Chapter 29: Baby Names

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{Two Months Later}

"Eli. Sam. Aaron. Tristin." Perona was at the cafe a habit she got into after your accident. She was on one of the rooms that could be rented out to used for study groups, business meetings etc. You used the money that Pops had used to buy his portion of the land, to expand your business. Hired more people, and business was going good. You even worked with Ussop who sold his trinkets and nick nacks, in a portion of your new cafe.

"No, no, no and good lord no!"

"Oh c'mon! I've given you great names to work with!"

"I used Sam already." You became melancholy again. And so did Perona. You decided to name the son who you lost Sam. You didn't want him to not have a name.

"Okay, I will continue to work until I find the perfect name."

Little did she know that you already picked out a name, you were just keeping it a secret from everyone. Including Law. It drove him crazy but you promised him it would be worth the wait to find out.

"Urrrg okay. Leave, my creative mind had been sparked. Shoo shoo!"

"Hahaha okay."

You left the room and waddled to the kitchen to back more coffee cakes for Katakuri. You later found out his mom was Big Mom, a mob gang leader, but he had been given immunity when he gave the police all the evidence they needed to put her away for good. A combination of that and Crocodile's led to Doflamingo's arrest too. Monet had been apprehended as well. She had been placed in the hospital by Donquixote, to seduce Law so you would break up with him, to isolate you so he could sweep in, seduce you, and eventually get you to marry him and sign everything over to him.

Fat fucking chance. Creep wasn't even my type.

"Hey Boss! I'm heading home for the night!"

"Okay Barto! See you tomorrow."

"Perona try to give you names again?"

"Hehehe yeah. She means well. Have a great vacation! You deserve it!"

"Hell yeah! I'm off probation early and I no longer have to ask permission to go anywhere anymore!"

You laughed and bid him farewell. As he left your favorite redhead and blonde came in.

"Yo Y/N! How's business going?"

"As you can see it's going great Kid. Killer. How're you two doing?"

The blonde gave you a side hug, and booped your forehead.

"We're good. We actually are opening up a part shop next to our automobile shop. Your Pops hooked us up with a guy called Tom to teach us the ropes."

"Hehehe I'm glad it all worked out. The usual to go?"

"Actually we thought we'd stay."


They went up to the counter ordered their usuals and went to one of the rooms to more than likely to discuss their new business adventures.

Walking into the kitchen, you took a big breath in and out, just taking a moment to relax and appreciate everything you had. And everything that had been given to you. Your son moved, and you giggled.

"It's okay baby boy. Mama is okay." You never said his name unless you were alone at home.

"He moving again?" Zoro stepped into the kitchen. He was wearing his workout gear and was sweating. Which meant he ran here.

"Yeah he's very active lately."

"Still keeping his name a secret?"

"Hehehe yep. But don't worry I'm telling Law first and foremost." You giggled and went to sit down, when you remembered; Nami had made you a smoothie before she left. It was a tangerine flavor it was quickly becoming your favorite thing to have. You knew she brought these special for you, and didn't try to charge you to add to your debt. Nami loved kids and when she found out you lost Sam, she was almost a completely different person.

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