Rivalry (Snippet)

Start from the beginning

Diana nodded at Kara, they both abandoned their equipment and ran towards the sounds. She could make out a few glimpses of the sight through the gathering crowd of spectators. People headed now from the far side of the gym to the ring, where only the bravest of leaguers would take on other members of the league in sparring matches. 

Having been involved in many scuffles, Kara knew that this wasn't unfamiliar. 

But it was very unfamiliar for Barry to start a fight. 

Her jaw dropped at what she saw.

Barry threw a punch directly at Hal's face, caution went to the wind, no holding back at all. If it was a weaker member, he would've... never mind that. 

The taller man ducked back and dodged Barry's heavy strikes, exerting himself to even react that fast. 

"Hey! ENOUGH!" Diana shouted.

Then she muttered something in quick Greek. The words ended up fading into the ringing noise that filled Kara's ears and that noise overtook her. Both Barry and Hal shook off those words as if they were raindrops. 

Kara found herself perfectly frozen in place. Maybe it was the shock of seeing Barry so angry, almost as if he was facing a long-time nemesis. 

"Just sparring, right guys?" Oliver called out. 

He had his feet on the edge of the mat, ready to interfere and referee the match. If one didn't know Ollie, Kara would say that he was waiting for one of them to KO the other. 

He was waiting for things to escalate.

For things to go beyond the realm of "just sparring".

For blood to be shed.

And honestly, she waited for the same thing. 

While Hal was correctly dressed for the gym, Barry was so out of place with his Khaki pants and tight-fitting dress shirt, sleeves folded up to the elbows and collar unbuttoned. He had just finished lab work, Kara assumed. Chewing at the inside of her cheek, her eyes shifted to Barry's unprotected and exposed skin of his knuckles. Barry's angular jaw already blossomed with red marks from Hal's knuckles. And damn it, Hal was using brass knuckle constructs, what is he thinking?! She shouted to herself. 

This situation was already out of control. 

Barry threw a heavy-handed punch, it lacked the speed, but for the lack of speed it made up for power. A gust of wind hit the spectators because of how hard he threw the punch. Barry had focused too hard on striking to follow up on his hits, and Kara knew it. She was unable to stop herself from analyzing the fight. It was chaotic of Barry, so unlike him. So sloppy.

Hal's hand swung down, his brass knuckle construct landed one, quick jab to Barry's right cheek. She could hear him gasp. Maybe it was her for all she knew. 

Barry took a few steps back, flinching away from the hit. His defensive form collapsed, and he felt the fresh red mark already blooming on his face. His skin had been scraped off revealing blood beading in its place as if it were coming out of his pores. 

"You two! Take it down a notch!" Oliver growled loudly.

Hal heard him but ignored his warning. He wiped the sweat away from his brow, then his fingers combed through his brown locks of hair in an act to calm himself. His pale, green eyes filled with smugness as he uttered something low, but Kara managed to catch it with her super hearing. 

You're a fucking embarrassment, Barry. To all of us.

It was impossible for the others to hear it, but she heard it. And Barry did too, and it set him off. 

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