafeteria when Cleo was complaining about how busy nelson was lately. She felt lonely in the relationship. James tried comforting her but she was still sad. “You won’t understand James, I hardly meet him in school and we only talked twice a day. I am really bored.” She complained bitterly.
Omar sighed deeply and dropped his spoon as he faced Cleo. “Come on Cleo, don’t be childish. I am also in same situation as you are but I never complained. You should know that these guys have exams to prepare for. At least, we know they were caring when they had time. Just give them a little time to settle for this and stop complaining.” Omar said looking at her.
Andrew who was staring bitterly at Cleo chipped in. “Oh Cleo, you shouldn’t complain about this, it’s just a few month and they will be done. You don’t have to be a cry baby.” He said as he patted her shoulder. They were still talking when Andrew’s phone beeped. He quickly checked it and picked his bag. “I will be meeting Charles guys.” He said as he walked away.
He walked quickly to their usual spot where he met Nelson standing shirtless by the wall. Nelson grabbed his face immediately when he arrived and stared at him. “I missed you Andrew.” He said as he started kissing him aggressively. Andrew also started kissing him back and they continued kissing for a while.
He slowly pulled Nelson’s trouser and reached for his fully erected dick as he slowly knelt down and started sucking him. Nelson was moaning softly as he was enjoying every bit of it. He quickly raised Andrew up and pinned him over to the wall as he started fucking him immediately.
They were both moaning as Nelson increased the tempo of the thrust. He was kissing his neck and spanking his ass while still riding him. Andrew was enjoying it as he kept on moaning Nelson’s name. After a while of the romantic session, the both climaxed and collapsed on the floor breathing heavily.
Andrew quickly stood up and started getting dressed. “Won’t you stay a bit longer Andrew? I missed having you around.” Nelson said looking at him as he picked his bag. Andrew sighed as he tucked in his uniform and arranged his self. “I have stayed enough already Nelson. The break is over, I need to get back to class before my friends suspects a thing.” He said looking at Nelson.
Nelson sighed deeply as he also stood up and picked his shirt. “Are you still seeing that boy Charles?” He asked with a worried voice. Andrew sighed softly. “I already told you that he is my shield from my nosy friends especially James. You know how nosy he can be. But that doesn’t mean I am also giving you a guarantee Nelson.” Andrew said.
“Your time in this school is already coming to an end and I think it is high time we make everything clear between us. I am giving you a grace of this period till your exams are over. I want to know my stand in this relationship or I will walk away. This is the easiest thing I can do for us Nelson. I have fought enough and I am getting exhausted already.” Andrew added as he turned and walked away.
Nelson becomes worried because he knows Andrew was saying the truth. There is now way he can escape it this time. This is his final stage of dragging the issue and it seems he is on the losing side. He is sure that Cleo will surely walk away if she finds out about Him and Andrew so he can’t out it to her.
But then, Andrew will also walk away if he can’t make a decision. He is totally stuck between two options which are all impossible. He sighed deeply as he wiped the tears rolling on his face. This is surely going to be a disaster for him and he is not ready to witness it…
It’s a beautiful Wednesday morning, Omar and Andrew were seated in the class when Cleo and James walked in. “Hey Omar. I am just coming from the principal’s office and guess what?” She asked looking so anxious.
Andrew sighed and hits her head slowly. “Just give us the gist Cleo and stop keeping us in suspense.” He said looking at her. She hissed at him a little. “Anyways, a boy from the north is transferred to this school and he would probably be joining our class.” She said looking so happy.
James also hits her head a little. “This obsession with northern guys won’t let you focus on books.” He said laughing at her. Omar was dumb he felt strange within him. He couldn’t say a word because the word “North” hits him hard. They were still playing within them when the principal walked in with a boy behind him.
They greeted him as usual and he responded politely. “Okay students. We have a new student that was transferred in today. Introduce yourself to your new friends.” The principal said to the boy.
He smiled and moved forward. “Good morning everyone. My name is Kabir Musa.” He said with a smile on his face. Omar who was totally shocked at this point quickly raised his head and stared at the new boy who was also staring at him. His eyes were wide opened as he saw Kabir looking straight into his eyes.
“What the fuck!” Omar shouted and everyone’s attention turned to him…

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