Chapter 6: New Neighbors

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"I can't believe that jerk did that! Why didn't you say anything sooner? I would've let you live with me had you...oh I don't know called me to tell me what was going on!"

Your best friend Perona was in your new place "helping" you unpack all your stuff. She was mainly yelling at you since you didn't tell her about you and Law until you had moved out.

"I guess a part of me wanted to fight for our relationship, but I soon found out that, that wasn't going to happen. But I still loved him, and I didn't want to let 3 years go down the drain. But," you gestured to the space around you and spun yourself around. A small sad smile on your face "it ended up that way anyway."

She came over and hugged you. You were both pretty short she was maybe an inch or two taller than you. You allowed yourself to start feeling sad. You went through the memories, and all the happy memories that once brought you joy, was now the cause of all your pain. Funny how that worked.

"So you're hiring new people?" The sudden topic change threw you off and you started to laugh, Perona joining in the giggle fest. You were both just starting to catch your breath when you heard a knock on the door. "You expecting someone?"

"Probably Luffy and Zoro they said that they were coming over to help as well."

"Oh am I not enough?" You raised an eyebrow at her.

"I'm sorry how exactly are you helping?"

"I am here to help your emotional state?"

"And you couldn't maybe empty a few boxes while doing that?" Crossing her arms she huffed as you opened the door but it wasn't who you were anticipating.

"Detective Smoker?" In front of you was your regular customer, dressed in his signature grey slacks and black button up, with a gun hanging off his belt. His grey hair slicked back and a cigar behind his ear.

"Miss L/N? You're the new neighbor?" Your eyes popped even wider when you saw his partner Detective Diez behind him. His scar on his chin, the orange tinged hair, piercing blue eyes, matching blue button up, brown tie, and black slacks and shoes.


"Yeah you live between us. I live to your left and Diez lives to your right." You gave a quick look right and left then stared at the two men again. Your surprised expression made them chuckle. We just wanted to come by and introduce ourselves, we tend to come in at all hours of the day, and some people don't like the noise we sometimes make."

"Well I'm a pretty deep sleeper, and I may wake up earlier than you both."

"We'll see, if you need anything don't hesitate to bang on your walls. We'll take that as a sign to come help."

Why would I bang on the walls?

"What if she was having sex and the headboard hits the walls? Would you still come to her rescue?"


It was now extremely awkward, you were turning as red as a fire hydrant, you also noticed some pinkish tints on the two detectives' cheeks.

"I'll just knock on your doors should I need help. Have a good evening gentlemen." Before anything else could be said you closed the door on them and had to take a few calming breaths before looking at Perona and giving her your best death glare. " I hate you sometimes you know that?"

"Love you too Y/N! Now which one of these boxes has your clothes? I wonder if you have anything cute!!!" You doubted it, your version of cute and Perona's version of cute were very different. Not that she didn't have a sense of style, it just wasn't to your taste.

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