Chapter 2

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It is an early Monday morning, the first day of a new term. Students were walking towards the school from different angles, different cars were parking while students were alighting and taking their way into the school. There will be no explanation needed before one knows the school is meant for the rich. You can tell from a single look that all the students are from rich families.
The day is still bright as the rays of sunlight shines all over the atmosphere. Of course everyone around the school premises looks happy. Friends uniting with each other after the long summer break. Everyone was looking so excited and full of energy for a new session.
Mr. Lawal slowly parked his car at the school premises as he walked Omar to the principal’s office. The registration processes is already done, he just wanted to hand him in properly. “You don’t have to worry Mr. Lawal, I assure you that your nephew will have a good experience in our school and his grades will surely be great.” The principal said with a smile on his face.
Mr. Lawal giggled as he slowly stood up from the seat he was sitting on. “Then I will leave my boy in your care. Trust he will be good.” He said as he started walking out. The principal also stood up as he holds Omar’s hands. “Let’s join the assembly Omar. There are important announcement you should hear.” He said as they all walked out.
Omar slowly walked to the assembly hall and took a seat beside a girl. “Are you a new student?” She asked looking at him with a smile. He smiled back and nodded his head. She slowly stretched her hands out to him. “I am Cleo, SS3 art.” She said offering a hand shake.
He slowly stretched his hands at her. “I am Omar, same class.” He replied briefly. Cleo smiled and faced him. “Wow! Are you serious? You have a nice name. Are you from the north? Can you tell me about the north? Can we be friends?” She kept on asking series of questions as she looked so excited.
Omar was already speechless from how strange and forward the girl was acting. He was stammering trying to bring out some words when someone from behind called out Cleo’s name. “Come on Cleo. Will you spare the new boy of your curiosity? He barely spent an hour here and you are already asking him silly questions.” Andrew said as he dragged a seat and sat beside Cleo while the other boy sat beside Omar.
Cleo exhaled and turned to Andrew. “Oh please guy. You have no business here.” She said staring at him. The other boy quickly chipped in the conversation. “We all know you can nag Cleo. I hope you haven’t started nagging at the new boy.” He said while laughing.
Cleo quickly stretched her hands and pinched him. Omar was looking at them curiously as he was thinking what the hell was going on. “Oh, my bad Omar; Let me introduce these guys.” Cleo said as she noticed how uncomfortable Omar was.
“This is Andrew, one of the hottest boys in the school who is being chased by both males and females. But I don’t think he will be anymore since you are here. And this is James, the nicest boy in the school.” She said pointing at her friends respectively. “Guys, this is Omar, my new friend. And guess what? He is from the north.” She added looking so happy.
“Oh. The last time I checked, you just met him right away and you are already his friend. I am sure it is because you are obsessed with northern men.” James said looking at Cleo. She laughed for a while before talking. “Well, you know I can’t help it right?” She said looking at Omar who was still staring at them confusedly.
A phone started ringing while they were still talking and Andrew quickly picked it up. “Alright guys. I think I am going to skip class again.” He said as he picked his bag and walked out of the assembly hall. Cleo sighed as she stared at him sneak out of the hall. “I am sure it’s that so called boyfriend of his that called, I wonder when this boy will stop flirting around.” She said looking a bit pissed off.
Omar was more confused at this stage. “What? Did you just say boyfriend? What is that supposed to mean?” He asked looking curious. Cleo and James laughed for a while. James giggled and holds Omar’s hands.
“You see, Andrew is gay.” He said looking at Omar who sat with his mouth agape. “Don’t be surprised yet. I am also gay. It’s obvious that you can tell that.” James added flinging his hands. Omar was still looking unbelievably at James as he came out to him without fear.
Cleo smiled and grabbed Omar’s hands. “There are a lot of weird things you will see here in this school. Just know that this will be the best place ever for you and you are free to live whatever way you want to in here because there will be no judgment.” She said with a smile.
Omar was quiet for a while before he struggled and stammered few words. “Where I come from, it’s a taboo and against both the religion and culture to have an affair with same gender.” He said looking so tensed.
The two laughed out at Omar. “Well, there are places like that also here, and there are people that are also homophobic in this school. It’s just that the management has banned religious practices which also helped to rule out homophobia. You can see students from different parts of the world right? They won’t be comfortable at all if African cultures and religious rules are applied here. ” Cleo explained.
Omar kept quiet for a while as he was happy deep down in his heart; finally he has gotten a safe place to explore himself. He let out a revealing smile as the principal walked into the hall and started addressing students.
It was lunch period. Almost all the students were seated in the school’s large cafeteria having their meals. Some were playing games while others were snapping pictures. Omar and his new friends were seated in a round table in the center of the cafeteria.
