Chapter 13

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Hey guys! I am sooooo sorry for not updating for more than a few months! It's been, what, six now? Sorry for that, I have just been finding it really hard to cope with school, family drama and wondering at every waking moment why I'm finding everything so boring now. I swear, school is just so much more harder now and I'm finding it real hard to concentrate.

I hope you guys enjoy this chapter! I had part of it written out for a few months, but I could never continue it.

I most likely will not do regular updates anymore, but this story is by no means abandoned. It's just hard coming up with what to write next.

Rest In Peace Queen Elizabeth II. You will be remembered for generations to come, and none have ruled as long or as great as you have.
October 8, 1991


Professor Snape was many things. He was the youngest Potions Master to live. He was a teacher at Hogwarts. He was a spy for both Albus Dumbledore and the Dark Lord, but he lays more trust in the Dark Lord. He was a godfather to two children.

He was not, by any means, stupid. He thought that much was obvious, but apparently the Headmaster thinks otherwise. Which is what leads us to his chambers, sitting across Quirrell.

Severus could hardly believe it, but at the same time was disappointed that he didn't expect it. This is the Headmaster of Hogwarts. He really should have expected it. But he hadn't.

Compulsion charms. That's what led Quirrell to act so oddly when he had presented himself to the other teachers when he was first applying for the DADA teaching position. Considering that he was originally a Muggle Studies professor, Severus had every right to be suspicious. And they were placed on him by none other than Dumbledore himself. Quirrell had explained to Severus that he had come to Hogwarts to get the Philosopher's Stone for the Dark Lord.  He was currently waiting at Malfoy Manor with his Horcruxes for the Stone so he could begin the ritual for a body. Once all of that was out of the way, Severus proposed a diagnosis for any charms or potions on Quirrell. He readily agreed to it, so Severus performed it on him. What he found was alarming in nature.

Diagnosis chart for Quirinus Quirrell:

• Compulsion Charm (placed by APWBD on 1 August, 1991) (broken)

Forgetfulness Potion (taken on 18 September, 1991) (active)

Performed by:
Severus Tobias Snape

The first thing he had done was brew a potion to counter the effects of the Forgetfulness Potion. Once Quirrell had taken it, his eyes became clearer and more attentive than Severus had ever seen.

Quirrell was quite furious when he remembered what was forgotten. He had been walking up to the Headmaster's office when he saw Minerva storming out. She hadn't even acknowledged him, just went right past him, muttering obscenities under her breath about Dumbledore as she went. He had wondered for a brief moment about that, when he heard murmurings from the office. Minerva had left the door slightly open, so Quirrell crept up to the door to listen in. What he found out made him dumbfounded. And quite possibly outraged.

Dumbledore knew. He knew that Charles Potter was NOT the Boy-Who-Lived. In fact, that title belonged to his mysterious twin, Hadrian Potter. Apparently, the boy's magical core had been abnormally large from a young age. Dumbledore did not like that and was afraid for his own future. So he told everyone that the Boy-Who-Lived was Charles Potter to make sure that Hadrian Potter was neglected and felt unloved so that his learning and growth would be stunted and that he felt no need to do much besides just sit and watch. But thankfully, that had backfired miserably since Severus Snape, Sirius Black and Remus Lupin had come to his aid, along with the house elves. He would have stayed longer, but he figured he had enough information, but just as he was about to leave, he was caught by Dumbledore as he suddenly looked up and saw Quirrell in the doorway. He ran to him and dragged Quirrell into the office, casting a wandless Silencing Charm. Once he had him in, he flicked his hand and the doors shut tight. A wandless Accio and he had a Forgetfulness Potion sliding down Quirrell's throat. Since Quirrell had no idea about this before, it was safe to assume that this is what he was forced to forget.

Hadrian Severus PotterWhere stories live. Discover now