Chapter 13

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Friendships are supposed to be ride or die. Our friends are supposed to pass through every channel with us no matter the situation. But when those friendships become our nightmare, everything changes. Some friends become toxic not because they want to but because they have no choice than to be toxic.
Everyone in this life is running a race to achieve their goals. We might meet different obstacles on this race which some are our friends and relatives. We all try our possible best to overcome these obstacles and it is left for us how we do it. Its only either to betray our friends and achieve our goals or let them yield while we fail our mission.
The morning was still chilly as the rays of sunlight lands on every surface across the school. Omar was walking through the hall way that leads to class when he sighted Kabir walking towards him from the opposite direction. He quickly turned back to walk away but Kabir was faster as he holds his hands and stood in front of him.
His face was looking calm as he exhaled slowly and stared at Omar’s fiery face for a while. Omar tried releasing his hands off Kabir’s grab but he holds him tightly. “Let me go Kabir. I have an important thing to do.” Omar said looking serious. Kabir giggled a bit. “Can we talk Omar? The last time I checked, we weren’t enemies. Why do I have this feeling that you are avoiding me?” He said with a worried voice.
Omar sighed and rolled his eyes. “I am not avoiding you Kabir. I am just doing what is in my right to do. I have to protect my relationship. I can’t allow you ruin everything I have worked for.” Omar said looking at Kabir whose eyes were teary already. He sighed again and continued talking.
“I admit that you confessed to me while I was in Kano, but I never had feelings for you Kabir. I was still confused about my sexuality then. I just wanted to talk to you about how you figured out yourself but life didn’t give us the chance. I will appreciate you more if you respect my decisions and stay out of my relationship.” Omar said as he turned to leave.
Kabir hold him back again as he sighed and wipe off the drop of tears on his face. “I always respected your decisions Omar and I am always happy whenever you are happy. It just hurt me so much to see how you try hard to neglect what we had before. How can you act so well and forget our beautiful days together Omar?” Kabir asked with more tears rushing out of his face.
He moved closer and holds Omar’s hands tightly. “Have you forgotten how close we used to be? How admiring our friendship was? How we grew up together loving each other and looking out for each other? Are you throwing all those away just because you found love? Are you throwing out our precious friendship away just for love? Is it worth it?” Kabir asked again as he stared into his eyes.
The expression on Omar’s face shows how weak he was at the moment. There is no doubt that he missed his olden days with Kabir, he missed their friendship and he wants to hear more about Kano from him. He sighed deeply and closed his eyes for a while. “I missed all those Kabir and I am not happy also that I have to deny knowing you at first. It is just that I can’t let you ruin my relationship with Stephen. I love him to the extent that I can sacrifice everything for him.” Omar said with a worried voice.
He sighed slowly as he holds back Kabir hands. “I think by now we have clarified ourselves. Can we become friends again then? Lets bygones be bygones.” Omar said as he hugged Kabir. They hugged each other for a while before they walked back to class.
“So tell me, how have you been doing all these while and what has been going on in Kano?” Omar asked as they were walking. Kabri smiled a little. “There is a lot of gist man, but you need to bribe me with food.” He said and they both laughed. “You will never change Kabir.” Omar said and they all laughed again.
Cleo stared at them as they approached the class talking and laughing. “What is going on here? Why are you heading in together?” She asked giving them a suspicious look. Omar who was startled by her question started stammering and trying to bring up some words. Andrew who was sitting beside Cleo slowly hits her head. “Didn’t we come in together? What is new in friends walking in together?” He asked giving her a weird look.
“You need to slow down with this your shipping obsession. Omar is already in a relationship.” Andrew added again. Cleo giggled and laughed a little. “I forget already. Omar has Stephen.” She said as she laughed again. Omar sighed as he dropped his bag and took a seat. “We just met at the hall way anyways.” He said looking at Cleo.
They were still talking when Justin and James walked hands in hands into the class together with Justin holding James’s bag. They walked majestically to the seats as Justin slowly dropped James’s bag on the table. He slowly bent down and gave him a peck on his cheek. “See you during lunch babe.” He said as he turned and walked away.
Cleo stamped her hands on the table and faced James. “Are you trying to oppress us James? This is getting too much.” She said looking angry and everyone laughed. James smiled. “Come on Cleo, I can’t handle it also, Justin is being more romantic than I thought.” He said smiling.
