It was a dream ..?

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The alarm blares into my ears, shocking me and causing me to jump up. I pant, while looking around the dark room, I feel around the bed, hopefully feeling (Your name)'s body,

Nothing, nothing's there, just emptiness and pillows. I grab my phone off the charger and scroll through my contacts, still no (Your name).

"What the fuck?" I question to myself, feeling my stomach go cold. "Was it all fake?" The words spew out of my mouth as I look at my room.

"Damn." I mutter, sighing and finally getting out of bed. "Time to do this for real." I walk into my bathroom and switch my light on.

I grab my toothbrush and begin to brush my teeth, afterwards, putting my clothes on and walking out of the dorm door, I see a girl with (your skin color) skin walk down the halls, she seems focused on nothing but her phone.

She looks so much like, (Your name) from my dream. I feel my face heat up at the thought of the dream. She looks up from her phone and her eyes meet mine, the look in them makes me weak in the knees as the sun hits her skin, giving it a goddess like glow,

She flashes me a smile, her teeth are so pretty and her lips look so soft. I smile back and walk up to her. "Mikasa." I look into her eyes. "(Your name), how you doin'?" She questions as we finish walking down the hallway.

"Pretty good, you?" I hold the door open for her, "Thank you, and I'm fine, a bit hungover if we're being honest." She chuckles as we walk out to the parking lot.

"Do you wanna ride with me?" She questions, her words coming out soothing and soft. Can I ride you instead? "Yes please." I glance to her sneakers. White airforces decorate her feet as she wears black cargo pants with a black crop top.

The white on the sneakers complements her perfectly. "C'mon then." She waves me over to her car. The black Mercedes Benz matches her styl perfectly.

I smile and walk to her car, something about her makes me feel at peace.

And just like that I went to school, with the prettiest girl in school.

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