Chapter 25: New Beginnings

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Long chapter warning. Going forward the chapters are going to be longer so all the story telling that I need to tell is told and no one feels like I missed something along the way.

Enjoy ❤️

When you woke up on the couch with Luffy, with a blanket over you. You knew Pops had seen you both and had just left you alone. Much like he did  when you two were teenagers. You woke up a full hour before everyone. You decided to do a steak and eggs breakfast, with hash browns and a fruit salad. You had finished the fruit salad first and then you proceeded to make the hash browns. While you had the first of three batches cooking you started two of the coffee pots and then felt sick.

"Hey Y/N been a while since you made breakfast for us." Thatch came at the perfect time.

"Make the rest please!" You barely made it to the bathroom before throwing up again. You were going to need a bathroom installed in the kitchen for your cafe you made a mental note of that.

When you returned to the kitchen Marco was there taking directions from Thatch about the proper way to cook steak.

"Sorry guys..."

"Hey no worries. You okay?"

"I need to look up how long morning sickness lasts."

"Want some avacado toast? I can whip it up for you in a jiffy."

"I can make it if you guys can focus on the stuff that's making me feel sick."

"Can do. Although I can get a sense of how Thatch's culinary students feel."

"Hehehe I used to be one of them."

You'd gone to school for business so you knew how to run one, however you still wanted to make sure you could cook. You'd taken two years of Thatch's culinary classes and just because you were like his family it didn't make him go easy on you. In fact he probably was harder on you because you were like his sister.

After making your toast, and eating half before feeling sick again. You drank some water very slowly and then you got a few text messages.

Law 🩺: Hey I'm on my way, I'll meet you out front. See you soon.

You: okay I'll be ready.

The next one you read was from Barto.

Barto ☕️: hey boss, your old man called and let me know that I can work in his factory while we're waiting for the cafe to be finished. He told me you asked him to do that for me. Thanks 🙏. But don't think this means that I'm not coming back to be second in command. I ain't giving that shit up for anything!!

You: Thanks cause I'm going to need you to take over for me in about 9 months. 🤪

Barto ☕️: huh? What do you mean?

You: I'm pregnant.

It was about a minute before Barto text back.

Barto ☕️: Shit that means you can't have coffee ☕️ hahaha 😝 sucks to be you. Also congrats 🎊

You: you're an ass 💩

Barto ☕️: I know 😁

There was also a couple of texts from Katakuri and Zoro too. You were still pretty peeved at Zoro and ignored his message completely.

Katakuri 🍩: I heard what happened. I hope you're doing okay. If you need to get away let me know. I'll take you to a nice seaside town with lots of useless junk you can shop for.

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