Chapter 12

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October 11, 1991

Severus burst into the infirmary and laid his godson down on the nearest bed while yelling for the Healer, Madame Pomphrey. She came out and was about to ask what happened when she saw Harry. She gasped and went to the storage cupboard to get the Burn-Healing Potion. Technically it was a paste, but it was classified under Potions.

She quickly set to work once her colleague stripped Harry down to his boxers. She inwardly cringed at the damage that had already been inflicted, no doubt from a failed Potions class. She hurriedly smeared the paste across the burns and, once that was done, she performed the Pain-Relieving Charm, knowing that if he woke up he'd be in a lot of pain. Once that was done, she magicked some hospital clothes onto him, closed the curtain around her patient and faced the boy's godfather.

"What happened?"

Severus scowled as he explained. "Mr. Potter and Mr. Weasley decided it would be a good idea to put in a porcupine quill into Harry and Zabini's cauldron while it was still on the fire. No doubt they had meant to cause him harm as the ingredient wasn't even needed for this particular potion," he spat out, furious that his godson had to pay the price for the stupidity that the two brats had in excessive amounts.

Poppy sighed, quite annoyed. Of course something had to happen to the poor boy. He seemed to be getting a lot of injuries this week, and all of them were caused by none other than his own brother. She knew, from experience, that Harry did not like to be holed up and bedridden for longer than a day. If the burns were bad, he would need to stay for at least a week. She knew the boy wouldn't complain, but he would no doubt become extremely bored with nothing to do.


October 18, 1991

Dumbledore was furious, to say the least.

He had made a plan with Charles and his friend, Mr. Weasley, to make Hadrian Potter's life miserable. It had ended with Mr. Potter going to the infirmary for a week, which was what they had been planning for. A few hexes and insults that lead up to more serious things, like jinxing him in the hallways and causing injuries. Then it had increased to a dire situation in which he hoped the brat would be sent home at some point or even withdraw if necessary. But the brat was too persistent and his godfather was much too protective of him. The insufferable child wouldn't even have a scar to show for the potions accident!

The boy would be released from the infirmary today if his sources were correct. He decided he would call the boy up to his office after supper. He would have to make sure Severus did not catch on. He would plant the idea that going to the third-floor corridor would be a good idea.

Dumbledore knew that Charles was not the so-called 'Boy-Who-Lived'. That title was his brother's. He had done a magical core scan on the two of them, and he found that, while Charles's core was that of a normal one-year-old's, Hadrian's core was far larger and brighter than any one-year-old's. He knew that the boy would be a threat to him once he grew older, and so he did the only thing he could: make him be neglected enough to stunt his learning and growth.

But he had miserably failed in that task. Not only that, but he had also lost the favour of Black, Lupin and Snape. Each interaction he made with them was cold, sharp and curt with the bare minimum spoken. He suspected that they had figured out. Even Minerva had become suspicious. Dumbledore had asked at each meeting how the Potter twins were doing. What he heard and found was not what he had expected. And he didn't like it either.

Charles was, to put it frankly, one of the worst students in the first-year batch this year. He didn't pay attention, his work was sloppy at best and his spell work left something to be desired. Dumbledore had wanted him to know at least a few good spells, but he apparently wasn't even capable of doing the simplest of spells.

Hadrian Severus PotterWhere stories live. Discover now