First Encounter

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Darkness, coldness, short flashes of light. The storm raged on as the time went by. The sky has been fully succumbed to the dark gray clouds for hours on end. Flashes of lighting came up here and there, each time making a loud booming sound. The wind whistled, it was moving at a rate that would make the grains of sand fly around through the air. Rain pelted down through the clouds and took the long fall to the ground and the air was bone-chilling cold.

The Osprey's zipped by through the air, the blades whistled as they sliced through the night air. Inside the cockpit, there was a man who was piloting it, in the back Alan Jonah and the rest of his group of his eco-terrorists were waiting.

In Jonah's lap was the ORCA, it was emitting a sound that was meant to command the inhibitor chip in Ichi's brain to follow it.

Ghidorah's wings went up and down in a repeated motion, each time it made a whooshing sound. The scales were colored of a yellow, but in the storm it had a shade of grey casted over the body making it all the more intimidating. Also being accompanied by the yellow eyes that seemed to glow as he flew. His scales were wet from the rain that repeatedly pelted down onto their hide, each time the lightning flashed the scales lit up and even seemed to reflect the flash of the light from how shiny the scales were.

Ghidorah kept flying behind the Osprey's that flew forth, trapped to follow Jonah's bidding.

"How will we get free from this human?" Kevin asked.

"Kevin, I'm honestly not sure, and I don't know what he wants me to do either," Ichi answered.

"Why can't we just kill him?" Ni asked.

"Ni, don't you remember what happened the last time we tried?" Ichi replied back.

"Oh, yeah.." Ni said.

There was silence among the three heads as they kept flying behind the Osprey, all they could hear was the sound of the rain pelting down, the whistle of the wind, and the booming of the lightning.

"Ichi, I have a quick question," Kevin announced.

"Go on," Ichi said.

"What will we do once we get free from this human?" Kevin asked.

Ichi was silent upon hearing this. "Honestly, I don't know."

Kevin looked over to Ichi and saw the confusion that now was on his face.

"I never really thought about that before, what will I do with my life?" Ichi asked himself.

Ni rolled his eyes. "Easy answer mate, we destroy everything."

"Ugh, Ni shut up!" Ichi said angrily. "I do not want to destroy everything!"

"What else do you think there is to do!" Ni retorted back. "What other worth do we have!"

"Guys! Can we please not argue about this!" Kevin said worriedly.

"Kevin! Stay out of this, you have no place here!" Ni said angrily.

"Enough!" Ichi said angrily.

Suddenly Ni went silent. Kevin on the other hand was hurt by the words Ni said.

"Right now we are stuck to do a human's every bidding, we do not need more trouble to deal with, do you understand Ni?" Ichi firmly said.

Ni just gave a slight nod in response.


Alan Jonah.

Alan Jonah sat on the seat in an osprey with the ORCA in hand, swiping his finger across the blue screen, familiarizing himself with the settings. The rain pelted against the hull of the craft making a soft patter.

[CANCELLED] The Redemption of GhidorahOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora