Chapter 11

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One of the most terrifying moments in life is when you realize that you are at the verge of losing everything you have worked for just by a single mistake which you don’t even know about. It might not be a mistake to us, but it might be a barrier between us and our loved ones the moment they found about it.
Omar sat with his eyes wide opened and his heart racing very fast as he watched Kabir walked towards him. He took the seat beside Omar just as the principal instructed. “Take care of the new student Omar; you guys are from the same state I guess.” The principal said as he walked out of the class.
Omar was sweating profusely throughout the classes that day. He looked paled and uncomfortable as Kabir kept on smiling at him. He couldn’t concentrate at any of the classes because he is sure this won’t end well. “Why would Kabir transfer to Lagos? How did he find his school?” He kept on asking himself throughout the class.
This is when he realized the mistake he has done right from the beginning. He has never talked to Stephen about his past. He has never told him about Kabir and what they had, even though it wasn’t a relationship, at least, he should have told Stephen. But it is already late at this point. The only option left for him now is to conceal the secret. He will deny knowing Kabir and that will be better for all of them.
School closed and Omar started arranging his stuffs eagerly to leave. He wasn’t looking at Kabir or giving him any attention. Cleo who was so anxious to talk to Kabir quickly moved closer to Omar’s seat. “Hey new student. I am Cleo.” She said offering him a hand shake. Kabir smiled and offered his hand also. “I am Kabir.” He replied with a smile.
Cleo moved a bit closer and leaned on Omar’s desk. He was busy arranging his books without talking to them. “Are you also a Muslim from Kano? This is Omar, he is also from Kano.” Cleo said pointing at Omar who kept his face concentrated on his desk. “You might know him as well since you are both from Kano state.” She added.
Kabir giggled and was about speaking when Omar interrupted him immediately. “I don’t think I know him. I have never seen that face before.” He said as he picked up his phone that has been ringing. Kabir was surprised with Omar denying him. He stared at Omar who was talking on phone with a straight face. There is no any sign of joke on his face. He looked honest as he denied knowing him.
The expression on his face shows how serious he is. He slowly sat down and concentrated on his phone. James who was sitting behind them moved closer also. “Oh, why are you sitting back Omar? I thought you were in a hurry?” He asked looking at Omar. He didn’t reply him rather he showed him a message which Stephen dropped him about picking him up.
James giggled a bit. “So I think they will not be having an after school lesson today? Does that mean Nelson will be picking you up?” He asked the question referring to Cleo. She smiled and nodded her head. “I hope so, if he is not tired.” She said with a smile. James giggled again. “Tired? I think you better call him to confirm, he might be busy with something else.” He said as he slowly turned and gave Andrew a weird look.
Cleo quickly brought out her phone and begins calling Nelson. James continued smiling at Andrew who was already looking startled. He quickly diverted the conversation by asking Kabir. “By the way, what part of Kano state are you from? Is it the same as Omar’s?” He asked still looking tensed. Kabir smiled again. “Well, I am from Kano central.” He replied briefly.
James quickly tapped Omar. “You have never told us about your life in Kano Omar. We don’t even know the school you attended, your friends and relationships. How can you be so stingy with your biography?” James lamented looking angry.
Omar sighed deeply as he faced James. “There is nothing to talk about James. Just a boring life with people I thought was friends but they were actually not. Any ways, it is all in the past now, and I don’t think I want to have anything doing with them.” Omar said as he slowly turned and gave Kabir a fiery look.
He slowly picked up his bag and stood up. “I have a better thing to do right now, my boyfriend is here already. I will be heading out if you will excuse me.” He said as he elegantly walked away. They watched him as he walked towards Stephen and hugged him. “Why is he acting strange today?” Cleo asked referring to Omar. They all stared at the boys as they hold hands and walked out.
Kabir smiled and stared at them for a while. “So Omar is queer right?” He asked still looking at the hall way where they passed. Cleo turned back and faced him. “Are you having a problem with that? If you do then you are not welcome in this squad.” She said pointing a finger at him. He smiled and nodded his head. “Come on Cleo. I am an ally.” He said with a smile.
They all smiled at him as Cleo hugged him. “Then you are welcome to the squad.” She said also with a smile. They were still sitting when Charles came for Andrew and they left together. Cleo and James have to leave together because Nelson couldn’t pick her up.
Kabir also waited for his driver for a while before leaving. He was curious about why Omar denied him. He was happy for seeing him at first but all his hopes becomes shattered when he saw Omar with Stephen. “We must figure this out Omar. We must finish what we have started.” He said as he also picked his bag and left.
Stephen looked at Omar while driving home; he looked really tensed and disturbed. He is sure that he boy is worried about him. “Are you alright Omar? You look really spaced out.” Stephen asked. Omar smiled and nodded his head without saying a word. “Do you want to have an ice cream? I can take you there.” Stephen asked again.
Omar nodded his head again. “I am seriously fine Steph. You should head home first. You need to rest. Your exams are starting soon.” Omar said as he picked up his phone. He is totally worried about Stephen at this point, he feels like he is cheating on him. He sighed deeply because he can’t hide anything to Stephen. He decided to tell him about Kabir.
“Steph.” He called slowly as Stephen responded while still concentrating on the road. He was about speaking when a thought stroke his mind. “What if he becomes furious and over think? That will affect his performance for sure. I think I should wait till after his exams before disclosing this to him.” Omar thought to himself.
He was still thinking when Stephen tapped his shoulder. “I think you need more rest than me Omar. Come with me, I will get you your favorite ice-cream.” He said as he parked the car in front of a shopping mall. They walked together into the mall to get Omar an ice-cream.
Stephen is trying all his possible best to make Omar happy even though he has a very tight schedule. He doesn’t want Omar to feel neglected. Omar on the other hand is damn worried about Kabir’s appearance. He honestly wants to be transparent to Stephan but he doesn’t want to affect his performance. He decided to keep everything low till Stephen is done with his exams. After all, he can hold it in for a few more days.
Friendship and relationships have more strength when they are secrets free. The more we started keeping secrets from our friends and partners, the more we call an end to that bound. It might look good when we hide it, but we never knew that we a building a fence of error ahead of us which we will never be able to cross no matter how hard we try…
The following day, Omar followed Stephan to school as early as possible, hoping to meet Kabir before any of his friends arrived. Luckily for him, he met Kabir sitting in the class while playing games on his phone. He exhaled loudly as he walked and stand in front of him. “What brings you to Lagos state Kabir? Why did you choose this school? Have you been spying on me?” Omar asked furiously.
Kabir smiled as he slowly dropped his phone on the desk. He crossed his legs and faced Omar. “Good morning to you Omar. I guess you have begun to forget the northern culture and tradition in such a short time.” He said sarcastically. “By the way, those questions were much to answer at a time.” He said staring at Omar who was looking furious.
Omar sighed and stamped on the desk with his palms. “Just answer the damn questions Kabir. I thought we were over? You blocked my contacts and social media handles. You never replied my messages. Why are you haunting me now?” He asked looking so fiery.
Kabir smiled and giggled a bit. “Will you allow me to explain myself?” He asked looking at Omar as he slowly stood up from his seat. “Firstly, you know my father is a professor right? He is currently transferred to the University of Lagos as the vice chancellor. And about following you here, I never planned that. You junior brother always tells me that you are out of the country.” He said looking serious.
Omar was still keeping a furious face as Kabir was speaking. Kabir sighed deeply as he closed his eyes for a while. He opened them shortly and stared at Omar. “I never deleted or blocked your contacts Omar. Believe me, that fateful day I left you in the library, I was robbed on my way home. I couldn’t retrieve my contacts or social media handles.” He said looking much tensed.
He sighed again as he continued speaking. “I tried collecting your contacts from our friends but you changed everything Omar, I searched for your new handles but it was all in vain. I tried my possible best to reply your message but I couldn’t Omar. I waited all these while for your return but you never did. I waited for you Omar, I surely did.” He added with tears rolling on his face.
Kabir moved closer and holds Omar’s hands. “When my father told me about moving here, I was totally sad because I am sure you would come back to Kano for me, but something deep inside me keeps on telling me to follow him here. It was fate Omar, calling me to my love. I am sure it was destiny. I am destined to have this with you Omar.” Kabir said as he slowly kissed Omar’s hands.
Omar quickly removed his hands from Kabir’s as he moved back pointing at him. “This is not fate Kabir. This is a wrong destiny. There was nothing between us at the first place. I am sure you are only mistaken by infatuation. Destiny will never send you here to ruin my happiness Kabir.” Omar said looking serious.
He moved closer and grabbed his neck. “I am beginning to enjoy my life here Kabir. I have a beautiful relationship and beautiful friends who accepts my sexuality. I will not have you come and ruin everything for me. I have worked hard for this Kabir. I urge you to forget everything about us.” Omar said looking at him.
He sighed softly as he continued talking. “I will appreciate it if you keep our relationship a secret Kabir. I don’t want you to ruin my love life. I love Stephen and I am not ready to lose him. If you truly loved me as your friend, then you will be happy for me and leave me to enjoy my current life. I am begging you Kabir.” Omar pleaded as he picked his bag and walked out of the class.
Kabir stood speechless as he watched Omar walked away. All his happiness and hopes becomes shattered as tears keeps on rolling on his face. He never imagined that Omar will disown him bluntly like this. He slowly sat back on the chair with lots of thoughts going through his mind. He is sure that he won’t allow Omar walk out of his life just like that. He has waited enough and he deserves to be happy with Omar so he will do anything to take him back…
Its lunch period already; Omar and his friend were in the cafeteria already when Justin walked to their table. He was having a huge lunch box with him. He slowly sat beside James and gave him a peck. “Ohhhh. I don’t want to witness your love on this table. I am already feeling lonely.” Cleo complained with a sad face and they all laughed.
Justin smiled as he wrapped his hands around James. “You guys shouldn’t blame me. I can’t help myself from admiring your cute friend right here.” He said as he pulled James’s cheeks. James couldn’t say a word because he was just blushing. He is really shy because Justin is acting over romantic and James is seriously having a mixed feeling.
Omar giggled as he peeped at the lunch box. “So are you having a souvenir for us Mr. Justin? Or is that for your wife alone?” Omar asked pointing at the lunch box. James eyed Omar for a while. “Fuck you Omar, who is a wife?” He asked blushing. Justin smiled as he pulled James’s cheek again. “Don’t worry babe. It’s all yours.” He said as he pushed the box to him.
“My parents came home yesterday and my mom wants me to give this to that wonderful soul that makes me happy these days.” Justin said smiling. “In fact, she is inviting you over to my place for lunch. You can bring your friends along if you feel shy to visit your in-laws alone.” He said as he gave James’s a peck again.
James’s who was still blushing quickly pushed Justin a little. “Come on Justin. We are in public.” He said looking shy. The expression on James’s face shows how happy he was at the moment. But then, he is still confused about his feelings. He doesn’t know whether he is being delusional or not. Even though these are all the qualities he wished for in a man, he still doesn’t want to believe that he is falling in love to Justin.
Justin slowly stood up and hugged James’s for a while. “I will need to go back now. I have a rugby practice babe; you can text me if you fix a time to visit my parents.” He said as he walked away. Omar sighed as he faced James. “What is the status between you guys James? I think you should decide by now whether you ate keeping this or not. You can see how serious he is getting with you right?” He said looking serious.
James sighed deeply and closed his eyes for a while. “I don’t know guys. This is getting confused already. I wanted ending this earlier but I found out about his depression because his parents always leave him by himself. I just wanted helping him out but this is all getting out of plan.” James said looking worried.
Cleo tapped his shoulder for a while. “I think you should take is easy and make a decision. Let him know what you decided on time before things gets out of hand.” She said looking at him. They were still eating when Kabir approached their table. Omar stood up immediately when he saw him coming. “I will need the restroom guys.” He said as he walked away.
Andrew also received a message on his phone and he walked away immediately. James who was already suspecting Andrew knows something must be wronged somewhere. He quickly picked his bag and followed Andrew. He followed him slowly till he saw where he entered. He was surprised to see him enter the old building as he began wondering what took Andrew there. To quench his curiosity, he found a spot and waited for Andrew to come out…
“Why did you call me Nelson? I told you to slow this and concentrate on your exams. I can’t be missing classes because of your urges.” Andrew complained as Nelson started kissing him. “You know I can’t hold it anymore Andrew. I need this badly.” He said as he continued kissing him aggressively. They had their romantic session for some minutes and Andrew set to leave.
“What do you think about going abroad after graduation Andrew? I am talking to my father about it; will you go there and study with me? We can be happy forever Andrew.” Nelson said as he holds Andrew’s hands. Andrew who was shocked by the question turned looking so happy. “Are you telling me that you choose me Nelson?” Andrew asked with tears rolling on his face.
Nelson moved closer and wiped off Andrew’s face. “I can’t seem to help it Andrew. I know I also love Cleo but I need you more in my life. I can’t go a day without having you Andrew. I will surely choose you again and again.” He said as he hugged Andrew tightly. “But can we continue keeping this a secret; I will end things with Cleo immediately after exams. I will end things with her in the prom party.” Nelson pleaded and Andrew nodded his hands in agreement.
They hugged each other and kissed for a while before walking out of the old building holding hands. James was still sitting in a corner as he stared at the two guys walking and smiling at each other. They were acting romantic as they walked hands in hands.
James was shocked at what he saw. He has always had a hunch on Andrew having a secret affair but he never knew it would be with Nelson. “How could Andrew be this selfish? How could he be such a betrayer? How could he do this?” James keeps on asking himself looking surprised.
He is sure this will break Cleo if she finds out but he has to tell her, he can’t allow this betrayal to keep going on. He was about heading to tell Cleo when he remembered his situation with Justin. He knows Andrew wasn’t in support of his idea in the first place so he would do anything to ruin his relationship with Justin.
He decided to make things clear between him and Justin before exposing Nelson and Andrew. “This betrayal shouldn’t survive.” He said to himself as he walked away…

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