“I don’t think my brain can handle this SS2 activities. I am already having a headache.” Andrew complained as he was digging his plate of noodles. The rest laughed for a while. “You are always lazy Andrew. You always complain about classes.” James said looking at him.
Andrew was about challenging when Cleo stopped him. “Don’t even start with your excuses Andrew. You must join the club activities this year.” She said pointing a fork at him. He makes a weird face as he sipped his drink again. “I thought I could runoff again.” He murmured and they all laughed.
Omar slowly stood up from the table. “I will go get a drink guys.” He said as he walked away. As he was buying the drink, a notification popped on his phone and he took it out to check. He was walking with the drink while checking his phone and he accidentally bumped into a guy. The whole cocktail spilled on the guy who was looking very fierce.
“How dare you spill a drink on my shirt?” The boy shouted as he raised his hands to slap Omar, but surprisingly, he paused staring at Omar. He couldn’t utter a word as he kept his hands hanging in the air. Omar quickly brought out his handkerchief and started cleaning the boy’s shirt. “I am sorry.” He kept on repeating as he cleaned his shirt.
The boy stood numb and watched Omar cleaned his shirt. “I will get another drink, I am sorry once again.” He said as he sluggishly turned and leave. He walked straight to the food canter and ordered for a new drink as he walked back to his table.
Cleo who has been watching the incidence quickly tapped Omar on his hands as he sits on the table. “What was that Omar? What happened to that senior?” She asked curiously. Omar turned and looked at the boy who was seating on a table and still facing their direction. “Oh, I just spilled a drink on him and apologized. That’s all.” He said looking confident
They were all amazed. “You know. Those guys are the coolest gang of the SS3 classes. I am totally shocked that he didn’t slap you. That wasn’t the Stephen I knew.” James said looking so amazed. Omar giggled and sipped his cocktail. “Come on guys, he was just being nice.” He said as he continued checking his social media pages.
His mood changes instantly as he received a notification. “What is wrong Omar?” Andrew asked looking at him. He sighed deeply and dropped the phone on the table. “It’s nothing.” He answered briefly.
He was totally worried because Kabir just blocked him on Facebook and stopped following him on Twitter. He must have read his letter by this time and wasn’t ready to listen to him. “It’s well then, at least I made an effort.” He said to himself as he continued eating.
They were still talking and enjoying their meal when a clique of guys walked by, they slowly stopped at the table as one of them dropped a ball on the table.
The guys were from SS2 science. “I wonder what the world would have been without scientist.” Justin, a guy among the clique said sarcastically. “May be it would have been a place full of kids playing with colors in the name of art.” Another guy from the clique added and they all laughed out loud.
Omar was looking confused as he whispered to Cleo while the guys continued cracking silly and annoying jokes. “What is all these about?” He asked curiously. “Don’t mind them, they are just a gang of bullies, they always like picking on James and I wonder why he wouldn’t let any of us report them or talk back to them. Just watch, they will collect his drink right now.” Cleo said looking angry.
Omar stared as Justin stretched his hands to pick the drink. He quickly stood up and holds the drink forcefully. “Are you in your senses? How dare you come to our table and cause a distraction.” Omar said looking confident.
Justin was shocked for a while. “Hey new boy; are you talking back to me?” He asked looking serious. Omar giggled and moved closer. “Of course it’s you because you are clearly ignorant of what is called boundaries. Do you feel because you are some idol or model that everyone should fear you?” Omar asked sarcastically.
“Wait let me get this straight. I am sure it’s because you feel you are science students right? What would have been of science without Art? It’s just a bunch of crappy ideas without an outcome. Art is the shell my dear, we design you and make you boost out to the world. We present you to the world and give you the energy you feel.” Omar said looking at the boys who were already tensed.
Cleo quickly stood up and chipped in. She has been waiting for such opportunity for a very long time. “The last time I checked Justin, you don’t even have a good grades to be a science student. You were just accepted because you are not even qualified to be an artist.” She said and everyone around the table laughed so hard.
They were embarrassed at this time as they sluggishly turned and walked away. James was looking terrified already. Cleo stared at him for a while and exhaled loudly. “This should have been what you should do a long time ago James.” She said looking so happy.
Stephen and his friends were sitting on a table in the corner of the cafeteria as they watched the drama between the two classes. “Who is that new boy? He seems courageous.” A guy asked referring to Omar. Stephen nodded his head with a smile. “Of course and he looks very handsome too.” He said still staring at their direction.
Cleo slowly stood up from the table and adjusted her skirt. “Alright guys, I will utilize the rest of my lunch break. Nelson is still waiting.” She said as she picked up her bag. “It seems I am the only single one on this table.” Omar said looking sad. They all laughed at him.
