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In 2016

It was dark, very dark, it seemingly was night. It was especially dark with the clouds blocking out any form of light that the night provided. It was also very cold from the wind, it blew at incredible rates from the storm, it whistled as it zipped by. The rain pelted down like needles, as if it was trying to penetrate every Kaiju's scales. The lightning gave a quick flash in the sky whenever it came about, it let out a loud booming thunder each time that it did so. The city was slowly collapsing, buildings crumbled upon impact, and every remaining structure that was still standing either crumbled or got flattened. Mothra eventually came by, she gave what fight she had until Rodan showed up. Rodan attacked Mothra and they brawled out, eventually it came to Rodan pinning Mothra down. It seemed like Rodan was going to tear Mothra's head off but it didn't come to that. It came to Mothra using her stinger and stabbing it into Rodan, defeating him. After Ghidorah had injured Godzilla and he needed time to heal, Mothra came to his rescue. It didn't end well for her though, she ended up getting killed by Ghidorah's gravity beams. Then the orca, which made such obnoxious noise, started making the same noises again, distracting Ghidorah. The human who had it tried to run but ended up getting killed also along with the destruction of the orca. 

"It's time to finish Godzilla off," Ichi hissed.

Just then Ghidorah heard Godzilla let out a roar, he could feel large amounts of radiation coming from behind him. He quickly turned around and saw Godzilla was up and seemed to be unscathed by all the injuries he had received just earlier. Godzilla also seemed to be pulsing with radiation, all the crevices of his scales were glowing with a red-orange. Ghidorah let out a roar, attempting to intimidate Godzilla. Ghidorah then charged up his gravity beams and fired them at Godzilla, Godzilla just kept on walking forward unfazed by Ghidorah's attack. Godzilla then let out a burst of his nuclear energy, the pulse radiated into the air, heading in all directions. Ghidorah covered himself with his wings, trying to protect himself from the attack but failed to do so. The pulse just burned up his wings, turning them to crisp leaving only the skeletal formations of them left. Ghidorah screeched in pain as he backed up. Godzilla went on forth and pinned Ghidorah to the ground with a foot. Ghidorah fell to the ground with a loud booming thud, he let out another screech, trying to intimidate Godzilla one last time. Godzilla just let out another burst of his nuclear energy in response. The pulse this time burned up Ghidorah's whole body, Ni's and Kevin's heads were obliterated in the process. Ichi then with one last panicked attempt fires his gravity beam, Godzilla in response just stomps his foot onto Ichi's neck, making Ichi unable to move. Godzilla then leaned down and clamped his jaws shut around the bottom of Ichi's neck, the black blood from the neck coating his jaws. Godzilla then lifted up the head into the air, now starting to charge up his atomic breath. Ichi then let out one last pained roar right before getting obliterated by Godzilla's atomic breath.

About 15 minutes later

The storm had left by this point, the sky was clear and the sun was now shining down its rays down to the wreckage of the city all over the place. Almost every structure had been destroyed, leaving piles of destruction where they used to stand. The air was still cold and the ground still moist. The radiation levels left from the Kaiju which had left by this point was still present. 

An Osprey flew through the air, the blades made a subtle whistling sound as they sliced through the air. The Osprey came to a stop and started to lower down to the ground. Inside the Osprey were Alan Jonah and a group of other eco-terrorists. 

"We're here, sir," Said the pilot.

"Good," Alan Jonah replied.

"So, what exactly are we here for?" Another eco-terrorist asked.

"To search for any remains of Ghidorah left," Jonah answered.

"After getting obliterated and disintegrated? I don't think there is anything left," The eco-terrorist replied.

"It's worth looking for anything that could be left," Jonah said firmly.

The Osprey now had landed onto the ground. The back door opened up, it went downwards forming a walkway for every to walk down on. 

"Let's get searching," Alan Jonah said.

The group walked down the ramp and stepped into the giant wreckage of the city. The group had walked to the area where Ghidorah had died and searched for anything that could be left. The group kept searching, they didn't find anything yet though, only parts from the buildings and dust.

"Hey! Jonah! I think I've found something!" An eco-terrorist called out.

"What is it?" Jonah asked as he walked over to the soldier who called out to him.

"It's some kind of; liquid," The eco-terrorist said in a confused tone.

The eco-terrorist had touched it with his glove, the black substance on the ground was cold, thick, and sticky. 

"It's Ghidorah's blood," Jonah said with satisfaction as he reached into his jacket's pocket.

Alan Jonah pulled out a syringe and placed the needle into the blood. He pulled on the back and sucked up the substance into the syringe. 

"We got what we came here for, let's leave," Jonah said.

The group nodded and followed Jonah back into the Osprey.

In 2024

Ever since 2019, Kevin's skull ended up getting taken by Apex Cybernetics and used for the creation of Mecha Godzilla. But, eventually Kevin's skull took control of the mech and used it for its own cause. It ended up breaking free and attacking Godzilla, it was going to win until Kong showed up though. Then after the brawl, the mech eventually got destroyed by Godzilla and Kong. Although the mech was destroyed, Kevin's skull was still intact. But the skull didn't matter much by this point, Alan Jonah was elsewhere with more important matters at hand.

Currently, in Isle De Mara (Outpost 56), Alan Jonah was performing a project that he was just about finished with. He had started all the way back in 2016, it took him eight years to get to this point. He chose to start his project from the very beginning in this place for a reason. He chose to work at Outpost 56 because the place was full of radiation. Radiation is deadly but Jonah and the rest of his eco-terrorists were safe from where they worked. The radiation was a vital part in this project. Why? It was simple, regeneration was the very thing that allowed Ghidorah to regenerate heads. For example, when Godzilla tore off Kevin's head, Ghidorah flew to Isle De Mara so he could get the radiation to regenerate the head. So, the regeneration was crucial in the process in recreating the Kaiju he was working on. He was capable of recreating a Kaiju because of the blood he had retrieved eight years back, it was used to clone the certain Kaiju that died. But now by this point, after eight years of hard work, he had done it. He had completed the recreation of Ghidorah.

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