Andrew moved closer and tapped his shoulder. “I think it’s high time you make your intentions pure with him. Believe me that it is stressing to live in guilt throughout your relationship. You will have to be afraid that everything will end the moment he finds out. So it is better you let him know and prepare for the worst.” Andrew said looking serious.
James sighed deeply. “I have decided to let him know about the truth this weekend after the lunch hangout. Even though I have fallen for him for real, I will let him know how it started and I am sure that won’t change a thing in our relationship. It is just a lie, I didn’t betray him.” James said staring at Andrew.
He sighed again as he continued speaking. “I will make everything clear with him for sure. I don’t want to be hiding secrets like other people do. I want a free relationship that I can boost of everywhere and anytime. No secrets and no betrayals.” James added giving Andrew a suspicious look.
The look of guilt and suspense on Andrew’s face shows how caught he was by James’s words. He wasn’t sure whether James was referring to him but he was totally freaked out by the words. At this point, he is beginning to suspect whether James knows something between him and Nelson. He will just have to be careful because he knows how bitchy James can be…
The school closed and Justin picked up James as usual. Cleo sighed deeply as she was walking out of the school together with the other guys. She was looking very stressed and worried as she stood beside Omar. “I am beginning to envy James; it seems he is the only one having a healthy relationship.” She said looking sad.
Before they could reply her, a car parked in front of them, it was Charles. He wind down the glass and waved at the. “My ride is here guys.” Andrew said as he waved at his friends and entered the car also. Cleo hissed as they continued walking. “He is also ditching us.” She said still looking sad. It is obvious that Cleo missed Nelson and she can’t seem to keep calm about it.
Omar sighed as he holds her hands. “Come on Cleo. You know our relationships are still healthy right? It’s just that our partners are tightly scheduled at the moment, the least we can do is support them and not nag about it.” He said trying to calm her. “Don’t you miss Stephen?” She asked staring at Omar.
He exhaled loudly as they continued walking. “Of course I do. But what can I possibly do? I can’t stop him from focusing on his exams. As much as I want to spend every single minute with him, I had to hold back my urge to avoid being a distraction to him.” Omar replied. He sighed as he continued talking.
“It just pains me so much that Stephen is over studying. He doesn’t even take good care of himself. I am seriously worried about him. But I am glad he promised to go to the hang out with me during the weekend.” He said looking happy. Cleo sighed as she leaned on her car. Her driver has been waiting for her already.
“At least you talk on phone with Stephen. It’s not same with me and Nelson. Sometimes, I wonder if I am alone in that relationship. I just don’t get it. Nelson has totally changed.” She complained looking worried. Omar tapped her shoulder and comforted her for a while. “Just take it easy on him for now. I think you should confront him after the exams. It’s better to know the fate of the relationship than to be in it alone.” He said looking at her.
Cleo sighed as they entered the car together to give Omar a ride. She is definitely afraid by Omar’s statement. She knows she don’t have a right to hold back Nelson in the relationship but her heart keeps on racing as she perceived something terrible about to happen. She has always trusts her instincts but she will want to wait and observe this carefully.
She sighed again and faced herself in the mirror. “I just hope things don’t turn out bad Nelson because the last thing I will accept from you is betrayal. I will rather walk out of this relationship with dignity than to be dumped and made a laughing stock.” She said to herself…
It has been a long week. Everyone was looking earnestly forward to the lunch hangout at Justin’s place. It has been a while they had something like that together since the birthday celebration so they are all excited and looking forward to it.
Omar woke up very early that Saturday morning and does all his necessary chores. He was so excited not only about the lunch hangout, but he will also get to spend more time with Stephen. He had the day planned out already. He wants to grab and ice-cream together after the lunch and also watches a movie.
He picked his phone and called Stephen but there was no response. He called a couple of times again but still no response so he decided to drop a text message. He went ahead and got prepared waiting for a call from Stephen but it never came in. it is getting late already so he decided to drop by at Stephen’s place to check on him.
Omar was surprised when Mrs. Sylvester informed him that Stephen has went to the national library since morning and he has probably left his phone at home. He left the house looking very disappointed. He thought Stephen will have time for him just today but guess he was wrong. Stephen is practically neglecting their relationship.
Omar walked out of the house and decided to take a taxi to the lunch hang out. He can’t afford missing it because his friends were already calling. He is just disappointed that he has to go alone when everyone is bringing along their partners. He was standing on the road trying to order a ride online when a car parked in front of him.