“Well, it is more like I am the only one with a serious relationship here. Andrew is just flirting around while James is crushing on his bully.” She said flinging her hands. James laughed out loud. “Oh please Cleo. You always think otherwise. I would never do that. I am not that cheap.” He said looking so confident.
“If you insist dear; I am off to my date.” She said as she walked away. Andrew stared at James suspiciously. “Don’t even lie. Tell me about it.” He said staring at James who keeps on drinking his juice. “There is nothing to talk about, it’s just her imagination.” James said nonchalantly.
They all laughed at him for a while before Andrew moved closer to him and tapped his shoulder. “Should I advice you dear? Trust me it will work out.” He said looking at him. James sighed loudly and pushed off Andrew. “Leave me alone Andrew. I always end up in trouble whenever I trust your advices.” He said looking worried.
“Come on James; let’s at least hear what he has to say now. It might help you out.” Omar said looking serious. The table was quiet for a while before James exhaled and adjusted himself. “Help me out with what exactly? I am not crushing on Justin for Christ’s sake. He is never and will never be my spec.” He said pointing at Andrew.
Andrew giggled and moved closer. “It’s nothing much, just find a way to make him fall for you. I am sure you can do that and that guy will stay off your neck.” He said with a smile. James hissed as he picked up his bag and stood up. “I know you will only bring up something crappy. As if I told you I really liked him.” He asked as he walked away.
“I was just trying to help idiot.” Andrew shouted at James who headed to the rest room. They were still sitting in the cafeteria when Cleo walked back looking so sad. “What happened to you?” Omar asked looking concerned.
She sluggishly dropped her bag and took a seat. “I couldn’t find Nelson and he isn’t picking his calls either.” She said looking worried. Andrew quickly stood up and picked his bag. “He might be busy in the library dear. But I will help you check. I am heading there to get a story book.” He said as he walked away.
Omar also stood up from the table picking his bag. He moved closer to Cleo and leaned on her shoulder. “You see this relationship; you better quit it before he gives you heart attack.” He whispered while laughing. Cleo was already having teary eyes. “I will head to the mosque to pray.” Omar added as he walked away also.
Andrew was walking fast out of the cafeteria when his phone beeped. “Meet me at the usual place.” A text message from an anonymous contact read on his phone’s screen. He walked quickly to the extreme end of the school around some abandoned classes. He slowly walked between broken chairs and desks until he reached a toilet.
“I am tired of doing this Nelson. I can’t continue sneaking around just to hook up with you.” Andrew said as he approached a boy who was leaning on the wall and trying to take off his shirt. He slowly moved closer to Andrew and grabbed his neck as he kissed him passionately. “I am sure you aren’t tired of this right?” He asked with a smirk on his face.
Andrew threw his bag away as he grabbed Nelson’s lips and started kissing them aggressively. The two boys continued kissing and smooching each other’s body on the bare wall. Nelson slowly turned Andrew over; his face was facing the wall as he continued kissing his neck and ears.
He quickly picked a condom from his bag pack and inserted it on his fully erected dick as he started fucking Andrew. They were both moaning so hard in pleasure while kissing each other. Nelson was still stroking Andrew’s dick as he was also fucking him. After a while of the intense sex, the both released and slowly sat on the floor panting so hard.
Nelson exhaled loudly as he sat by the wall while Andrew was lying in between his legs. “That was great.” He said with a smile on his face. Andrew sighed deeply with a worried face. “You clearly know this is wrong Nelson. I am seriously afraid.” He said with a worried tune.
Nelson slowly bent down and kissed his forehead. “Why are you afraid Andrew? What is wrong with us making out?” He asked looking at him. Andrew slowly sits up and faced him. “You know everyone in this school knows you are going out with Cleo. And you clearly know she is my best friend. I don’t want to be tagged as a traitor.” Andrew said looking worried.
He is looking totally stressed as he speaks. Nelson sighed and grabbed his hands. “You know this is also not easy for me Andrew. I don’t know how to go about it. I don’t know how to bring this out to Cleo, but I promise you I will do that in a short while. But before then, can we continue enjoying ourselves? I love you Andrew.” He said looking very serious.
Andrew sighed deeply as he hugged Nelson. He knows that this decision is totally wrong and has broken the rules of friendship. He knows he is being a traitor by dating Nelson. He knows Cleo will never forgive him whenever she finds out.
But then, he cannot lie to himself, he can’t hide his feelings any more, he can’t deprive himself of happiness. He just has to act along till things take their own turn.  It’s not as if he is being a bad person, he just found love in an unusual place, and it’s just a LOVE WITH ERROR which he will fight very hard to keep…

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