Clash of Titans

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"We're moving again Ichi!" Ni said.

"Where's he taking us!?" Kevin asked.

"Be quiet! I don't know where we're going!" Ichi replied.

"We need to kill that pest somehow!" Ni said.


"I don't know!"

"Great observation then, Ni!"

"Guys, can we please figure this out?" Kevin said, his voice cracking up.

Ichi and Ni looked at Kevin.

"I'm scared."

A pain struck Ichi's heart. "I know, I am too."

"I think he's using us to make Kaiju do his bidding." Ni said.

"I think so too."

"Are we going to be destroying the world again, against our will this time?" Kevin asked.

"We need to stop him." Ichi said.

Suddenly the three heads let out a roar of fury. Ichi could feel something working in his head, it forced him to look at what seemed like a large aircraft in the air. 

Alan Jonah

"That's it, now go attack it." Jonah pressed a button on the ORCA, commanding Ghidorah to attack the USS Argo.

Alan Jonah smiled as Ghidorah helplessly faced the ship, let out a roar, and chased it.

"What're you doing?" A man asked.

Jonah faced the speaker and smiled brightly. "Nothing much, just going to get rid of the pests trying to stop our rampage."

"You sure? This isn't you."

"Isn't me!? Of course it's me!"

"You're going insane, it's because of that chip you put in the middle head!"

"Oh, I see." 

Jonah grabbed his white BCM Recce-14 and armed it with a magazine. He turned the safety off and loaded the gun.

"What're you doing?"

"Showing what happens when you misbehave."

Jonah lifted the rifle and pulled the trigger.




The corpse of the man fell over onto his back with blood sprayed against the walls of the Osprey.

USS Argo

"Is the jump team aboard!?"

"They have successfully boarded!"

"Took long enough!"


"What is it!?"

"You better slam the throttle because Ghidorah is heading straight for us!"

Diane Foster stumbled into the cockpit with a panicked look on her face. "GET OUT OF HERE, NOW!"

"ON IT!"


Rain pelted across their faces as they flew toward a black shape flying through the air. Stormy clouds thundered with lightning, lighting the Hydra with each flash in the darkness.


Ghidorah ignored the roar, he was focused on killing these pests. The more the Argo sped up the more the Hydra did, he was gaining on them.

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