He sighed deeply in delight thinking it was Stephen but behold it was Kabir. “Seems I am not the only one going alone to the lunch?” Kabir asked as he opened the door for Omar. Omar hissed looking angry. He was mute throughout the ride even when Kabir keeps on trying to engage him in discussions.
To make things worst, the hangout just made him angrier as everyone was with their Partners. Even Nelson was with Cleo. He wondered why on earth Stephen has to go to a library on a Saturday. Omar sat mute looking pissed off and angry. He refused to partake in any silly games the others were playing.
Mrs. Johnson, Justin’s mom was very accommodating. She prepared a lot of meals and snacks for all the kids and even made them some souvenirs. She is obviously happy seeing how her son is happy among his friends. She is so loving and caring. She wasn’t homophobic at all because she loves and understands her son.
Mrs. Johnson was standing in the garden watching the kids play among themselves as she waved at James. His heart was racing as he slowly walked into the garden and stood in front of her with his head facing down. She smiled and offered him a seat opposite her and he sat slowly. She giggled and adjusted herself. “You must be James right?” She asked with a smile.
James nodded his head. She smiled again and nodded her head also. “Now I see why Justin can’t keep calm about you. I see the reason why he obviously fell head over heels for you. You are indeed cute.” She said still smiling. James was surprised because he never knew that Justin’s parents know his sexuality. “Are you okay with him dating a boy Ma?” He asked with his eyes wide opened.
She laughed a little before she talked. “Come on James. Take a look at me. I am not that old, I am a civilized woman. I have travelled to different countries across the world and I have seen how the world has evolved. Besides, my son’s happiness shouldn’t be hard for me to accept.” She said staring at him with a smile.
She sighed a bit as she continued talking. “I am just worried about one thing James. I don’t know if Justin have told you but we have not been a good parent to him. We always travel leaving him behind by himself. I know it is not what a good parent should do but we are only doing this to have a secure future for him but I am seriously worried about him.” She said with a worried voice.
She moved closer and holds James’s hands. “This is the first time I am seeing Justin this happy. I don’t know how you do it but I am sure you make him happy a lot. I want you to promise me that you will stay with Justin and take care of him for me. This is the only thing I want to ask from you James.” She said staring at James.
James stared at Mrs. Johnson as she also stared at him with her eyes filled of hopes. He slowly turned and looked at Justin who is so excited. This is going to be hard for him, even though he had already fallen in love with Justin; he wanted telling him about his initial intentions but seems he couldn’t now.
This promise he is about to make to Mrs. Johnson is a great one. He also wants to take good care of Justin because Justin has been nothing but a good partner to him. But then he wants to have a pure relationship with him and that is the reason why he wanted telling him everything. But seems he would have to keep that secret to himself now since they already love each other.
James sighed as he faces Mrs. Johnson. He nodded his head with a smile. “I promise to do my best Ma. I will make sure I make Justin happy just the way he always makes me happy. I will love him with my all till the end of time.” He said with a smile as she also smiled at him…
It has been an interesting lunch; they all had fun and almost got drunk. Everyone left with their partners and Omar has to leave with Kabir since they came together. They drove to Omar’s place and Kabir asked to see a movie together. Omar was a bit tipsy but he wasn’t totally drunk. He allowed Kabir into the house and the walked to Omar’s room.
Kabir suggested a movie and Omar was hesitant. “You know I don’t like watching foreign movies right?” Omar complained. Kabir sighed as he picked up the system and downloaded the movie. “Trust me you will like it, it is a nice Thailand movie. –Present perfect.-” He said as he played the movie and they started watching it.
The movie was interesting just as Kabir said but it has a tragic ending. It is about strangers meeting in a vacation, each with a terrible past; they fall in love and had a beautiful moment but had to end it at the vacation. Omar was very emotional and couldn’t stop crying after the movie.
One thing led to another while Kabir was trying to comfort Omar, he ended up kissing him. The kiss was intense and Omar gave in to him as they continued kissing passionately and eventually had sex. They slept off after the passionate sex.
Omar slowly opened his eyes in the evening to find Kabir naked beside him. He is fully aware of what happened. He wasn’t drunk nor was he forced. Everything happened with his consent and he must confess that he enjoyed every bit of it.
He quickly jumped into the bathroom with his heart racing fast. “This is surely going to be a disaster.” He said to himself looking scared…

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